The Nigerian Narrative
The release of the girls didn't fit it so the government retracted it?
Grooming Nigeria For Invasion
Wedding Photos From Nigeria
Nigerian Wedding Reception
The veil of propaganda must have once again fallen because now there is talk of a deal (after EUSraeli forces and advisors, blah, blah, have been positioned)! How extremely lucky, 'eh?
"Cambridge rally held to call for Nigerian students’ return" by Gal Tziperman Lotan | Globe Correspondent May 11, 2014
CAMBRIDGE — People in the crowd, some wearing red and holding signs that read #BringBackOurGirls, the social media rallying cry of the movement to rescue the schoolgirls, gathered to talk about the kidnapping and share what they, as people living in the United States, could do to help.
“I’m not a very passionate person, but this upsets me, because we could do more,” Irele, an apprentice teacher at the Shady Hill School, said after the rally.
Carol R. Johnson, Boston’s former superintendent of schools, told the crowd that the kidnapping was an attack on education, tolerance, and open-mindedness. She encouraged people who care about the issue to work together and speak out.
“The fight will only be sustained if our voices are there to make it happen,” Johnson said.
More than 300 students were kidnapped from a school in the town of Chibok, in northeastern Nigeria, in mid-April. The leader of Boko Haram, a Nigerian terrorist network whose name roughly translates to “Western education is a sin,” took responsibility for the kidnapping in a 57-minute video.
“Western education should end,” Abubakar Shekau said in the video, according to the Associated Press. “Girls, you should go and get married.”
And who could ever doubt all that, huh?
Nigerian police told the Associated Press that 53 of the students have escaped Boko Haram, but 276 are still being held.
Some of the girls may have been forced to marry their abductors, who paid $12 per bride. There have been reports that some may be in the neighboring countries of Cameroon and Chad. In his video, Shekau threatened to “sell them in the market,” the Associated Press report said.
Amnesty International estimated that about 1,500 people, more than half of them civilians, have been killed in clashes between Boko Haram and Nigeria’s security forces from January to the end of March.
On the Cambridge Common, rally organizers distributed pamphlets detailing ways in which people can help: Talk about the kidnapped students to anyone who will listen, both in person and on Twitter; sign a petition; ask elected officials to pressure Nigeria; donate to organizations like the Campaign for Female Education.
Another ca$h grab attached to the pulling of hearts strings!
Rally organizer Vanessa E. Beary , a doctoral candidate at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, said, “It’s a crime, it’s an outrage,” she said. “This event in and of itself is symbolic of issues in many parts of the world, whether it’s a group of women being kidnapped or whether it’s the systematic denial of education to girls in Afghanistan and Pakistan.”
She went to Harvard, huh?
And ABOUT THOSE DRONE STRIKES signed off on by the president that has killed women and children? Hello?!
Last week she sat looking for a rally, a demonstration, a way to get involved.
I'm sorry I no longer trust the altruism of an agenda-pu$hing paper.
She wanted to attend something on Sunday, because it was Mother’s Day....
This propaganda was really choreographed well! What timing for this!
Beary said she was bothered by things she read about the movement online, criticizing Twitter activism as passive and ineffective.
All my tweets are here, and judging by the hits they are far from ineffective.
“I don’t consider this passive. I now know how to organize a rally in my own community. I’ve never done this before,” she said. “We’re collectively taking ownership [of the issue] today, and I know these conversations are going to continue.”
Mary Twieraga of Plymouth, with her daughter Mia, approached Beary when the rally was over to thank her for organizing it. “This is the only thing I wanted for Mother’s Day,” she said.
I'm going to give you more:
"Search for Nigerian girls gets boost; Security experts, negotiators come from other nations" by Haruna Umar | Associated Press May 12, 2014
BAUCHI, Nigeria — The international effort to rescue the 276 schoolgirls being held captive by Islamic extremists in northeastern Nigeria is getting a further boost with the expected arrival this week of US hostage negotiators and other security specialists from Britain, France, China, and Spain.
Britain, Nigeria’s former colonial ruler, has said it hopes the international response will halt the five-year-old Islamic uprising that has killed thousands of Muslims and Christians and has driven some 750,000 people from their homes.
But Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel cautioned Sunday that it is ‘‘going to be very difficult’’ to find the missing girls. In an interview with ABC’s ‘‘This Week,’’ he said ‘‘ It’s a vast country. . . . But we’re going to bring to bear every asset we can possibly use to help the Nigerian government.’’
Related: Chuck Hagel open to policy look on transgenders
That is going to be difficult, too.
What that tells you is despite the talk of troop drawdowns: "the Army plans to reduce its fighting force — a reflection of budget cuts (had it with the lies yet?)" there is either something big coming up, or more likely, AmeriKa is losing the wars. This is what losers do, grab on to any able-bodied adult they can find.
The Pentagon previously sent a team to Lagos to assess what the Nigerian military needs that the United States could provide in the search.
And now, the confirmation of the false narrative.
The office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday that he spoke with President Jonathan Goodluck of Nigeria and told him: ‘‘We are ready to assist in locating the girls and fighting the brutal terrorism inflicted on you.’’
It did not elaborate on what kind of assistance Israel is offering. Israel has security relations with Nigeria as well as other African nations, including Kenya, which Israel helped with security advisers in the Nairobi mall attack last September.
Whenever Israel is involved, everything is suspect. Too many false flags and lies for far too long. Especially when it is their mouthpiece of a media promoting the narrative.
Related: Kenyan Incompetence
Another staged and scripted fraud and hoax. Near tears now!!
Security expert Darlington Abdullah, a former commodore with the Nigerian air force, warned that militants may have laid land mines to discourage any pursuit.
At the United Nations, the Security Council last week called for Boko Haram, the Islamist militant group that captured the girls, to be held accountable for what may amount to crimes against humanity. In a statement approved by all 15 members, the Security Council expressed ‘‘profound outrage’’ at the abduction.
May? And why aren't they already under sanction? $mells like a covert western intelligence operation.
Who could ever doubt the authenticity of propaganda pre$$ photos, 'eh?
THE KIDNAPPING of scores of girls from a school in the town of
Chibok, apparently by the radical Islamist group Boko Haram, has opened
many Nigerians’ eyes to the troubles in the predominantly Muslim north
of their country. The kidnapping, along with a botched government
response, sparked widespread protests. Outrage only increased after one
of the protest leaders was detained,
allegedly at the request of Nigeria’s first lady, Prudence Jonathan. In
fact, the protesters should be applauded for their courage, and for
their ingenuity in drawing attention to the girls’ plight.
Look at this! The Globe approving and supporting a protest!
The US government, properly, has offered to send military and law enforcement officials to help free the girls, a move welcomed by President Goodluck Jonathan. Meanwhile, greater scrutiny, both from inside and outside Nigeria, should give a troubled government more incentive to operate professionally, both in the Chibok case and on a range of other problems.
Boko Haram, whose name translates roughly to “western education is forbidden,” is a uniquely disturbing group. It has routinely targeted schools, and earlier this month killed over 200 people in an attack on a village. This week, leader Abubakar Shekau circulated a video that reportedly showed some of the captured girls. In it, he repeated a threat to sell them into slavery unless some Boko Haram fighters in government custody were freed.
