Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Gulf Gusher Coverage Entering Agenda-Pushing Phase

Maybe what they are reporting is the truth (although given their track record I am dubious); however, I simply no longer believe what my lying, agenda-pushing MSM tells me anymore, readers -- on this issue or any other.

"Gulf oil spill recovery efforts may be entering a new phase; Focus shifting to long-term effects" by Harry R. Weber, Associated Press | July 31, 2010

Ummmmm, don't YOU determine the FOCUS, MSM?

And if not, that means.... oh.

BILOXI, Miss. — BP’s new boss says it’s time for a “scale back’’ in cleaning up the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. Federal officials say there is no way the crude could reach the East Coast. And fishing areas are starting to reopen....

Yeah, it is almost as if things are back to normal.

Boston Sunday Globe Says Gulf Coast All Clean

Quick Dip In the Oil Slick

No, no, I'll pass on the
seafood, thanks.

Local fishermen are doubtful, however, and say oil remains a bigger problem than BP and the federal government are letting on.

That's been the theme of this whole thing, and I know who I believe.

Other people contend the impact of the spill has been overblown....

Okay, fine' I'll stop worrying about this and turn my attention back to the wars.

Efforts to permanently plug the gusher had been expected to begin as early as Sunday, but the government’s point man for the spill said yesterday that those plans hit a snag.

Crews found debris in the bottom of the relief well that ultimately will be used to plug the leak for good, retired Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen said. The debris must be fished out before crews can begin a procedure known as a static kill that will make the rest of the job easier.

Okay, so that is all the gunk they pumped in earlier or.... ?

What this tells us is what bloggers have been saying all along: deep down the whole well has been compromised and the stuff is now leaking through the sea floor.

And why are they trying another "top" or "static" kill when the others didn't work?

These types of stories are about getting this issue to go away for the upcoming political season because it would really spoil the mood of politics.

The sediment settled in the relief well last week when crews popped in a plug to keep it safe ahead of Tropical Storm Bonnie. Removing it will take 24 to 36 hours and probably push the kill back to Tuesday, Allen said.


There had been fears that the massive spill could reach South Florida and the East Coast through a powerful loop current, but federal officials said yesterday that earlier reports that some oil had reached the current were wrong.

Translation: It already has.

Of course, if any washes up on your beach it wasn't from the Gulf.

That's what government will say.


Heck, we even have GREEN SHOOTS down there!

"Gulf’s recovery may rest with marsh grass" by David A. Fahrenthold, Washington Post | August 2, 2010

ON TAMBOUR BAY, La. — In the next act of the drama of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, two of the most important heroes don’t look like heroes. They are just thin green stalks, sticking out of blackened patches of grass....

How mind-bogglingly sad is it that ALL YOUR "news" is a STAGED and SCRIPTED PRODUCTION, America?

What happens next — whether these two grasses rebound or vanish — will be a very important piece of the gulf’s larger environmental story. Now that the well has been capped, the next question is whether marsh and marine ecosystems can shrug off the oil’s damage, or whether it will leave them with lasting wounds.

Sort of like I shrug off an AmeriKan MSM newspaper report, huh?

“Many of us are much more worried about the marsh than we are about fish and shrimp and all that,’’ said Denise Reed, a wetlands expert at the University of New Orleans. “If those plants die, they don’t come back. And the marsh is gone.’’

Louisiana’s coastal marshes are vital to ecosystems that extend far into deep, open water: They shelter juvenile shrimp, crabs, and fish until these creatures are large enough to venture into open water. For these places, grasses are as vital as water. Their roots hold the land together, giving support to loose, wet sediment that would otherwise erode....

If a blade is hit by oil, it could die by smothering: The crude could coat the blade and cut off the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide that plants depend on for photosynthesis. If oil hasn’t been “weathered’’ by the sun and bacteria, the grass could take toxins in through its roots.

Or the oil could sink into the sediments around the plant’s roots and upset the chemical balances the plant depends on, or kill the tiny crabs and worms whose burrowing allows needed oxygen to reach those roots.

