Thursday, June 16, 2011

Kenyan Collapse

Only giving you what the BG gives me, dear readers. 

That was one of the missions when I began blogging: to give YOU, the READER, what I, the AmeriKan citizen, was receiving for news about YOU and YOUR PART of the WORLD.

Now, you can decide for yourself if I am being well-served by New England's flagship paper. 

Have they done a good job telling me about where you live?

"BUILDING COLLAPSES -- At least two people were killed and 14 remained missing after a six-story building under construction collapsed yesterday on the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya (Boston Globe June 15, 2011)."  

The first thing I think of when I see building collapses is the controlled drop-downs on 9/11; however, I would never have seen this photograph had I not purchased a paper. 

I'd say the coverage has also collapsed, but there was never much to begin with anyway.  It's a war paper, Kenya pretty much an ally serving empire, and if they were not we would certainly see a lot more of them in the paper.