To date, the Nigerian government has been ineffective at containing Boko Haram, and officials’ heavy-handedness has only exacerbated some deeper social grievances. The army has often been accused of extrajudicial killings. Only a trickle of the country’s vast oil wealth makes its way north. Much more ends up lining the pockets of corrupt businessmen and politicians.
The protesters have attracted worldwide attention through their Twitter hashtag, #BringBackOurGirls. Even as protesters hope for the best outcome for the kidnap victims, they’ve shown their own influence, and working to increase government accountability more broadly is a logical next step.
This is smelling like another kon job.
Wedding Photos From Nigeria
Nigerian Wedding Reception
The veil of propaganda must have once again fallen because now there is talk of a deal (after EUSraeli forces and advisors, blah, blah, have been positioned)! How extremely lucky, 'eh?
"Cambridge rally held to call for Nigerian students’ return" by Gal Tziperman Lotan | Globe Correspondent May 11, 2014
CAMBRIDGE — People in the crowd, some wearing red and holding signs that read #BringBackOurGirls, the social media rallying cry of the movement to rescue the schoolgirls, gathered to talk about the kidnapping and share what they, as people living in the United States, could do to help.
“I’m not a very passionate person, but this upsets me, because we could do more,” Irele, an apprentice teacher at the Shady Hill School, said after the rally.
Carol R. Johnson, Boston’s former superintendent of schools, told the crowd that the kidnapping was an attack on education, tolerance, and open-mindedness. She encouraged people who care about the issue to work together and speak out.
“The fight will only be sustained if our voices are there to make it happen,” Johnson said.
More than 300 students were kidnapped from a school in the town of Chibok, in northeastern Nigeria, in mid-April. The leader of Boko Haram, a Nigerian terrorist network whose name roughly translates to “Western education is a sin,” took responsibility for the kidnapping in a 57-minute video.
“Western education should end,” Abubakar Shekau said in the video, according to the Associated Press. “Girls, you should go and get married.”
And who could ever doubt all that, huh?
Nigerian police told the Associated Press that 53 of the students have escaped Boko Haram, but 276 are still being held.
Some of the girls may have been forced to marry their abductors, who paid $12 per bride. There have been reports that some may be in the neighboring countries of Cameroon and Chad. In his video, Shekau threatened to “sell them in the market,” the Associated Press report said.
Amnesty International estimated that about 1,500 people, more than half of them civilians, have been killed in clashes between Boko Haram and Nigeria’s security forces from January to the end of March.
On the Cambridge Common, rally organizers distributed pamphlets detailing ways in which people can help: Talk about the kidnapped students to anyone who will listen, both in person and on Twitter; sign a petition; ask elected officials to pressure Nigeria; donate to organizations like the Campaign for Female Education.
Another ca$h grab attached to the pulling of hearts strings!
Rally organizer Vanessa E. Beary , a doctoral candidate at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, said, “It’s a crime, it’s an outrage,” she said. “This event in and of itself is symbolic of issues in many parts of the world, whether it’s a group of women being kidnapped or whether it’s the systematic denial of education to girls in Afghanistan and Pakistan.”
She went to Harvard, huh?
And ABOUT THOSE DRONE STRIKES signed off on by the president that has killed women and children? Hello?!
Last week she sat looking for a rally, a demonstration, a way to get involved.
I'm sorry I no longer trust the altruism of an agenda-pu$hing paper.
She wanted to attend something on Sunday, because it was Mother’s Day....
This propaganda was really choreographed well! What timing for this!
Beary said she was bothered by things she read about the movement online, criticizing Twitter activism as passive and ineffective.
All my tweets are here, and judging by the hits they are far from ineffective.
“I don’t consider this passive. I now know how to organize a rally in my own community. I’ve never done this before,” she said. “We’re collectively taking ownership [of the issue] today, and I know these conversations are going to continue.”
Mary Twieraga of Plymouth, with her daughter Mia, approached Beary when the rally was over to thank her for organizing it. “This is the only thing I wanted for Mother’s Day,” she said.
I'm going to give you more:
"Search for Nigerian girls gets boost; Security experts, negotiators come from other nations" by Haruna Umar | Associated Press May 12, 2014
BAUCHI, Nigeria — The international effort to rescue the 276 schoolgirls being held captive by Islamic extremists in northeastern Nigeria is getting a further boost with the expected arrival this week of US hostage negotiators and other security specialists from Britain, France, China, and Spain.
Britain, Nigeria’s former colonial ruler, has said it hopes the international response will halt the five-year-old Islamic uprising that has killed thousands of Muslims and Christians and has driven some 750,000 people from their homes.
But Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel cautioned Sunday that it is ‘‘going to be very difficult’’ to find the missing girls. In an interview with ABC’s ‘‘This Week,’’ he said ‘‘ It’s a vast country. . . . But we’re going to bring to bear every asset we can possibly use to help the Nigerian government.’’
Related: Chuck Hagel open to policy look on transgenders
That is going to be difficult, too.
What that tells you is despite the talk of troop drawdowns: "the Army plans to reduce its fighting force — a reflection of budget cuts (had it with the lies yet?)" there is either something big coming up, or more likely, AmeriKa is losing the wars. This is what losers do, grab on to any able-bodied adult they can find.
The Pentagon previously sent a team to Lagos to assess what the Nigerian military needs that the United States could provide in the search.
And now, the confirmation of the false narrative.
The office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday that he spoke with President Jonathan Goodluck of Nigeria and told him: ‘‘We are ready to assist in locating the girls and fighting the brutal terrorism inflicted on you.’’
It did not elaborate on what kind of assistance Israel is offering. Israel has security relations with Nigeria as well as other African nations, including Kenya, which Israel helped with security advisers in the Nairobi mall attack last September.
Whenever Israel is involved, everything is suspect. Too many false flags and lies for far too long. Especially when it is their mouthpiece of a media promoting the narrative.
Related: Kenyan Incompetence
Another staged and scripted fraud and hoax. Near tears now!!
Security expert Darlington Abdullah, a former commodore with the Nigerian air force, warned that militants may have laid land mines to discourage any pursuit.
At the United Nations, the Security Council last week called for Boko Haram, the Islamist militant group that captured the girls, to be held accountable for what may amount to crimes against humanity. In a statement approved by all 15 members, the Security Council expressed ‘‘profound outrage’’ at the abduction.
May? And why aren't they already under sanction? $mells like a covert western intelligence operation.
Who could ever doubt the authenticity of propaganda pre$$ photos, 'eh?
Or their videos?
"Video appears to show kidnapped Nigerian girls praying; Jihadists demand release of inmates across Nigeria" by Adam Nossiter | New York Times May 13, 2014
MAIDUGURI, Nigeria — A new clue about the fate of hundreds of girls kidnapped by an Islamist extremist group in Nigeria emerged Monday with the release of a video apparently showing many of the girls and new threats to “sell them” and “hold them as slaves” until Boko Haram members are released from prison.
After the pffft, I started laughing!
After the pffft, I started laughing!
If genuine, it would be the first public glimpse of the girls since they were seized on April 14 from a school in Chibok, an isolated village some 80 miles from this regional capital in Nigeria’s far northeast, where an Islamist insurgency has bedeviled the authorities for years.
That's one hell of an if, because it is anything but!
That's one hell of an if, because it is anything but!
The video shows dozens of girls dressed in hijabs — head scarves and long gowns that cover their bodies but reveal their faces. They are praying and seated cross-legged in the type of scrub land that is pervasive in this region, not far from the Sahara.
