Sunday, June 3, 2012

Obama Tells Polish Joke

I can't tell you how many years it has been that I have had to smile and laugh at jokes I've found offensive my whole life.

I was bullied, folks, and no one gave a shit.

"Obama apologizes for Polish gaffe" ASSOCIATED PRESS, June 02, 2012

WARSAW - President Obama has written a letter to the Polish president expressing “regret’’ for an inadvertent verbal gaffe that caused controversy in Poland this week.

On Tuesday, Obama used the expression “a Polish death camp’’ while honoring a Polish World War II resistance hero rather than wording that would have made clear that he meant a death camp that Nazi Germany ran on Polish soil during its wartime occupation of Poland.

Warsaw has been waging a campaign for years against phrases such as “Polish death camps’’ to refer to Auschwitz, Treblinka, and other German killing sites.  

Yes, I remember because my Zionist prism called media will never let me forget.  

The language deeply offends Polish sensitivities because Poles not only had no role in running the camps, but were considered racially inferior by Germans and were slain in them in huge numbers.

Obama made the verbal slip-up while posthumously awarding the Medal of Freedom to Jan Karski, a resistance hero.


Also not funny:

"Walesa says today’s Solidarity deserves a beating" Associated Press, May 17, 2012

WARSAW - The former president of Poland, Lech Walesa, said Wednesday that members of Solidarity, the trade union he once led, deserve to be beaten for a disruptive protest they staged last week in Warsaw.  

Last week, Solidarity led a picket for days in front of Parliament to protest a law raising the retirement age. After the bill passed, enraged Solidarity activists prevented lawmakers from leaving, and a scuffle ensued.

Walesa, 68, said elected lawmakers must be respected and Prime Minister Donald Tusk should have dealt firmly with the protesters.


Once again, I'm not laughing.