"If you’ve been looking to the so-called “liberal” media for more balanced coverage of the events as they’ve unfolded in the international waters off the Gaza coast, you’ve probably gotten the yip-yap of a pro-Israel poodle....
Related: Lies, damned lies, and Israeli propaganda?
What the AmeriKan MSM will not tell you:
Gaza flotilla: How Israel’s ministry of foreign affairs fakes photos of seized weapons
They do it all the time.
Related: UN: Israel Admits Claims About Attacked School Baseless
Israel Lied to the World About School Massacre in Gaza
If it comes out of an Israeli's mouth it must be a lie.
U.S. Student Loses Eye After Israel Fires on West Bank Protest
"Gaza flotilla attack: British activists tell of abuse by Israelis
Paveen Yaqub, from Manchester, was on board the Mavi Marmara, on which nine people were killed when it was stormed by Israeli commandos on Monday.
She said she was later kicked and abused by two Israeli policemen.
"They were kicking my legs to make me fall and mocking me in Hebrew," she said. "They were trying to take trophy pictures with me and they liked laughing in my face.
"They also searched me but I won't go into that. They took pleasure in humiliating us."
Speaking at Istanbul Airport, where planes full of hundreds of deportees landed on Thursday morning, she said the experience had been "a nightmare".
"We were terrorized for the last few days by the Israeli authorities," she said, visibly shaken and holding back tears. "It was an insane situation. I'm exhausted. I haven't slept for days. I was on hunger strike for the last few hours."
Ms Yaqub said that the Israeli authorities had tried to force her to sign a document written in Hebrew, but she refused.
Sarah Colborne, director of campaigns and operations at the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, was also on board the Mavi Marmara.
Insisting that no one on board the boat was armed, she said the attack was an act of piracy and a "massacre".
At one point, she saw a man being shot dead by an Israeli commando.
"We still don't know how many people were actually murdered because there are still many missing," she said....
Also see: Break the Israeli Siege of Gaza or Attack at Sea, Detention Camps & Deportation
Gaze on the government supposedly of these United States, as it ignores acts of piracy and war committed against a US-flagged ship and against American citizens in international waters, in their haste to serve their masters in Tel Aviv.
Gaze on the government supposedly of these United States, which did not hesitate to invade Iraq, although Iraq had committed no offense against the USA.
Gaze on the government supposedly of these United States, which did not hesitate to invade Afghanistan, although Afghanistan had committed no offense against the USA.
Gaze on the government supposedly of these United States, which did not hesitate to invade Pakistan, although Pakistan had committed no offense against the USA.
Gaze on the government supposedly of these United States, which did not hesitate to send warships to intervene when Somali pirates started hijacking ships and kidnapping innocents in international waters.
Now gaze in disgust on that same government, supposedly of these United States, as it pointedly ignores an act of war committed not only against the United States but against NATO.
Gaze in disgust as the government supposedly of these United States, even as it failed to defend a US ship and US citizens from acts of war and piracy, work to protect the foreign nation that hijacked that US ship and kidnapped those US citizens in international waters from the just criticism and investigation of the world's civilized nations.
Gaze on that government, supposedly of these United States, and ponder this.
No government can serve two masters. A government that serves Israel cannot serve the American people. As we watch this government, supposedly of these United States, turn its back on a US flagged ship and 12 American citizens attacked in international waters while protecting the nation that committed those crimes, clearly we see that this government, supposedly of these United States, clearly is not serving the American people.
Be angry.
Be very angry." -- Wake the Flock Up
I am.... just like the rest of the world outside the USraeli empire and its MSM bubble:
"Israel denounced for deadly raid; Intercepts aid flotilla; 9 killed | Global leaders call for inquiry" by Isabel Kershner, New York Times | June 1, 2010
JERUSALEM — Israel faced intense international condemnation and growing domestic questions yesterday after a raid by naval commandos killed nine people, many of them Turks, on an aid flotilla bound for Gaza.
Turkey, Israel’s most important friend in the Muslim world, recalled its ambassador and canceled planned military exercises with Israel as the countries’ already-tense relations soured even further. The UN Security Council met in emergency session about the clash, which occurred in international waters north of Gaza....
With street protests erupting around the world, Netanyahu defended the Israeli military’s actions, saying the commandos, enforcing what Israel says is a legal blockade, were set upon by passengers on the Turkish ship that was raided, the Mavi Marmara, and fired only in self-defense. The military released a video of the early moments of the raid to support that assertion.