Related: ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ photos on Twitter are not of missing Nigerians
You can't believe what you see in the AmeriKan ma$$ media.
Related: ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ photos on Twitter are not of missing Nigerians
You can't believe what you see in the AmeriKan ma$$ media.
One of the girls is shown reciting the opening of the Koran; three express allegiance to Islam; two say they had converted from Christianity.
It was impossible to fully authenticate the video, and one parent reached in Chibok said nobody there had seen it because there is no electricity, much less Internet access.
The video contains a disjointed, ranting message from Boko Haram’s leader, Abubakar Shekau, in Hausa and Arabic. In it, he acknowledges the worldwide attention the kidnappings have drawn.
I was told he spoke English in the last video.
I was told he spoke English in the last video.
“Just because we kidnapped these young girls, you are making noise? Allah has blessed most of them with accepting Islam,” he says. “You are making so much noise about Chibok, Chibok, Chibok. Only Allah knows how many women we are holding.”
He repeated the slavery threat he made in a video released a week ago. “There are many verses in the Koran that allows the seizing of slaves. Abduction of slaves is allowed,” he said. “It exists.’’
Nothing like an radical adherent giving Islam a bad name! What CRAP!!!
Nothing like an radical adherent giving Islam a bad name! What CRAP!!!
The schools in this region had been closed for weeks before the kidnapping because of Boko Haram attacks. But the girls had come back to the Chibok government school to take an exam and were staying overnight.
The Islamists overpowered what little police protection the town had and seized more than 300 girls. About 50 were later able to flee their captors.
A worldwide effort has begun to try to rescue them, with the United States, France, Britain and most recently Israel pledging to help. The Nigerian military has waged an aggressive, at times brutal, offensive in the region, but so far it has proved unable to make any advances toward the girls’ recovery.
This movie sucks!
This movie sucks!
In Monday’s video, Shekau apparently offered a hint about what might induce him to release the girls from Boko Haram’s clutches.
“We will never release them until our brethren are released,” he said. “Our brethren that are held in Borno, in Yobe, in Kano, in Kaduna, in Abuja, in Lagos and Enugu. Our brethren that are held all over Nigeria,” Shekau said.
The Nigerian government has not acknowledged any negotiation with the group, though one high official in the north has said some type of bargaining appears to be going on.
Translation: The EUSraelis already have their forces in there now, and they need a gracious way out of this fraudulent fiction.
Translation: The EUSraelis already have their forces in there now, and they need a gracious way out of this fraudulent fiction.
It is not known how many suspected Boko Haram members are detained by security forces. Hundreds were killed last month when Shekau’s fighters stormed the military’s main northeastern barracks in Maiduguri, the terror group’s birthplace and the headquarters of a year-old military state of emergency to put down the 5-year-old Islamic uprising.
The United States put a $7 million ransom on Shekau last year.
The US team assisting in the search for the girls consists of some 30 people drawn from the State and Defense departments, the White House said Monday. Among them are five State Department officials, two strategic communications experts, a civil security expert, and a regional medical support officer. Four FBI officials with expertise in safe recovery, negotiations, and preventing future kidnappings are also part of the group.
The Pentagon said 16 Defense Department personnel were on the team, including planners and advisers who were already in Nigeria and have been redirected to assist the government.
White House spokesman Jay Carney said US intelligence experts were ‘‘combing over every detail’’ of the latest recording. He said administration officials have “no reason to question its authenticity.’’
Well, when this lying government is taking it on faith.... what a crock of smelly shit!
Well, when this lying government is taking it on faith.... what a crock of smelly shit!
The Nigerian government said it was reviewing the video and would ‘‘continue to explore all options for the release and safe return of our girls back to their homes.’’
Pogu Bitrus, a Chibok town leader, said vegetation in the video looked like that of the Sambisa Forest, some 20 miles from Chibok, the Associated Press reported.
Oh, well, that confirms the authenticity!
Oh, well, that confirms the authenticity!
French President Francois Hollande invited leaders from Nigeria and neighboring Benin, Chad, Cameroon, and Niger, as well as representatives of Britain, the European Union, and the United States, to a summit on Saturday to focus on Boko Haram, terrorism, and insecurity in West Africa.
And so it goes....
And so it goes....
A French official said Jonathan had agreed to attend. He spoke on condition of anonymity because details of the gathering have not been finalized.
Related: Video of Kidnapped Nigerian Schoolgirls is a Fake
General rule of thumb: If it is cited by the propaganda pre$$, it is most likely fake.
Related: Video of Kidnapped Nigerian Schoolgirls is a Fake
General rule of thumb: If it is cited by the propaganda pre$$, it is most likely fake.
"Relief, anger for parents of missing Nigerian girls; First glimpse of hostage video too much for many" by Adam Nossiter | New York Times May 14, 2014
MAIDUGURI, Nigeria — When the girls appeared on the screen, parents in the small room at the government compound here dissolved into tears.
But after several of them finally saw their daughters’ faces again in the video, they said their relief quickly gave rise to anger: the girls were alive, but they were prisoners.
That is how I'm feel in about another fraud being perpetrated on me by the ma$$ media of AmeriKa.
That is how I'm feel in about another fraud being perpetrated on me by the ma$$ media of AmeriKa.
“Her face was frowning and unhappy,” said Bashir Wattai, a tall, solidly built farmer who said he had just seen his 17-year-old daughter Mairama in the video. “She looked sad. I burst into crying and weeping.
“The other people in the room, they were all weeping and crying,” Wattai said. “It was just tears.”
That doesn't look like anger to me.
That doesn't look like anger to me.
Four weeks of anguish have passed since the night when more than 300 schoolgirls were kidnapped by the radical Islamist group Boko Haram from a state school in Chibok, an isolated village 80 miles from this state capital in northeastern Nigeria. But on Tuesday, at the well-guarded government compound in the heartland of the Boko Haram insurgency, an unwelcome window into their children’s forbidding new world was opened to the grieving parents.
“I saw her. Yes, I saw her,” said Habiba Yaga, the mother of Hawa Maina, 18. “I did not know she was alive. But when is she coming back home?”
To her mother, Hawa looked alien in the robes given to her by the Islamists. “They’ve changed her dress. She looked, uglier than at home,” Yaga said, hesitating.
Wattai concurred. The new dress was disturbing. “Her normal appearance was changed for me,” he said.
Knowing the videos are fake and this is all a fraud, one has to wonder if this person even exists or is nothing more than an actor.
Knowing the videos are fake and this is all a fraud, one has to wonder if this person even exists or is nothing more than an actor.
The militants released their video to news organizations on Monday, providing the first glimpse of the girls in what has become a global search effort, spurred by a grass-roots outcry on two sides of the Atlantic.
Released to the media, huh?
The girls, some 276 of whom remain missing, are bargaining chips for Boko Haram, which is demanding that the Nigerian government release its imprisoned members in exchange for the kidnapped students.
Released to the media, huh?
The girls, some 276 of whom remain missing, are bargaining chips for Boko Haram, which is demanding that the Nigerian government release its imprisoned members in exchange for the kidnapped students.
But while much of the world saw the girls sitting passively and compliant in the video, many of their families had to wait. One parent explained that there was no electricity in their village to enable them to watch, a poignant reminder of how poor many victims in the conflict here are.
