Sunday, May 13, 2012

Kansas Krap

I had no idea Kansas was an Islamic state.

"Anti-Shariah bill advances in Kansas"Associated Press, May 12, 2012

TOPEKA, Kan. - A bill designed to prevent Kansas courts or government agencies from making decisions based on Islamic or other foreign legal codes has cleared the state Legislature after a contentious debate about whether the measure upholds American values or appeals to prejudice against Muslims.  

See how it applies to Jews. That is the real test.

The Senate approved the bill Friday on a 33-to-3 vote. The House had approved it, 120 to 0, earlier in the week. The measure goes next to Republican Governor Sam Brownback, who hasn’t said whether he will sign the measure.

The measure does not specifically mention Shariah law, which broadly refers to codes within the Islamic legal system. Instead, it says that courts, administrative agencies, or state tribunals can’t base rulings on any foreign law or legal system that would not grant the parties the same cannot guaranteed by state and US constitutions.  

When government wants to give you those rights, of course. Nothing stopping them from violating them, you know.

But several supporters specifically cited the potential use of Shariah law in Kansas as their concern. Though there are no known cases in which a Kansas judge has based a ruling on Islamic law, supporters of the bill cited a pending case in Sedgwick County in which a man seeking to divorce his wife has asked for property to be divided under a prenuptial agreement in line with Shariah law.

The bill passed both chambers by wide margins because even some legislators who were skeptical of it believed it was broad and bland enough that it didn’t represent a specific political attack on Muslims.

Imagine what would have happened had it attacked Jews.


This next item sure does stink:

"Man held in Kan. bomb probe

TOPEKA, Kan. - Sev­eral home­made bombs were found yes­ter­day in a pickup truck parked near the Kansas State House that had specialty license plates issued only to US military paratroop­ers, and po­lice said they arrested the owner in­side an under­ground tunnel connecting the Capitol to an office building.

Capitol Po­lice spokesman Patrick Saleh said the in­cident was not connected to an­oth­er arrest yes­ter­day of a man who al­legedly phoned in a threat to Gover­nor Sam Brownback’s office from a Topeka mo­tel.

“Nei­ther one of them was armed, and nei­ther of them offered any resistance,’’ Saleh said.

Saleh said offi­cers went to inves­tigate the pickup af­ter receiving a call from a state employee about it be­ing parked in a re­stricted lot out­side the Kansas Ju­dicial Center, south of the State House, with­out the normal state worker tag. An offi­cer saw suspicious objects in­side, including an empty gun holster, and au­thor­ities called in the Topeka Po­lice De­part­ment’s bomb squad.

Saleh said the home­made explosives were made with house­hold ma­te­rials and designed to spray shrapnel once they were det­o­nated. He did not have fur­ther details, but called them “actual explosives.’’

But, he added, “Ev­erybody in the building was safe.’’

Offi­cers arrested the pickup’s owner in­side a tunnel used by leg­is­lators, state of­ficials, lobbyists, and oth­ers to go be­tween the State House and a state office building. Saleh said the man claimed to have an ap­point­ment in the building, but none was veri­fied. Saleh did not have information about the man’s identity.  

WTF?!?!!!!!  He doesn't bring the bombs in and they don't know who he is?

The man was be­ing questioned by agents from the Bu­reau of Alcohol, Tobacco Firearms and Explosives, Saleh said.

The discovery of the pickup truck led au­thor­ities to temporarily block traff­ic and access to the parking lot. The black Ford, with no hood and a beat-up front grill, re­mained in the Ju­dicial Center parking lot yes­ter­day af­ter­noon, set off by a po­lice car and or­ange cones.

The truck had a specialty Florida license plate issued only to quali­fied paratroop­ers. It also had a Special Forces sticker on its bumper and stickers on its back window saying, “Wel­come to America. Now speak En­glish’’ and “Does my American flag offend you? Call 1 800 LEAVE THE USA.’’

Ahhh, if you can't love the tyranny because of the Muslim threat(?), maybe the right-wing straw man set up by government will do the trick!!

The As­sociated Press at­tempted to check the license plate number with the Florida High­way Patrol, but of­ficials dec­lined to pro­vide information about the vehicle’s owner.

“We would not be able to re­lease that because of an ongo­ing inves­tigation they’ve got go­ing on out there,’’ Lieu­tenant Jeff Frost said.  

Since when?

This is the kind of thing government says when it is hiding something. 

Just another PSYOP on the Amurkn people, huh?

The pickup in­cident and the phoned-in threat to Brownback’s office came the same day a Kansas House committee opened three days of hearings on sev­eral bills designed to crack down on il­le­gal im­migration, backed by Sec­retary of State Kris Kobach, a for­mer law pro­fessor who helped draft tough laws in Al­abama and Arizona.

But Saleh said nei­ther arrest was connected to a co­inciding rally at the State House that was protest­ing policies pursued by Brownback, Kobach, and oth­er Re­publican of­ficials.  

 Yes, this incident is getting stranger by the sentence.  CUI BONO?

The oth­er man was arrested at a Mo­tel 6 in Topeka with­in minutes of making calls to Brownback’s office yes­ter­day morning and is be­ing held in the local jail on suspicion of ha­rass­ment by tele­phone, Saleh said. He is 37 and has no perma­nent address, but his last known home was Columbia, Mo.

Saleh said the man told offi­cers he was planning to move to Salina, about 100 miles west of Topeka, but au­thor­ities could not find an address for him there. Saleh said the gover­nor’s office pin­pointed his location through caller ID.

He de­scribed the man as “rant­ing’’ but said his com­ments were threat­ening enough for Brownback’s staff to call au­thor­ities. The gover­nor’s office re­ferred calls about the in­cident to the Kansas High­way Patrol, which over­sees the Capitol Po­lice.


Never saw another word about it in my Globe, and I look at one every day. 

Also see: Convicted murderer captured after Kansas jailbreak

"Plane crash kills recent graduates" Associated Press, May 13, 2012

CHANUTE - Three recent graduates of Oral Roberts University and a former business instructor were killed when a small airplane crashed in Kansas, according to a local newspaper. The Tulsa World reported that a fifth person, also an Oral Roberts graduate, was badly injured when the twin-engine Cessna crashed Friday evening northwest of Chanute. A National Transportation Safety Board spokesman said the eight-seat plane departed left Tulsa headed to Council Bluffs, Iowa, and lost contact with air traffic control."