Israel said the violence was instigated by pro-Palestinian activists who presented themselves as humanitarians but had come ready for a fight. Organizers of the flotilla accused the Israeli forces of opening fire as soon as they landed on the deck, and released videos to support their case.
The Israeli public seemed largely to support the navy, but policy specialists questioned preparations for the military operation and wondered whether there had been an intelligence failure and whether the Israeli insistence on stopping the flotilla had been counterproductive.
Then F*** them!!!
Some commentators were calling for the resignation of Ehud Barak, the defense minister.
“The government failed the test of results; blaming the organizers of the flotilla for causing the deaths by ignoring Israel’s orders to turn back is inadequate,’’ Aluf Benn, a columnist for Haaretz, wrote on the newspaper’s website yesterday, calling for a national committee of inquiry. “Decisions taken by the responsible authorities must be probed.’’
The flotilla of cargo ships and passenger boats was carrying 10,000 tons of aid for Gaza, where the Islamic militant group Hamas holds sway, in an attempt to challenge Israel’s military blockade of Gaza.
The raid and its deadly consequences have thrown Israel’s policy of blockading Gaza into the international limelight; at the Security Council yesterday voices were raised against the blockade, and the pressure to abandon it is bound to intensify.
Attempts to issue a formal statement stalled after the United States rejected the strong condemnation sought by Turkey. Turkey proposed a statement that would condemn Israel for violating international law, call for a United Nations investigation, and demand that Israel prosecute those responsible for the raid and pay compensation to the victims.
It also called for the end of the blockade.
The Obama administration refused to endorse a statement that singled out Israel, and proposed a broader condemnation of the violence that would include the assault of the Israeli commandos as they landed on the deck of the ship.
Oh, look who else is at the defense table!
Israel had vowed not to let the flotilla reach the shores of Gaza, where Hamas, an organization sworn to Israel’s destruction, took over by force in 2007.
Yeah, except "Hamas overwhelmingly won Palestinian Parliament elections in 2006," and the MSM KNOWS IT!!
Oh, right, ISRAELI'S LIARS, 'er, defenders.
Named the Freedom Flotilla, and led by the pro-Palestinian Free Gaza Movement and a Turkish organization, Insani Yardim Vakfi, the convoy had converged at sea near Cyprus and set out on the final leg of its journey Sunday afternoon.
Israel warned the vessels to abort their mission, describing it as a provocation.
The confrontation began shortly before midnight Sunday when Israeli warships intercepted the aid flotilla, according to a person on one vessel. The Israeli military warned the vessels that they were entering a hostile area and that the Gaza shore was under blockade.
The vessels refused the military’s request to dock at the Israeli port of Ashdod, north of Gaza, and continued toward their destination.
About 4 a.m. yesterday, naval commandos came aboard the Mavi Marmara, having been lowered by ropes from helicopters onto the decks.
Israeli officials say the soldiers were dropped into an ambush and were attacked with clubs, metal rods, and knives.
An Israeli official said that the navy was planning to stop five of the six vessels of the flotilla with large nets that interfere with propellers, but that the sixth was too large for that.
The official said there was clearly an intelligence failure in that the commandos were expecting to face passive resistance, not an angry, violent reaction.
Or has everyone simply rolled over for those stinking Jews that they expect no other reaction?
The Israelis had planned to commandeer the vessels and steer them to Ashdod, where their cargo would be unloaded and, the authorities said, transferred overland to Gaza after proper inspection.
The military said in a statement that two activists were later found with pistols taken from Israeli commandos. It accused the activists of opening fire, “as evident by the empty pistol magazines.’’
Wow, those ISRAELI COMMANDOS must be INCOMPETENT if they are letting people TAKE THEIR GUNS AWAY!!!!
Or this is just ANOTHER ISRAELI LIE is all!!!!!!
Another soldier said the orders were to neutralize the passengers, not kill them.
But the forces “had to open fire in order to defend themselves,’’ the navy commander, Vice Admiral Eliezer Marom, said at a news conference in Tel Aviv, adding, “Their lives were at risk.’’
At least seven soldiers were wounded, one of them seriously. The military said some suffered gunshot wounds; at least one had been stabbed.
Some Israeli officials said they had worried about a debacle from the start and questioned Israel’s broader security policies.
Einat Wilf, a Labor Party member of Parliament who sits on the influential Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, said she had warned Barak and others well in advance that the flotilla was a public relations issue and should not be dealt with by military means.