Yeah, and how strange it is that all the signs are in English when they don't speak it.
Yeah, and how strange it is that all the signs are in English when they don't speak it.
By the end of Tuesday, 77 faces in the solemn crowd of girls, newly clad from head to toe in somber black-and-gray robes, had been recognized, the state governor’s office said in a statement. The robes, revealing only the schoolgirls’ faces, rendered some of them difficult to identify, some parents said.
The government had arranged a first showing of the video Monday in Chibok to identify the girls, but it had to be halted abruptly when the parents were overcome with grief, demanding the government’s identification process be moved here to Maiduguri.
“The families became upset and they started crying ‘This is my child,’” a senior state official said Tuesday evening. “They started shouting. They had to stop the filming.”
You mean film, right?
Freudian slip?
You mean film, right?
Freudian slip?
Then on Tuesday, the state government organized a group of about 15 parents, relatives, and girls who had escaped the Islamists to make the arduous journey to the state capital here to watch the video. They were guarded by rifle-bearing militia members from the village because the road is still preyed on by Boko Haram.
The group, along with teachers, officials, and security operatives, packed into the room at the government complex and locked the door. When the parents emerged, their universe of anxiety had shifted. Some appeared dazed and perturbed as they slumped in plastic chairs outside the state-run hotel here.
“She’s not feeling OK,” said Lawan Zanah, who had just seen his daughter Ayesha, 18, in the video. “The way she is sitting. She doesn’t even know where she is. She seemed sad. Sad.”
This is, yeah.
This is, yeah.
The girls were at the Chibok Government Girls Secondary School to take their final exams, and many were staying overnight there. Armed and uniformed men rounded them up, loaded them into trucks, and drove off with them. Although about 50 escaped, none of the remaining girls has been found.
Boko Haram has conducted large-scale attacks on government and civilian targets, including schools, and the Nigerian government has waged a bloody counterattack, detaining and killing hundreds of suspects and civilians.
But statements from the Nigerian government suggested officials might be open to negotiations, while senior US military and civilian officials arrived in the national capital, Abuja, for talks with the government.
General David M. Rodriguez, commanding general of the US military’s Africa Command, visited Nigeria on Monday and Tuesday to discuss assistance for the search, including surveillance aircraft and satellite imagery, as well as broader security cooperation with Nigerian officials, a Pentagon spokesman said Tuesday.
The international effort, ramping up as the plight of the girls captured the global imagination, appeared to be of some comfort to the parents.
"#BringBackOurGirls heralds broader accountability in Nigeria" | May 14, 2014
The US government, properly, has offered to send military and law enforcement officials to help free the girls, a move welcomed by President Goodluck Jonathan. Meanwhile, greater scrutiny, both from inside and outside Nigeria, should give a troubled government more incentive to operate professionally, both in the Chibok case and on a range of other problems.
Boko Haram, whose name translates roughly to “western education is forbidden,” is a uniquely disturbing group. It has routinely targeted schools, and earlier this month killed over 200 people in an attack on a village. This week, leader Abubakar Shekau circulated a video that reportedly showed some of the captured girls. In it, he repeated a threat to sell them into slavery unless some Boko Haram fighters in government custody were freed.
To date, the Nigerian government has been ineffective at containing Boko Haram, and officials’ heavy-handedness has only exacerbated some deeper social grievances. The army has often been accused of extrajudicial killings. Only a trickle of the country’s vast oil wealth makes its way north. Much more ends up lining the pockets of corrupt businessmen and politicians.
The protesters have attracted worldwide attention through their Twitter hashtag, #BringBackOurGirls. Even as protesters hope for the best outcome for the kidnap victims, they’ve shown their own influence, and working to increase government accountability more broadly is a logical next step.
Sorry for running the propaganda so long. Just trying to make an agenda-pushing point.
Related: Should McCain apologize to Nigeria’s president?
Just because that senile fossil insultingly said we should invade?
Just because that senile fossil insultingly said we should invade?
"Boko Haram: US AFRICOM’S Latest False Flag Franchise
May 11, 2014 by
21st Century Wire
Who are ‘Boko Haram’, and what are they up to in Nigeria?
Nigeria’s premier terror circus conveniently grabbed the headlines away from an embattled White House this week (simmering scandals, Behghazi, and IRS), just in the nick of time, pulling off the terror caper of the year. Without booking any coaches, a relatively small group of Boko Harem operatives managed to kidnap up to 300 young girls from a secondary school in Chibok in remote northeastern Nigeria… on April 14th.
If this was indeed a real kidnapping even, the response time is pretty pathetic – nearly one month? Barack and Michelle Obama were a bit slow on the uptake of this story, not least of all because Washington has been very busy indeed – ginning-up war with Russia, shipping weapons to Islamic extremists in Syria, various and sundry coups and destablisation plans around the globe, and last but not least, pretending to care about the missing airliner Flight MH370. Not worry, the FBI have been sent to Nigeria to take control of the crime scene – which may, or may not be good news for Nigerians. If the FBI were really there to figure out what happened, then they should dig into this: for some unknown reason up until a few months ago, the White House was trying to keep Boko Haram off the State Dept’s Official Designated Terror List, and there’s probably a very good reason for that…

CLUELSSS? First Lady takes a break from shopping to get her #hashtag on, weighing in on what looks like a CIA-linked theatrical production in Africa.
Curiously, the news claims that fifty-three girls managed to escape Boko Haram’s evil clutches but over 200 remain captive after being abducted from on 14 April.
Take all of the complicated Wikipedia text away, and in real Nigerian modern informal language, ‘Boko Haram’ actually translates to, “everything is haram”. According to their colourful Youtube and other sock-puppet videos (early videos had the Pentagon’s own SITE or Intel Center’ logo embossed on them), the “al Qaeda-linked” group(s) wants to impose sharia law in Nigeria, Niger, and even Cameroon. It’s main activity is killing and terrorising Christians, attacking and bombing churches and schools, government buildings, kidnapping western tourists, and has recently decided to try its hand in the child trafficking business.
Nigeria is resource-rich and has the largest population and workforce in Africa, but it is a nation divided along sectarian tribal and religious lines (thank the British for that, par usual), a poor nation ruled by a corrupt super-class in collusion with oil giants like BP, Shell, Chevron and others. If Nigeria remains divided, then there will almost certainly be no challenge to Britain, US and the Netherlands oil conquest of the country. To keep it divided, trouble needs to be stirred periodically.
“The US embassy’s subversive activities in Nigeria fits into the long term US government’s well camouflaged policy of containment against Nigeria the ultimate goal of which is to eliminate Nigeria as a potential strategic rival to the US in the African continent”, News Rescue reports.
But that is only the first layer to the new African onion. Here’s the bigger project…
One of the primary foreign policy goals of the US and NATO during the Obama Administration was to gain a greater military footprint in Africa, all of which is outlined in Washington’s AFRICOM policy directives which were set into motion in 2007 during the Bush presidency. This was arguably a much easier sell with African-American president Barrack Obama in the US than it would be with any other leader.
