Friday, May 2, 2014

Star Light, Star Bright....

.... wish I may, wish I might, be blogging on this site tonight?

Well, you are due to be disappointed because what I have in front of me is a pristine Boston Globe marked by neither blue or red ink. By the time I ended the notations on the note pad I no longer wanted to read it.

Rather than make this a rolling blog I thought I would give you an inside look at the process of sitting down and noting a Globe. I will provide some brief commentary after certain select articles, and by the end I hope you understand why this is likely to become an unread paper and serious candidate for the recycling bag.


A1: Irish/Adams (+ A4)

Had already come up with a potential post title yesterday: Adams Arrested


Would have provided latest link

Hardy doc (NDU) Yeah, this snooping


Ducked it because I don't trust the corporate media to tell me the truth there. Whatever it is, it is never radiation, oil, or GMOs causing the problems.

college rapes

Well, I definitely sense a theme and agenda at work, but more on that later.


Go somewhere other than Massachusetts and Boston, girl -- unless you want to get raped.

A2: online privacy/govt protects!!

Yeah, this snooping, spying government is going to protect your privacy as it leaves it in the hands of private companies but will still retain exclusive access as it seeks to "rewrite and update" the laws. How much more tyranny and surveillance capability will be codified into law?

health law

Oh, yeah, it's also a lying government with an executive ordering and directives dictator at the helm.

Rosie Riveter (link)
Georgia (4/30)
Fla hijack/Cuba (link)

A3: Malaysia (NDU)

Apparently you can no longer use the a-word to describe the Zupremacist state.

Korea (NDU)

Korean ferry submerged again in favor of war.


A5: Ukraine [2]

The Washington Post called the Eastern Ukrainian Independence Movement insurgents yesterday, and I hope you can see why I'm sick of the $hit coverage regarding this issue.


The Turks not happy with their war-making government? Yer kiddin'?

A6: Canada/Toronto

Must be more important than other things in the pipeline, which is getting a boost back here.

A8: mil rape

Moving along we come to....


I'm tired of the lies, the cover story, and the excuses regarding the cause and anything else coming from this government.

Oh, did I fail to mention we have lost Libya?

A9: Fla./jail  (storms)

ed MarathonOkla. execution

I don't know how you tarnish something that doesn't exist considering this mass-murdering government that goes to war on lies blared by the mouthpiece media. That is what I condemn with no further delay even if they have to change methods. The "we botched it" no longer suffices as an excuse.

op Pelletier

The case is close to my heart and others.

B1: Patrick/casino

Who cares?

theater dir. dies
Patrick/rape tweet

The theme continues, and it just adds to the failed legacy as he leaves.


B2: Firefighters
UMass rape

I haven't even looked at them.

B3: ecig (link)

So what staged and scripted false flag hoax or shooting is coming to Massachusetts soon?

B4: Conn.


By this time I stop numbering the pages and just do a column

Mass. Pension

It's been looted by liberals?


I'm sure she has one somewhere.

TD Garden Party

Sorry to be zipping through them, but the more I look at them the more I realize those items are for the 1%.

CEO Ford

I think the lying about those two items more than anything destroyed the credibility of the propaganda pre$$. You expect lies regarding wars, but the things you can see right in front of your face?

TV profit

Mine is off.


That is the last brief I bothered with.

Exxon made over $9 BILLION last QUARTER, 'eh?


I wi$h I was more Intuit.


Just wondering how we are going to get those terrorists off the space station.


Yeah, the poor, weak, ineffectual IRS (when it comes to wealthy bu$ine$$ intere$ts, anyway).


Yup, Goldman and the rest are back to the same behavior that caused the crash of 2008. Nothing has changed, folks, not a damn thing (other than the 1% getting even richer).


All that bailout money and 17 straight quarters of profit and they are still bankrupt (after lying and murdering people for profit)?




I hope you can see why I'm really not into reading today's Globe. I'm not criticizing or complaining; it's just not for me and I'm really no longer interested in their narrative. Sorry.