“This had nothing to do with security,’’ she said in an interview. “The armaments for Hamas were not coming from this flotilla.’’
The fatalities all occurred aboard the Mavi Marmara, a Turkish passenger vessel that was carrying about 600 activists under the auspices of Insani Yardim Vakfi.
Israeli officials have characterized it as a dangerous Islamic organization with terrorist links.
And the ZIONIST AmeriKan MSM has carried that message forward.
Also see: Rick Sanchez is a Pecker
CNN Reporter Asks the Tough Question
CNN Blames Victims of Israeli Piracy for Deaths
"Clash deepens Israeli isolation" by Karin Laub, Associated Press | June 1, 2010
I have been TOLD by my NEWSPAPERS it is the REST of the WORLD that is ISOLATED!!!
You know, countries like Iran and Korea are isolated.
Not poow wittle Iswael!!!!
JERUSALEM — Israel’s bloody, bungled takeover of a Gaza-bound Turkish aid vessel is complicating US-led Mideast peace efforts, deepening Israel’s international isolation, and threatening to destroy the Jewish state’s ties with a key regional ally, Turkey.
Yup, they "bungled" it, sigh.
Here is to the end of the Jewish state in the not to distant future.
And while Israel had hoped to defend its tight blockade of Hamas-ruled Gaza with yesterday’s high-seas raid, it instead appeared to be hastening the embargo’s demise, judging by initial international condemnation.
The predawn commando operation, which killed nine pro-Palestinian activists, was also sure to strengthen Gaza’s Islamic militant Hamas rulers at the expense of US allies in the region....
As opposed to Zionist terrorists, right, MSM?
“The attack on a humanitarian mission . . . will only further alienate the international community and isolate Israel while granting added legitimacy to Hamas’s claim to represent the plight of the Palestinian people,’’ said Scott Atran, an analyst at the University of Michigan....
In the most immediate fallout, the interception of the six-boat flotilla carrying 10,000 tons of supplies for Gaza trained the global spotlight on the blockade of the territory.
Israel and Egypt sealed Gaza’s borders after Hamas overran the territory in 2007, wresting control from Abbas-loyal forces.
When they just KEEP LYING and LYING what are we too think, dear readers?
That the AmeriKan MSM is nothing but a lying, agenda-pushing organ for the stink-state of Iz-ray-HELL!!!!!!
The blockade, under which Israel allows in only essential humanitarian supplies, was intended to squeeze the militants. Instead, it has failed to dislodge Hamas, driven ordinary Gazans deeper into poverty, and emerged as a constant source of friction and instability.
In trying to shake off the blockade, Hamas intensified rocket fire on Israeli border towns, provoking Israel’s three-week military offensive against Gaza 16 months ago.
The removed Israeli government graph: 'Monthly distribution of rockets hits.'
On the 4th November, the day when Americans were watching the results of the Presidential election, the Israeli army broke the ceasefire by raiding the strip.
--MORE--"And the LIES KEEP on COMING from the AmeriKan jewsmedia!!!!!!!
After the war, the international community remained reluctant to push hard for an end to the blockade, for fear it could prolong the rule of Hamas, branded a terrorist organization by the West.
But after yesterday’s deadly clash, Israel may find itself under growing pressure to at least ease the blockade significantly.
European diplomats yesterday demanded a swift end to the border closure, while US officials said statements would call for greater assistance to the people of Gaza.
The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the situation....
Yeah, you don't want to piss off Israel, huh?
And the Globe lies right to your face, readers.

More than 250 people marched from Park Street Station to Faneuil Hall to protest the Israeli raid on a flotilla of aid ships bound for the Gaza Strip. (Matthew J. Lee/ Globe Staff)."
While not technically a lie, there are WAY MORE than 250 people in that STREET-LONG MARCH!
Then again, at this point, what would you expect from the Globe?
"In backlash, Israel allies, foes call for easing Gaza blockade" by Janine Zacharia, Washington Post | June 2, 2010
JERUSALEM — Israel’s botched and deadly commando raid on an aid flotilla has set off widespread international criticism of the Gaza blockade, with popular opinion in many countries swinging heavily against Israel and even the United States urging its ally to find new ways to allow aid shipments to reach the Palestinians.
Too bad you can't remove the smell of shit no matter how hard you clean.
The United States continued to tread carefully in public yesterday — expressing regret about the deaths but not condemning Israel’s actions.
And because of that fact I CONDEMN THEM!
Behind the scenes, administration officials pressed Israel to make sure the confrontation is not repeated, especially with a new aid ship heading for the besieged coastal strip within days.
Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren and Israel’s national security adviser, Uzi Arad, spent four hours in meetings yesterday at the White House, including a session with James Jones, President Obama’s national security adviser. The meetings focused on how to contain the immediate diplomatic fallout from the raid, which has endangered the push for sanctions against Iran and peace efforts in the Middle East.
OOOOOOPPS!! Looks like ISRAEL REALLY F***ED UP there!!!
And you AGAIN SEE what the FOCUS of the AGENDA-DRIVING Zionist AmeriKan MSM is, don't you?
That is why their industry is dying.
The discussions also explored ways for future humanitarian deliveries to reach Gaza without jeopardizing Israel’s security, a White House official said.
Israel can LIFT the SIEGE!!!
And if "security" is cited one more time I am going to blow a gasket. How about the PALESTINIAN'S RIGHT to SECURE a DECENT LIFE, huh?
Behind the White House’s message was a sense within the administration that Israel’s approach toward upholding its blockade is unworkable over the long term, and the focus now is on preventing another deadly raid at sea.
We shall SEE what happens to the RACHEL CORRIE!!!
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton told Defense Minster Ehud Barak during a phone conversation that “we should be extremely cautious in both what we say and what we do in coming days,’’ State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said.
The Obama administration faces a difficult balancing act as it tries to patch up relations with Israel while not letting Arab anger over the raid, which left nine activists dead, undercut its outreach to the Muslim world.
The Muslims aren't falling for the fake handout, sorry.
ACTIONS speak a hell of a lot louder than empty words and gestures!
And you AGAIN SEE what the concern is, right?
While Israeli officials closed ranks in fending off international criticism, the internal debate in Israel focused on why the government and the military had permitted the operation to turn into a public relations fiasco that has tarnished Israeli relations with onetime allies, especially Turkey.
Because Israelis are not as superior and smart as they like to think they are, that's why.
Israeli officials were adamant that their policy toward Gaza will not change....
Still a war crimiaal after all these years.
The future may come later this week when the MV Rachel Corrie, the seventh ship in the flotilla, will attempt to reach Gaza. The ship is named for an American activist killed in Gaza in 2003 while protesting Israeli housing demolitions.
Related: Setting Sail on the S.S. Rachel Corrie
It is St, Rachel to you, Israelis!
Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, upon returning home yesterday after canceling a trip to Washington, convened his security advisers for a four-hour review that covered Monday’s raid, the diplomatic fallout from the confrontation, and how to contend with other attempts to breach the blockade. An Israeli official said no change has been made to Israel’s policy to stop ships from reaching Gaza....
Then it will be WORLD WAR III soon, 'eh?
Goodbye, Israel!
Even as Israeli officials defended their right to use force to uphold the blockade, Israeli commentators decried the raid, and some called for Barak to resign....
Article is ALL ABOUT ISRAEL, isn't it?
While Israeli officials said soldiers had not expected violent resistance, officials had alleged for days that the activists aboard the large Turkish ship were part of a radical group with links to militant organizations.
Hundreds of activists remained yesterday in an Israeli prison south of the city of Beersheba. Israel’s security cabinet decided last night to expel all the remaining detainees within 48 hours, but it was not immediately clear whether activists accused of ambushing the soldiers would be held for prosecution.
So they were KIDNAPPED and are now HOSTAGES, huh?
WHERE is the OUTRAGE, America? Some of those citizens are YOURS!!!!
The International Committee of the Red Cross, which visited some of the activists, released a statement raising “serious questions concerning the methods and means used by the Israel Defense Forces to prevent the flotilla from proceeding to Gaza.’’
And that is the RED CROSS, folks!
Not exactly a band of terrorists, although I'm sure that is what Israel thinks.
Israel’s actions have been condemned by governments worldwide, and the raid spawned demonstrations in Europe, the Middle East and South Asia.
And AmeriKa!!!!
Central to the criticism of Israel were questions about the legality of its actions. The raid took place on a ship that was apparently unarmed, in international waters. But Allen Weiner, a former State Department lawyer and legal counsel at the US Embassy at The Hague, said Israel was technically operating legally.
“Israel claims to be in a state of armed conflict with a nonstate group, with Hamas in Gaza. Under the laws of war, a blockage is legal,’’ said Weiner, who teaches at Stanford Law School. “That includes operating on the high seas. You don’t have to wait until you are on territorial waters.’’