One only needs to read the strategic briefings in U.S. AFRICOM documents to realise the true endgame for Africa: the eviction of China economic and political influence throughout the continent, and when it comes to achieving that goal – anything goes (including a theatric Boko Haram production it seems). One AFRICOM study justifies US interventions on the basis of fears that China will eventually dispatch troops to Africa to defend its interests there:
“Now China has achieved a stage of economic development which requires endless supplies of African raw materials and has started to develop the capacity to exercise influence in most corners of the globe. The extrapolation of history predicts that distrust and uncertainty will inevitably lead the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) to Africa in staggering numbers…”
Washington understands better than anyone, that in the 21st century, the simplest way to ramp-up a police or military presence in any region is to create a public enemy. Understanding what the US project for a new American century in Africa is all about, you need to understand the McDonald’s model of business: franchises. As an example, Nigeria’s illusive terror brand called “Boko Haram” has always been hard to pin down, not least of all because there are 4 or 5, or even 6 different ‘Boko Haram’ outfits in Nigeria.
One thing which the Obama Administration has excelled at over the last 6 years in running guns.
Whether it’s within the US and Mexico with Operation Fast and Furious, or guns trafficked in Libya via Egypt during the Muslim Brotherhood’s short reign there, then from Libya to Syria, ore even directly from the CIA to jihadist terror groups in Syria, and also from the new Libya out to “Al Qaeda affiliates” in Algeria, Mali and Nigeria. Boko Harem was certainly hooked into the gun-running market and has benefited from heavy weaponry originally sent to arm Libyan rebels during NATO’s proxy war on the ground, where the CIA manage Libyan fighting groups, as well as carefully manage media reports coming out on a daily basis (Washington was in careful coordination with their ally Qatar’s al Jazeera TV network throughout the process).
Following NATO’s hostile intervention in Libya in 2011, we learned that AQIM had joined forces with the Al Qaeda linked Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) – all of which are inexorably tied to the CIA and British intelligence agencies since Al Qaeda’s inception after the Soviet war in Afghanistan during the 80′s. Now the baton has been passed to a franchise trading under the Boko Haram brand.
“In addition to support by the Saudis, Boko Haram has received indirect assistance from NATO via Libya’s al-Qaeda mercenaries”, explains Global Research.
Who are ‘Boko Haram’, and what are they up to in Nigeria?
Nigeria’s premier terror circus conveniently grabbed the headlines away from an embattled White House this week (simmering scandals, Behghazi, and IRS), just in the nick of time, pulling off the terror caper of the year. Without booking any coaches, a relatively small group of Boko Harem operatives managed to kidnap up to 300 young girls from a secondary school in Chibok in remote northeastern Nigeria… on April 14th.
If this was indeed a real kidnapping even, the response time is pretty pathetic – nearly one month? Barack and Michelle Obama were a bit slow on the uptake of this story, not least of all because Washington has been very busy indeed – ginning-up war with Russia, shipping weapons to Islamic extremists in Syria, various and sundry coups and destablisation plans around the globe, and last but not least, pretending to care about the missing airliner Flight MH370. Not worry, the FBI have been sent to Nigeria to take control of the crime scene – which may, or may not be good news for Nigerians. If the FBI were really there to figure out what happened, then they should dig into this: for some unknown reason up until a few months ago, the White House was trying to keep Boko Haram off the State Dept’s Official Designated Terror List, and there’s probably a very good reason for that…

CLUELSSS? First Lady takes a break from shopping to get her #hashtag on, weighing in on what looks like a CIA-linked theatrical production in Africa.
Curiously, the news claims that fifty-three girls managed to escape Boko Haram’s evil clutches but over 200 remain captive after being abducted from on 14 April.
Take all of the complicated Wikipedia text away, and in real Nigerian modern informal language, ‘Boko Haram’ actually translates to, “everything is haram”. According to their colourful Youtube and other sock-puppet videos (early videos had the Pentagon’s own SITE or Intel Center’ logo embossed on them), the “al Qaeda-linked” group(s) wants to impose sharia law in Nigeria, Niger, and even Cameroon. It’s main activity is killing and terrorising Christians, attacking and bombing churches and schools, government buildings, kidnapping western tourists, and has recently decided to try its hand in the child trafficking business.
Nigeria is resource-rich and has the largest population and workforce in Africa, but it is a nation divided along sectarian tribal and religious lines (thank the British for that, par usual), a poor nation ruled by a corrupt super-class in collusion with oil giants like BP, Shell, Chevron and others. If Nigeria remains divided, then there will almost certainly be no challenge to Britain, US and the Netherlands oil conquest of the country. To keep it divided, trouble needs to be stirred periodically.
“The US embassy’s subversive activities in Nigeria fits into the long term US government’s well camouflaged policy of containment against Nigeria the ultimate goal of which is to eliminate Nigeria as a potential strategic rival to the US in the African continent”, News Rescue reports.
But that is only the first layer to the new African onion. Here’s the bigger project…
One of the primary foreign policy goals of the US and NATO during the Obama Administration was to gain a greater military footprint in Africa, all of which is outlined in Washington’s AFRICOM policy directives which were set into motion in 2007 during the Bush presidency. This was arguably a much easier sell with African-American president Barrack Obama in the US than it would be with any other leader.
One only needs to read the strategic briefings in U.S. AFRICOM documents to realise the true endgame for Africa: the eviction of China economic and political influence throughout the continent, and when it comes to achieving that goal – anything goes (including a theatric Boko Haram production it seems). One AFRICOM study justifies US interventions on the basis of fears that China will eventually dispatch troops to Africa to defend its interests there:
“Now China has achieved a stage of economic development which requires endless supplies of African raw materials and has started to develop the capacity to exercise influence in most corners of the globe. The extrapolation of history predicts that distrust and uncertainty will inevitably lead the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) to Africa in staggering numbers…”
Washington understands better than anyone, that in the 21st century, the simplest way to ramp-up a police or military presence in any region is to create a public enemy. Understanding what the US project for a new American century in Africa is all about, you need to understand the McDonald’s model of business: franchises. As an example, Nigeria’s illusive terror brand called “Boko Haram” has always been hard to pin down, not least of all because there are 4 or 5, or even 6 different ‘Boko Haram’ outfits in Nigeria.
One thing which the Obama Administration has excelled at over the last 6 years in running guns.
Whether it’s within the US and Mexico with Operation Fast and Furious, or guns trafficked in Libya via Egypt during the Muslim Brotherhood’s short reign there, then from Libya to Syria, ore even directly from the CIA to jihadist terror groups in Syria, and also from the new Libya out to “Al Qaeda affiliates” in Algeria, Mali and Nigeria. Boko Harem was certainly hooked into the gun-running market and has benefited from heavy weaponry originally sent to arm Libyan rebels during NATO’s proxy war on the ground, where the CIA manage Libyan fighting groups, as well as carefully manage media reports coming out on a daily basis (Washington was in careful coordination with their ally Qatar’s al Jazeera TV network throughout the process).
Following NATO’s hostile intervention in Libya in 2011, we learned that AQIM had joined forces with the Al Qaeda linked Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) – all of which are inexorably tied to the CIA and British intelligence agencies since Al Qaeda’s inception after the Soviet war in Afghanistan during the 80′s. Now the baton has been passed to a franchise trading under the Boko Haram brand.
“In addition to support by the Saudis, Boko Haram has received indirect assistance from NATO via Libya’s al-Qaeda mercenaries”, explains Global Research.
an interview conducted by Al-Jazeera with Abu Mousab Abdel Wadoud, the
AQIM leader states that Algeria-based organizations have provided arms
to Nigeria’s Boko Haram movement ‘to defend Muslims in Nigeria and stop
the advance of a minority of Crusaders.’ It remains highly documented
that members of Al-Qaeda (AQIM) and the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group
(LIFG) who fought among the Libyan rebels directly received arms and
logistical support from NATO bloc countries during the Libyan conflict
in 2011,” writes Nile Bowie.
