Sunday, May 4, 2014

Sunday Globe Special: No Boston Sunday Globe Today

I've already been out twice and I'm not going out a third time. I've made my next day updates to the posts below, noted my adders, and am more or less not interested at this point (has a familiar feel to it). No unexpected basketball game this week, so there is no temptation to stop after the game and get one either.

So it looks as if the $obriety has kicked in before I expected. Globe's way of checking me into a clinic again$t my will, I suppose. Better to just skip on past the bull$hit on my way to the cinema since that is one section I did note to read in my preview before going on the fool's errand. What is wrong with me?

I took one last look at the nation before letting those go; no Sunday Globe Specials there today. So what I'm going to do is finish up some of the items from yesterday that I had planned to post after reading the BSG this morning and then work on some past drafts and other SGSs I have set aside.

I hope you enjoy the posts coming above more than I enjoyed doing them because I think blogging about the BG now sucks (you can scroll down a page or two to $ee why, and I'm not complaining or being critical. If I were an elite of Bo$ton I'd really like the Globe).

The gods did me a big favor today, and once you get clean and $ober you like to $tay clean and $ober no matter what the hook.

Know what I mean?


Did end up buying one, didn't read it, couldn't let friend pay for it after he invited me over for dinner. He said sports section wasn't worth the $4, and I thought silently to myself "that's the way I usually feel about the rest of it."