The UN Security Council condemned “those acts which resulted in’’ the deaths of nine civilians and called for a “prompt, impartial, credible, and transparent’’ investigation of why and how the Israeli military acted to stop the ships.
Though officially the Obama administration insisted that Israel was “best positioned’’ to conduct an investigation, a senior administration official acknowledged that an Israeli probe will not be seen as legitimate, so “we are pushing hard for an international role.’’
As anger spread throughout the Arab world, Egypt, in a symbolic gesture, partly opened the Rafah crossing with Gaza.
Related: Evil Egypt
And YOU are PAYING FOR IT, American taxpayers -- to the tune of BILLIONS a YEAR!!!
And it's TURKEY'S TEST(?), according to the agenda-pushing jewsmedia?
"In Turkey, rage at Israeli raid puts an ally to the test" by Stephen Kinzer | June 2, 2010
THE WEAKENING friendship between Turkey and Israel was further shaken by Monday’s Israeli attack on a flotilla of activists bringing relief supplies to Gaza. More than half of the activists were Turkish. Turks had been following the flotilla’s progress intently, and were stunned when the story took a more violent turn than anyone had expected.
Except for BLOGGERS!
This is not the first time the Gaza issue has inflamed relations between these two longtime partners. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey had brokered a secret peace process between Israel and Syria that was disrupted by Israel’s 2008 invasion of Gaza, and felt personally betrayed. He angrily called the invasion an act of genocide. At last year’s Davos conference, he argued about Gaza with President Shimon Peres of Israel and then angrily stormed off the stage. Rapturous crowds welcomed him upon his return home, and overnight he became a hero in the Arab world.
In January, Turkey recalled its ambassador from Tel Aviv after an Israeli official publicly insulted him. He returned to his post soon afterward, but was recalled again after Monday’s raid on the Gaza flotilla. At home he found angry Turks pouring onto streets. Anti-Israel emotion in Turkey, fed by two years of televised images from Gaza and suddenly inflamed by the flotilla raid, is running high.
Turkey is today more widely admired and respected in the Middle East than at any time in its history. Under the right circumstances it could become a key broker between Israel and its enemies. Responding to this latest outrage by breaking too decisively with Israel will make it more difficult for Turkey to function as the impartial mediator the region desperately needs.
And Israel benefits again, huh?
Turkey’s relationship with Israel is long, and friendship between Turks and Jews is a motif of history.
“Turkey is a land where nothing is lacking,’’ the rabbi of Adrianople, now the Turkish city of Edirne, wrote to persecuted European Jews in 1454. Sixteen years later, by official decree, the Ottoman Empire opened its doors to Jews expelled from Bavaria. More than 150,000 more came after their expulsion from Spain in 1492. By the seventeenth century, most of the world’s Jews were living safely under Ottoman rule. Sultan Abdul Mecit officially outlawed the anti-Jewish “blood libel’’ in 1840. When Hitler expelled Jewish professors from German universities in 1933 and neither the US nor European countries would give them refuge, President Kemal Ataturk took in more than 200; they became the brilliantly talented core of the new Istanbul University.
"In the 1930's, the revolutionary secularist leader, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, invited many eminent Jewish professors to escape persecution in Germany and settle in Turkey, and during the war provided a safe passage for many to Palestine."
Also see: http://m-kemal.blogspot.com
The great Muslim liberator of Turkey was a secret Jew?
Turkey recognized Israel soon after its establishment in 1948, and many Turkish Jews moved there. Partly because of a shared antipathy to Arabs, the two states began cooperating. They gave each other military aid, with Turks allowing Israeli pilots to practice in Turkish airspace while Israel modernized Turkish tanks. More recently, their annual trade has grown to the multi-billion-dollar level, and Turkey has become a favorite destination for Israeli tourists. The one serious blot on this record was the crushing “wealth tax’’ Turkey imposed on non-Muslim businesses during World War II, which was in part a way of squeezing honestly earned money from Jewish families. With this exception, though, Turkish-Jewish relations have been warm for centuries.
News that Israeli soldiers attacked Turkish civilians on the high seas naturally outraged Turks. Allowing the emotion of street protests to infect policy-making, however, would damage Turkey’s own self-interest. The single factor that would most fully promote and secure Turkey’s future would be a calm Middle East. That goal is not reachable without Israel’s cooperation.
Can this guy really be this naive?
If Israel WANTED PEACE we would have HAD IT BY NOW!
They only want a PIECE of LEBANON, a PIECE of SYRIA, and ALL of PALESTINE!