A closer look at all of the so-called terrorist ‘franchises’ which the CIA are steering and managing throughout the continent reveals their true function – destabilisation, sectarian division which, of course, requires a US or NATO presence all over the continent. They are as follows:
Active CIA-MI6-Mossad-linked ‘franchisees’:
Boko Haram in Nigeria, Niger, Mali – see there exploits here and here.
Al Shabab in Somalia and Kenya – see there exploits here and here.
Al Qaeda in Islamic Magreb (AQIM) Algeria and Mali – see there exploits here and here.
Musilm Brotherhood in Egypt – see there exploits here and here.
Libyan Islamic Fighting Group – see there exploits here and here.
Al Qaeda (all singing and dancing, ubiquitous pan-African/global brand name).
Non-existent, but still promoted in Washington:
Joseph Kony in Uganda (last scene in 2006, but that hasn’t stopped Obama from sending US troops into Uganda the hunt the ghost).
Last fall’s Kenyan Mall Massacre was alleged by “western terror experts” to have been carried out by “the al Qaeda affiliate known as al Shabab”, but curiously enough, as is the case with Boko Haram, there seems to be a few different al Shababs, and rather predictable, the most extremist, over-the-top and theatrical franchise has been linked to the CIA-MI5-Mossad intelligence nexus in Africa. African Union Mission to Somalia (AMISOM), a peace keeping mission operated by the AU in Somalia with approval by the UN, is ‘something for the locals’ – a subset of US AFRICOM, but within that framework, various shadowy elements view “manageable insecurity” as a good business.
Firedog Lake blog has even gone so far as to label Boko Harem as ‘Obama’s African Death Squad’. They explain Boko Haram’s ties to Washington:
“A CIA Death Squad under President Obama’s control Murdered at least 12 Africans in Nigeria with a car bomb Thursday. The group Boko Haram claimed responsibility:
WikiLeaks revealed that they are part of the US Central Inteligence Agency:
Boko Haram is an ODS – an Obama Death Squad. The President has several such groups, carrying out Lynchings in Africa, and Murdering journalists in Honduras and Mexico. Boko Haram stepped up its operations exponentially when Obama became President. According to US officials, Boko Haram has Murdered over 10,000 Africans (Some were ordered by President George W. Bush, before Obama was in office):
Because of its affiliation with the CIA, the US State Department refused to designate Boko Haram a Terrorist group until a few months ago, despite its decade of lynchings:
They hold Rape Fests. ~&~
To manipulate the news, they staged a battle with other CIA members and with Great Britain’s MI5: “
Popular and nearly entertaining Boko Haram Sock-Puppet Video…
--MORE (with h/t)--"
Looks like there was trouble in the groom's party:
"After battle, Nigerian troops fire on commanding officer" Associated Press May 15, 2014
BAUCHI, Nigeria — Islamic militants again attacked the remote Nigerian town from which nearly 300 schoolgirls were kidnapped, Nigeria’s military said Wednesday, resulting in a firefight that killed 12 soldiers and led angry troops to fire on a commanding officer.
So I'm told. I mean, I can't believe anything I read, but let's just take it all on face value.
Soldiers said the troops fired at a senior officer who came to pay respects to the killed soldiers, whose bodies were brought to a barracks in Maiduguri. The capital of northeastern Borno state is about 130 kilometers north of the town of Chibok, where the girls were abducted a month ago.
The episode is a sign of demoralization in the military that is in charge of the search operation for the abducted schoolgirls. The failure of Nigeria’s government and military to find them after the April 15 mass abduction has brought mounting national and international outrage and forced Nigeria’s government to accept international help.
Translation: it was the fig leaf of a cover story to get EUSraeli forces further involved in Africa and possibly take over Nigeria's oil supply (if overthrowing the government doesn't work).
Nigeria’s Ministry of Defense played down the shooting, saying soldiers ‘‘registered their anger about the incident by firing into the air. The situation has since been brought under control, as there is calm in the cantonment.’’
Ever notice all governments sound the same?
But soldiers who were at the scene at Mailamari Barracks said infuriated troopers fired directly at the vehicle carrying Major General Ahmadu Mohammed, the general officer commanding the army’s 7 Division. He was not hit.
The witnesses said the soldiers were angry because they wanted to spend the night in a village and told their commanders that the road was dangerous after the attack just outside Chibok. They were ordered to travel instead and were ambushed, with at least 12 killed. The soldiers spoke on condition of anonymity because they want to keep their jobs.
Yeah, apparently that is good for everyone but yours truly.
The Ministry of Defense said in a statement that four soldiers who were on patrol around Chibok were killed. The military often exaggerates the number of enemy killed and downplays its own death toll.
Like I said, all governments sound the same and is that ever familiar to Americans!!
Vigilante groups have been springing up in northern Nigeria over the past year amid accusations the military is not acting fast enough against the Islamic extremists.
In Kalabalge, a village about 155 miles from the Maiduguri, where the terrorist network was born, residents said they took matters into their own hands.
On Tuesday morning, after learning about an impending attack by the militants, villagers ambushed two trucks with gunmen, residents and a security official said. At least 10 militants were detained, and scores were killed, the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to give interviews to journalists. It was not immediately clear where the detainees were being held. ]
Oh-kay!! Let's do some analysis!
First of all, it shows you the NIGERIAN PEOPLE are SICK of the INFILTRATION by COVERT INTELLIGENCE AGENCY ASSETS!! They are TALKING MATTERS into their OWN HANDS, and that has to FRIGHTEN the MASTERS! This is why we are getting the cock-and-bull abduction story, and this is why U.S. forces are needed to "find the girls." The NIGERIAN PEOPLE are GETTING OUT of HAND!
The second thing to decode is the detainee situation. The villagers have an "Al-CIA-Duh" cell on their hands!! This is VERY, VERY SERIOUS because the WHOLE FRAUD could BLOW UP in their faces! Reminds me of the NATO spy team in Ukraine that was quietly returned, and now I see why Boko Harem is all of a sudden offering terms for a settlement!
The third thing is that anonymity s***. Apparently it is okay to sling s*** lies and war promotion leading to the mass murder of millions. That kind of anonymity is okay. It's those with a conscience that are out here criticizing and commenting in the hopes of changing course and confronting truth that are the problem.
Okay, enough with the toasting of the Bride and Groom.
Kalabalge trader Ajid Musa said that after residents organized the vigilante group, ‘‘it is impossible’’ for militants to successfully stage attacks there.
That's why CIA-Duh can never really take anything over. A team of 10-20 guys simply can't rule thousands with the tactics employed.
‘‘That is why most attacks by the Boko Haram on our village continued [to] fail because they cannot come in here and start shooting and killing people,’’ he said. Earlier this year in other parts of Borno, extremists launched more attacks in what some feared was retaliation over the vigilante groups.
Borno is one of three Nigerian states where President Goodluck Jonathan has imposed a state of emergency, giving the military special powers to fight the Islamic extremist group, whose stronghold is in northeast Nigeria.
And he hasn't had luck with it?