And all those toxins and chemicals come right along with it!

Thankfully, this is not wimpy grass. Scientists say many oiled plants will simply shed dead stalks and put up new ones. If those are killed by another slug of oil, it will put up others.

You know what then?


Time to REFOCUS on the WARS!

It’s already happening. One recent day, Alexander Kolker of the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium went out onto the state’s Barataria Bay to look at heavily oiled patches of grass. In among the black, he said, there were little spots of green.

Remember when government and MSM claimed the economy had green shoots?

They rotted right quick -- if they were ever there at all.


Oh, well, a MSM photo proves it.

But at least GOVERNMENT is PASSING LAWS they can later WAIVE so rest easy, America!

This corrupt and stinking corpse of a Congress is looking out for you!

Of course, if they were REALLY LOOKING OUT FOR YOU this would have NEVER HAPPENED!

"House approves bill with new safeguards for oil rigs; Markey wrote some of key provisions" by Matt Viser, Globe Staff | July 31, 2010

WASHINGTON — The House yesterday responded to the worst oil spill in the nation’s history by narrowly approving legislation that imposes new safeguards on oil rigs and could enable the federal government to recoup as much as $53 billion from companies that obtained royalty-free oil leases.

The passage was a victory for Representative Edward Markey, the Malden Democrat who authored some of the key provisions, including the effort to recoup royalties.

“Families and businesses in the gulf who have been suffering for over 100 days from BP’s oil spill disaster can take some comfort tonight knowing Congress has acted to protect them from future oil spills,’’ Markey said.

The bill passed 209 to 193. The close vote highlighted a partisan split over how to respond to the oil spill. Of those voting for the bill, 207 were Democrats and two were Republicans; 154 Republicans and 39 Democrats voted against it. The Senate could take up a similar measure next week.

Hey, the way the Democrats talk you expect such things from Repuglicans, but.....

Related: BP Bought Congress

Yeah, that includes Democrats and Obama.

The bill also removes the $75 million cap on economic damages paid by oil companies and imposes new “conservation’’ fees on oil and gas extracted from federal lands.

Ever hear of Article I, Section 9 of the Constitution?

"No bill of attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed."

See you in court, Congress.

See: Obama Lets BP Off Hook For Oil Spill

Hey, it's the law!

Republican opponents said the bill would add taxes that would stifle the fragile economy. They also said the new regulations could discourage oil production in the gulf, one of the chief domestic energy sources and one that creates jobs throughout the coast.

“This legislation will kill jobs, raise taxes, and increase federal spending,’’ said Representative Doc Hastings, a Washington Republican. “Democrats are exploiting the oil spill as an excuse to . . . increase greater bureaucratic regulations.’’

Jack Gerard, president of the American Petroleum Institute, blasted the legislation.

“This is an antijobs, anticonsumer, and anti-energy bill,’’ Gerard said. “Instead of addressing the risks of offshore development by improving safety and establishing a robust system for covering the costs of possible future accidents, this bill effectively bans development and sends thousands of workers in offshore communities to the unemployment lines.’’

What false choices of fear we find ourselves in -- if the MSM frames the "debate."


“If you want to apologize for Big Oil, go right ahead, but the American people are not on your side on this one,’’ Representative James P. McGovern, the Democrat from Worcester, said on the House floor.

Markey has worked for years to try to pass legislation to force oil companies to recoup royalties on oil leases....

Why did it take so long?

Another provision would add protections to whistle-blowers. There is no protection for oil and gas workers if employers retaliate against them after they speak out on workplace or health and safety violations on drilling rigs. Several workers had criticized the conditions on BP’s Deep- water Horizon rig....

Notice how the MSM never delves to deeply into the what whistleblowing workers have to say?

Related: Obama's liberal critics find their voice

Yeah, no help there.


Related: Pelosi Blocks Oil Spill Investigation

Yeah, Globe covered that up pretty good, huh?