In one intriguing sense, Israel and Iran pose similar dilemmas to the world. Both are widely seen as rogue states, even pariahs. Both behave in ways that have earned them many enemies in the Middle East and in the wider world. The impulse to punish one or the other, or both, is easy to understand.
Yeah, except ISRAEL is the ONLY ONE that DESERVES the TAG!
But without the cooperation of both Israel and Iran, there will be no progress toward the urgent goal of Middle East peace. Denouncing, threatening, and sanctioning Israel and Iran may redeem emotions, but it intensifies passions rather than calming them.
Yeah, whatever you do, do not sanction Israel.
Turkey cannot remain calm and smiling as its citizens are attacked by soldiers of a foreign army. Its national conscience has been genuinely shocked by the intensity of the long Gaza embargo and the violence of Monday’s raid. Overreacting, however, would further weaken the Turkish-Israeli axis that has served the region well for half a century and holds tantalizing possibilities for the future.
Served WHO well, Steve?
I noticed Kinzer didn't mention the Kurds.
Nothing like half-assed agenda-pushing on the ops page.
Probably why I rarely read them.
"Protesters assail Israel over sea raid; Jewish groups defend use of force on flotilla" by Peter Schworm and David Abel, Globe Staff | June 2, 2010
Pro-Palestinian activists in Boston yesterday condemned Israel’s deadly high-seas raid of a civilian convoy carrying relief supplies to the Gaza Strip, while local Jewish leaders defended the use of military force as the self-defense required to enforce what they called a legitimate blockade.
Israel’s takeover of the convoy, which sparked international criticism and could have far-reaching diplomatic repercussions, echoed loudly in the fierce debate in Massachusetts over who is to blame for the deadlock in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Outside the Israeli consulate at Park Square in downtown Boston, some 100 protesters chanted, “Israel is a terrorist state,’’ and voiced outrage over the killing of nine passengers on the aid flotilla and the ongoing siege of the Palestinian coastal strip.
“The people of Gaza are suffering,’’ said Marco Elawad, 41, a Palestinian who lives in Norwood. “And what the Israelis are doing is wrong.’’
Just after 1 p.m., more than a dozen protesters, many wearing black clothing and holding signs declaring, “End the Siege in Gaza,’’ lay on the street in a silent 15-minute protest in front of the consulate building.
But leaders of prominent Jewish organizations blamed Hamas, which controls Gaza, for the fatal confrontation, saying....
WHO CARES what ZIONIST JEWS have to say anymore?
They get PLENTY of PRINT and AIRTIME as it is!!!!
The flotilla was organized by a pro-Palestinian coalition called the Free Gaza Movement, which is seeking to draw attention to the plight of Palestinians and breach the blockade, instituted nearly three years ago, after Hamas seized control.
Relatives of two activists with Massachusetts ties who were aboard the ships said Israeli naval forces acted without justification.
“This was an attack on a completely peaceful flotilla,’’ said Joseph Bangert of Brewster on Cape Cod, whose son remained in Israeli custody yesterday.
Fiachra Ó Luain, a 29-year-old Irish peace activist, was not injured in the raid as initially reported, according to the Israeli Consulate in Boston. He was slated to be deported to the United States shortly, along with more than 600 other passengers....
US Representative William D. Delahunt, whose district includes Cape Cod, met yesterday in Ankara with President Abdullah Gul of Turkey and called for a full, independent investigation of the raid. The casualties occurred on a Turkish vessel in the flotilla.
Palestinians have complained of widespread hunger and hardship among the more than 1 million residents of Gaza during the three-year-long Israeli blockade since Hamas took control.
Yes, something that is RARELY REFERENCED in AmeriKa's Zionist War Papers!
Israel says the blockade is needed to prevent Hamas, which has fired thousands of rockets into the Jewish state, from building up its arsenal.
Yup, it is ALWAYS WHAT ISRAEL SAYS in my f***ing jewspaper!
Nadav Tamir, consul general of Israel in Boston, said his government was “deeply sorry’’ for the loss of life, but said the commandos came under fierce attack when they boarded the largest of six vessels in the flotilla.
Israel has STOLEN THEM, haven't they?
“There were people were waiting for the soldiers with clubs and knives and chairs, and they actually tried to lynch the soldiers when they came down to the boat, which led to a situation that the soldiers had to shoot to save their lives,’’ he said.
“There was no assault on the flotilla. There was a clear decision to not let the flotilla get into Gaza. Unfortunately, the shooting happened because the organizers, or at least some of them, didn’t want the good of the people of Gaza. They wanted to create a provocation that led to this tragedy.’’