Britain and the United States are now actively involved in the effort to rescue the missing girls. US Attorney General Eric Holder said FBI agents and a hostage negotiating team are in Nigeria now, providing technology and other materials and working with ‘‘our Nigerian counterparts to be as helpful as we possibly can.’’
Forget what business a DOMESTIC LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY has regarding this case; I'm wondering what "evidence" the FBI is going to plant and which instigator, I mean, informer they will bring forth to prove it.
US reconnaissance aircraft are flying over Nigeria in search of the missing girls.
The point of this whole exercise of propaganda, all bundled up in one sentence.
At least 276 of the schoolgirls are still held captive, with the group’s leader threatening to sell them into slavery. In a video released Monday, he offered to release the girls in exchange for the freedom of jailed Boko Haram members.
Nothing like ending the piece with a log of a lie.
I love the sign in English, a sign of the upper classes and urban elite -- and far removed from the rural areas that speak other languages not English. It's a tell clue regarding a pysop propaganda operation.
"After kidnappings, Nigeria must step up" by Jason Warner and Jacob Zenn | May 15, 2014
While the Islamist militant group Boko Haram has been on the offensive for years, the kidnapping of more than 200 school girls in the town of Chibok marks a new chapter in the Nigerian government’s struggle against the group. Although Boko Haram has kidnapped girls before — to global indifference — what is unique about the Chibok kidnappings is their massive scale. This was not business as usual. The abductions were a publicity stunt aimed at shocking Western sensibilities about sociocultural propriety, as much as a strategy to deter girls from attending school.
Nevertheless, the worsening domestic landscape in Nigeria may open up new channels for global cooperation against the militants. So what should be done to end Boko Haram’s reign of terror?
The most important reforms will start within Nigeria itself. Above all else, President Goodluck Jonathan needs to depoliticize the issue of security. Nigerian citizens have historically been deeply wary of Nigerian politicians. For example, the state and the central bank are clashing over $20 billion in missing state oil revenue, causing distrust among citizens.
In addition, some believe the May 2013 declaration of a state of emergency in Nigeria’s three northeasternmost states — Borno, Yobe, and Adamawa — was a long-term ploy to prevent their generally anti-Jonathan voters from coming to the polls during next year’s elections.
Meanwhile, the government’s approach to Boko Haram has exacerbated the feeling that security provision is replete with political motives. The Nigerian first lady, Patience Jonathan, only deepened civil society’s incredulity with her political theatrics in chastising civil society groups for protesting the government’s slow response to the kidnappings. “You are playing games,’’ she said. “Don’t use schoolchildren and women for demonstrations again.”
Apart from crafting an apolitical security policy, there needs to be more effective allocation of national funds to areas affected by the Boko Haram insurgency. For instance, governors in the northeast balked when the 2014 federal budget appropriated only around $12.3 million for economic stimulus initiatives in Boko Haram-dominated areas. In comparison, $18.4 million was earmarked to subsidize the domestic “Nollywood” film industry.
Governments are the $ame, no matter where they are found. They all serve corporations and elite wealth, their friends and themselves!
Tactically, the Nigerian government needs to improve its capabilities at gathering human intelligence about Boko Haram. While the government’s initial response via its “Joint Task Force” — a multi-agency collective of Army, Air Force, police, and intelligence units — was somewhat successful in encouraging civilian engagement to gain information, its shift to an all-Army response in August 2013 served to diminish these abilities. Given the prevalence of cellphones even in the most remote parts of the country, the introduction of anonymous text messaging services for locals to identify Boko Haram members and their movements could help gather intelligence while reducing informants’ fears of retribution.
The kidnappings also have led to increasing forms of engagement from the international community. The United States has agreed to help combat Boko Haram in new ways, including military and intelligence assistance that stops short of placing US combat troops on the ground.
Meaning everything else but, and if there are "advisors" there, well, that means troops (or private security contractors, same thing now) to watch over them.
France, too, has a notable role to play in pressuring West African Francophone states — notably neighboring Cameroon, Niger, and Chad — to ramp up information-sharing and cooperation via the Multinational Joint Task Force.
This as the French people are under the lash of austerity. They gotta be lovin' the foreign military action as their economy collapses and social services slashed -- from a $ociali$t pre$ident, no le$$.
Nigeria should accept this assistance, even though doing so inevitably undercuts its desire to portray itself as the undisputed regional power of West Africa specifically and Sub-Saharan Africa generally.
Yeah, I read something about how the U.S. saw that a didn't like it, and then we got this cock-and-bull story about abducted girls and evil Islamists splashed all over our jew$media.
The deplorable security situation in Nigeria has recently reached new lows. Yet, with requisite political will on behalf of the Nigerian government and the global community, this new nadir may be leveraged into a positive resolution.
The war-planners and designers of empire think so.
I have to give them credit: fake or falsely presented photos or not those are some beautiful looking women. If that's not a racist thing to say. Or sexist. I keep forgetting all the -isms I need to police myself for.
Six Zionist Companies Own 96% of the World's Media
Declassified: Massive Israeli manipulation of US media exposed
Operation Mockingbird
Why Am I No Longer Reading the Newspaper?
I think they are. It's the pr-i$m through which the world is pre$ented to me.
Looks like there was trouble in the groom's party:
"After battle, Nigerian troops fire on commanding officer" Associated Press May 15, 2014
BAUCHI, Nigeria — Islamic militants again attacked the remote Nigerian town from which nearly 300 schoolgirls were kidnapped, Nigeria’s military said Wednesday, resulting in a firefight that killed 12 soldiers and led angry troops to fire on a commanding officer.
So I'm told. I mean, I can't believe anything I read, but let's just take it all on face value.
Soldiers said the troops fired at a senior officer who came to pay respects to the killed soldiers, whose bodies were brought to a barracks in Maiduguri. The capital of northeastern Borno state is about 130 kilometers north of the town of Chibok, where the girls were abducted a month ago.
The episode is a sign of demoralization in the military that is in charge of the search operation for the abducted schoolgirls. The failure of Nigeria’s government and military to find them after the April 15 mass abduction has brought mounting national and international outrage and forced Nigeria’s government to accept international help.
Translation: it was the fig leaf of a cover story to get EUSraeli forces further involved in Africa and possibly take over Nigeria's oil supply (if overthrowing the government doesn't work).
Nigeria’s Ministry of Defense played down the shooting, saying soldiers ‘‘registered their anger about the incident by firing into the air. The situation has since been brought under control, as there is calm in the cantonment.’’
Ever notice all governments sound the same?
But soldiers who were at the scene at Mailamari Barracks said infuriated troopers fired directly at the vehicle carrying Major General Ahmadu Mohammed, the general officer commanding the army’s 7 Division. He was not hit.
The witnesses said the soldiers were angry because they wanted to spend the night in a village and told their commanders that the road was dangerous after the attack just outside Chibok. They were ordered to travel instead and were ambushed, with at least 12 killed. The soldiers spoke on condition of anonymity because they want to keep their jobs.
Yeah, apparently that is good for everyone but yours truly.
The Ministry of Defense said in a statement that four soldiers who were on patrol around Chibok were killed. The military often exaggerates the number of enemy killed and downplays its own death toll.
Like I said, all governments sound the same and is that ever familiar to Americans!!
Vigilante groups have been springing up in northern Nigeria over the past year amid accusations the military is not acting fast enough against the Islamic extremists.