That is why the WORLD HATES ISRAEL!!!!!!!!!
And why I now despise AmeriKa's apologetic and agenda-pushing newspapers!
"Israeli PM defends flotilla attack; Says world can't afford to give Iran access to 'port' in Gaza for arms
JERUSALEM -- Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday rebuffed as "hypocrisy" international criticism of a deadly attack on a pro-Palestinian aid flotilla and defended Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip, asserting that Iran would otherwise establish a "port" in Gaza for weapons shipments.
In a nationally televised speech, a defiant Mr. Netanyahu said Israel would maintain the blockade despite an outcry over the attack, in which Israeli marines commandeered the six-ship flotilla in international waters and killed nine people aboard the lead vessel.
Actually, 20 were killed, but who is quibbling?
Mr. Netanyahu asserted that the Israelis fired in self-defense after boarding the Turkish cruise liner Mavi Marmara and meeting resistance from activists armed with clubs, knives and two pistols grabbed from the raiding party. Passengers disputed that account, saying the Israeli raiders started shooting first.
I know whom I believe, and it ain't no lying Israeli!
"Once again, Israel faces hypocrisy and a biased rush to judgment," Mr. Netanyahu told the nation Wednesday. "The international community cannot afford an Iranian port on the Mediterranean. ... The same countries that are criticizing us today should know that they could be targeted tomorrow."
He said Israel has a responsibility "to examine every ship going to Gaza, to stop the weapons and to let other cargo enter." If Israel had allowed the blockade to be breached, the flotilla "would have been followed by dozens, hundreds, of boats," Mr. Netanyahu said. "Each boat could carry dozens of missiles.
"Israel is told it has the right to defend itself, but when we do exercise that right, we're condemned for it," he said. "Israel should not be held to a double standard."
They are SO INVESTED in their own extorting victimization that they can not see how they are ACTING JUST LIKE NAZIS!!!
Mr. Netanyahu spoke after the Geneva-based U.N. Human Rights Council on Wednesday voted, 32-3, with nine abstentions, to authorize "an independent international fact-finding mission to investigate violations of international law" in the incident in the Mediterranean early Monday. The United States, the Netherlands and Italy voted against the measure.
Yup, the U.S. confirming that it has its head stuck all the way up Israel's ass.
Israel, meanwhile, sent the remaining activists from the aid ships to Ben Gurion International Airport near Tel Aviv to be deported. Nearly 700 activists -- including 400 Turks -- were aboard the ships, which were carrying 10,000 tons of aid to break Israel's 3-year-old blockade of Gaza.
Related: ‘New York Times’ fails to interview a single flotilla member about killings
Just one of the infinite reasons not to read a New York Times -- ever.
The Israeli government faces another such challenge later this week, when the MV Rachel Corrie, a converted merchant ship named after an American woman who was killed in the Gaza Strip in 2003 while protesting Israeli home demolitions, is due to arrive in the vicinity of Monday's clash.
Yeah, let's not linger over Rachel Corrie and her corpse, 'eh, MSM?
The ship, which was originally supposed to be part of the flotilla, is carrying more aid bound for Gaza, as well as about 15 activists, including Mairead Corrigan Maguire, a Northern Irish peace advocate who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1976.
During a visit Wednesday to Bethlehem, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair called upon Israel to end its blockade of the Gaza Strip, saying it was "counterproductive," Reuters news agency reported. "The policy of Gaza is counterproductive, and what [Israel] should be doing is allow material in to rebuild homes and sanitation and power and water systems and allow business to flourish," Mr. Blair, a Middle East envoy, told Reuters.
Israel cut Bliar loose or does he just not care anymore?
Earlier, Israel began deporting the hundreds of activists it captured in the raid on the aid flotilla. The move came as international criticism mounted, with popular opinion in many countries swinging heavily against Israel, and even the United States urging its ally to find new ways to allow aid shipments to reach the Palestinians.
Israeli officials said 204 Turks who had been taken into custody on board the flotilla Monday were bused Wednesday morning to Ben Gurion International Airport to be sent out of the country. Those allegedly involved in attacks on the commandos who staged the raid will be expelled along with the rest, Israeli police said, in accordance with a government decision reached Tuesday night to deport all who arrived on the boats within 48 hours.
Eleven American citizens who were being held at Ela Prison were expected to be deported Wednesday, according to the Interior Ministry.
Yeah, except their were 12 AMERICANS ABOARD the SHIPS!
See: Meet the 19-Year-Old American Killed in the Flotilla Attack
Israel KILLED ONE, and the AmeriKan MSM is COVERING IT UP!
That's what DEFENSE ATTORNEYS DO, right?
Related: Israel quickly frees detainees (By Michael Slackman, New York Times)
I'm tired of the web censorship and games, Globe --as well as the bullshit propaganda:
"Investigator says flotilla’s donor linked to terror" by Alfred De Montesquiou, Associated Press | June 3, 2010
PARIS — The Turkish Islamic charity behind a flotilla of aid ships that was raided by Israeli forces on its way to Gaza had ties to terrorism networks, including a 1999 Al Qaeda plot to bomb Los Angeles International Airport, France’s former top antiterrorism judge said yesterday.
So which "Al-CIA-Duh" would that be, huh?
The CIA "Al-CIA-Duh?"
Prop 101: Al-CIA-Duh and the OSI
Prop 101: Al-CIA-Duh's Greatest Hits
Prop 101: The "Terrorism" Business
New York Times Admits War on Terror is U.S. Creation
Oh, AmeriKa's MSM KNOWS ALL ABOUT and yet STILL PUSHES the CHARADE, huh?Yes, the ZIONIST WAR LIES never stop here in New England's largest daily.
The Istanbul-based Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief, known by its Turkish acronym IHH, had “clear, longstanding ties to terrorism and jihad,’’ former investigating judge Jean-Louis Bruguiere told the Associated Press in a telephone interview.
Bruguiere, who led the French judiciary’s counterterrorism unit for nearly two decades before retiring in 2007, didn’t indicate whether IHH now has terror ties, but said it did when he investigated it in the late 1990s.
“They were basically helping Al Qaeda when [Osama] bin Laden started to want to target U.S. soil,’’ he said.
Some members of an international terrorism cell known as the Fateh Kamel network then worked at the IHH, he said. Kamel, an Algerian-Canadian dual national, had ties to the nascent Al Qaeda, Bruguiere said.
Among Kamel’s followers was Ahmed Ressam, an Algerian who was arrested in Washington state in December 1999 on his way to bomb Los Angeles International Airport as part of an Al Qaeda plot....
IHH vehemently denies ties to radical groups. The group is not among some 45 groups listed as terrorists by the US State Department’s Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism. Nine people on board the IHH flotilla were killed by Israeli forces on Monday.
“We are a legal organization,’’ IHH board member Omer Faruk Korkmaz said late yesterday in response to Bruguiere’s statements. “We have nothing to do with any illegal organization,’’ he said.
“We don’t know Ahmed Ressam or Fateh Kamel,’’ Korkmaz said. “We don’t approve of the actions of any terrorist organization in the world.’’
French investigators found in the 1990s that “several members of Fateh Kamel’s network worked at the IHH as a cover,’’ Bruguiere said.
Oh, was it their NON-OFFICIAL CIA COVER, or.... ?
Related: A Diplomatic CIA
And if that doesn't work call yourself a hiker, vacationer, or tourist.
“It was too systematic and too widespread for the NGO [non-governmental organization] not to know’’ their real goal, he said....
Just ASK for their I.D., right?
"So, as commenters to this blog pointed out early on - the oil spill comes at an opportune time to becloud all media outlets, filling in the run-up to yet another weekend, while the Israelis get away with murder, another flotilla heads toward Gaza, possible confrontation coming with flotilla approach between Turkey and Israel, financial system collapsing, economy in tatters, U.S. government claims right to murder its own citizens, Bush admits to water-boarding and says he'd do it again, Sestak offered job not to run against Specter, Kagan took $10,000 stipend from Goldman Sachs...good thing for the White House there's an oil volcano to take the heat off." -- American's Journey
Israeli Commandoes Carry Death List On “Marmara”
Our tax dollars at work: GAZA Freedom Flotilla - Israelis threw bodies overboard?
Our tax dollars at work... "The soldiers shot a doctor who surrendered and they threw dead bodies into the sea. We still don't know what happened to them"
“Kevin Ovenden of Britain said a man who had pointed a camera at the soldiers was shot directly through the forehead with live ammunition, with the exit wound blowing away the back of his skull.”
So that is who the Israelis claimed was a soldier going overboard, huh?
What liars!
If it is left to the AmeriKan MSM, yeah.
Update: Irish ship Rachel Corrie was sabotaged by Israeli intelligence says report
If it gets there at all, that is.