In Kalabalge, a village about 155 miles from the Maiduguri, where the terrorist network was born, residents said they took matters into their own hands.
On Tuesday morning, after learning about an impending attack by the militants, villagers ambushed two trucks with gunmen, residents and a security official said. At least 10 militants were detained, and scores were killed, the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to give interviews to journalists. It was not immediately clear where the detainees were being held. ]
Oh-kay!! Let's do some analysis!
First of all, it shows you the NIGERIAN PEOPLE are SICK of the INFILTRATION by COVERT INTELLIGENCE AGENCY ASSETS!! They are TALKING MATTERS into their OWN HANDS, and that has to FRIGHTEN the MASTERS! This is why we are getting the cock-and-bull abduction story, and this is why U.S. forces are needed to "find the girls." The NIGERIAN PEOPLE are GETTING OUT of HAND!
The second thing to decode is the detainee situation. The villagers have an "Al-CIA-Duh" cell on their hands!! This is VERY, VERY SERIOUS because the WHOLE FRAUD could BLOW UP in their faces! Reminds me of the NATO spy team in Ukraine that was quietly returned, and now I see why Boko Harem is all of a sudden offering terms for a settlement!
The third thing is that anonymity s***. Apparently it is okay to sling s*** lies and war promotion leading to the mass murder of millions. That kind of anonymity is okay. It's those with a conscience that are out here criticizing and commenting in the hopes of changing course and confronting truth that are the problem.
Okay, enough with the toasting of the Bride and Groom.
Kalabalge trader Ajid Musa said that after residents organized the vigilante group, ‘‘it is impossible’’ for militants to successfully stage attacks there.
That's why CIA-Duh can never really take anything over. A team of 10-20 guys simply can't rule thousands with the tactics employed.
‘‘That is why most attacks by the Boko Haram on our village continued [to] fail because they cannot come in here and start shooting and killing people,’’ he said. Earlier this year in other parts of Borno, extremists launched more attacks in what some feared was retaliation over the vigilante groups.
Borno is one of three Nigerian states where President Goodluck Jonathan has imposed a state of emergency, giving the military special powers to fight the Islamic extremist group, whose stronghold is in northeast Nigeria.
And he hasn't had luck with it?
Britain and the United States are now actively involved in the effort to rescue the missing girls. US Attorney General Eric Holder said FBI agents and a hostage negotiating team are in Nigeria now, providing technology and other materials and working with ‘‘our Nigerian counterparts to be as helpful as we possibly can.’’
Forget what business a DOMESTIC LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY has regarding this case; I'm wondering what "evidence" the FBI is going to plant and which instigator, I mean, informer they will bring forth to prove it.
US reconnaissance aircraft are flying over Nigeria in search of the missing girls.
The point of this whole exercise of propaganda, all bundled up in one sentence.
At least 276 of the schoolgirls are still held captive, with the group’s leader threatening to sell them into slavery. In a video released Monday, he offered to release the girls in exchange for the freedom of jailed Boko Haram members.
Nothing like ending the piece with a log of a lie.
I love the sign in English, a sign of the upper classes and urban elite -- and far removed from the rural areas that speak other languages not English. It's a tell clue regarding a pysop propaganda operation.
"After kidnappings, Nigeria must step up" by Jason Warner and Jacob Zenn | May 15, 2014
While the Islamist militant group Boko Haram has been on the offensive for years, the kidnapping of more than 200 school girls in the town of Chibok marks a new chapter in the Nigerian government’s struggle against the group. Although Boko Haram has kidnapped girls before — to global indifference — what is unique about the Chibok kidnappings is their massive scale. This was not business as usual. The abductions were a publicity stunt aimed at shocking Western sensibilities about sociocultural propriety, as much as a strategy to deter girls from attending school.
Nevertheless, the worsening domestic landscape in Nigeria may open up new channels for global cooperation against the militants. So what should be done to end Boko Haram’s reign of terror?
The most important reforms will start within Nigeria itself. Above all else, President Goodluck Jonathan needs to depoliticize the issue of security. Nigerian citizens have historically been deeply wary of Nigerian politicians. For example, the state and the central bank are clashing over $20 billion in missing state oil revenue, causing distrust among citizens.
In addition, some believe the May 2013 declaration of a state of emergency in Nigeria’s three northeasternmost states — Borno, Yobe, and Adamawa — was a long-term ploy to prevent their generally anti-Jonathan voters from coming to the polls during next year’s elections.
Meanwhile, the government’s approach to Boko Haram has exacerbated the feeling that security provision is replete with political motives. The Nigerian first lady, Patience Jonathan, only deepened civil society’s incredulity with her political theatrics in chastising civil society groups for protesting the government’s slow response to the kidnappings. “You are playing games,’’ she said. “Don’t use schoolchildren and women for demonstrations again.”
Apart from crafting an apolitical security policy, there needs to be more effective allocation of national funds to areas affected by the Boko Haram insurgency. For instance, governors in the northeast balked when the 2014 federal budget appropriated only around $12.3 million for economic stimulus initiatives in Boko Haram-dominated areas. In comparison, $18.4 million was earmarked to subsidize the domestic “Nollywood” film industry.
Governments are the $ame, no matter where they are found. They all serve corporations and elite wealth, their friends and themselves!
Tactically, the Nigerian government needs to improve its capabilities at gathering human intelligence about Boko Haram. While the government’s initial response via its “Joint Task Force” — a multi-agency collective of Army, Air Force, police, and intelligence units — was somewhat successful in encouraging civilian engagement to gain information, its shift to an all-Army response in August 2013 served to diminish these abilities. Given the prevalence of cellphones even in the most remote parts of the country, the introduction of anonymous text messaging services for locals to identify Boko Haram members and their movements could help gather intelligence while reducing informants’ fears of retribution.
The kidnappings also have led to increasing forms of engagement from the international community. The United States has agreed to help combat Boko Haram in new ways, including military and intelligence assistance that stops short of placing US combat troops on the ground.
Meaning everything else but, and if there are "advisors" there, well, that means troops (or private security contractors, same thing now) to watch over them.
France, too, has a notable role to play in pressuring West African Francophone states — notably neighboring Cameroon, Niger, and Chad — to ramp up information-sharing and cooperation via the Multinational Joint Task Force.
This as the French people are under the lash of austerity. They gotta be lovin' the foreign military action as their economy collapses and social services slashed -- from a $ociali$t pre$ident, no le$$.
Nigeria should accept this assistance, even though doing so inevitably undercuts its desire to portray itself as the undisputed regional power of West Africa specifically and Sub-Saharan Africa generally.
Yeah, I read something about how the U.S. saw that a didn't like it, and then we got this cock-and-bull story about abducted girls and evil Islamists splashed all over our jew$media.
The deplorable security situation in Nigeria has recently reached new lows. Yet, with requisite political will on behalf of the Nigerian government and the global community, this new nadir may be leveraged into a positive resolution.
The war-planners and designers of empire think so.
I have to give them credit: fake or falsely presented photos or not those are some beautiful looking women. If that's not a racist thing to say. Or sexist. I keep forgetting all the -isms I need to police myself for.
Six Zionist Companies Own 96% of the World's Media
Declassified: Massive Israeli manipulation of US media exposed
Operation Mockingbird
Why Am I No Longer Reading the Newspaper?
I think they are. It's the pr-i$m through which the world is pre$ented to me.