"Women protest proposed veil ban; French officials could pass new law this summer" by Elaine Ganley, Associated Press | May 20, 2010

Najat (left) was among the women who criticized France’s bid to outlaw face veils yesterday. (Associated Press)
PARIS — One runs her own company, another is a housewife, and a third, a divorcée, raises her children by herself. Like nearly 2,000 other Muslim women who freely wear face-covering veils in France, their lives will soon change and they are worried.
Changed so some a**hole leader can gain political points.
No world outrage, though.
Hey, they are only Muslims.
Yesterday, Justice Minister Michele Alliot-Marie presented a draft law to the Cabinet banning Muslim veils that cover the face, the first formal step in a process to forbid such attire in all public places in France. It calls for $185 fines and, in some cases, citizenship classes for women who run afoul of the law.
The measure notably creates a new offense, “inciting to hide the face,’’ and anyone convicted of forcing a woman to wear such a veil risks a year in prison and an $18,555 fine.
“Citizenship should be experienced with an uncovered face,’’ President Nicolas Sarkozy told the Cabinet meeting, in remarks released by his office. “There can be no other solution but a ban in all public places.’’
I suppose that goes for DUAL NATIONAL ISRAELIS because they are wearing masks, too. They PRETEND TO BE exactly what they are not!
So when do the deportations start, Nico?
Although the Interior Ministry estimates there are only 1,900 women in France who cover their faces with veils, the planned law would be another defining moment for Islam here as the nation tries to bring its Muslim population — at least 5 million, the largest in western Europe — into the mainstream, even by force of law.
Related: Making a Mountain Out of a Molehill in Muslim France
The bill is to go before Parliament in July, and despite the acrimonious debate that is sure to come, there is little doubt the measure will become law.
“If the law is voted, I won’t take off my veil. . . . No one will dictate my way of life’’ but God, said Najat, a divorcée, who gave her age as “45 plus.’’ She was one of a half-dozen women who, in a rare move, met with reporters on Tuesday to express their worries about changes they say will affect their lives to the core.
Like others, she refused to give her full name. All said they fear for their safety in an increasingly tense climate. Najat said she has been harassed since debate over the planned law began.
Amnesty International urged French lawmakers to reject the bill. A French anti-racism group, MRAP, which opposes such dress, said a law would be “useless and dangerous.’’
The final draft text says France’s founding tenets of liberty, equality, and fraternity, values that guarantee the “social pact,’’ are at stake....
As French forces participate in the slaughter of innocent Afghans.
A similar veil ban is in the works in neighboring Belgium.
Related: Bedlam in Belgium
Yeah, the whole society will come apart if.... sigh.
Is there any western government NOT beholden to Zionist scum?
Najat, with a French mother and Moroccan father, said she has covered her face with a veil for 10 years. Najat said that because she is divorced and raising her children alone no one “can say this is imposed on me.’’
The women predicted that their “sisters,’’ other women who veil themselves, would hide out in their homes so as not to get caught breaking the law.What do you know? The TALIBANIZATION of FRANCE -- by the FREE and HUMANE FRENCH GOVERNMENT!!!
Several said they would take their case to the European Court of Human Rights if arrested.
You go girl!!!
Also see: Looking Under the French Veils
I wouldn't do that; it's terribly disrespectful!
More: She's Just a Girl
Maybe they should be wearing the gowns and veil, huh?
"New search for Air France plane fails" by Associated Press | May 26, 2010
PARIS — An ambitious $15.8 million search has failed to find the flight recorders that could explain why
Imagine my (lack of) shock.
Related: Raise Flight 447!
French filler in my newspaper?
It was not clear whether a fourth search might at some point be launched, raising the question of whether the cause, or causes, of the accident will ever be known....
Then why did they tell us it was some sensor and made all the airlines replace them?
International search teams using specialized submarines and underwater robots failed to find the “black box’’ voice and data recorders.
Maybe James Cameron would be willing to help; BP obviously does not want to listen.
Without those, investigators may never learn why the plane crashed during thunderstorms in a remote part of the ocean, in depths of up to 13,120 feet.
Translation: That is the COVER STORY that has been put up.
Nelson Marinho, whose son died in the crash and who is the director of an association of family members of Brazilian victims, criticized BEA and Air France for the lack of information released about the latest search.
Government, right?
“BEA insults the intelligence of the families by releasing such little information, a fraction of what they must know,’’ he said.
Yup, government.
And WHO KNEW the French were a bunch of anti-Semites (Arabs are Semitic, too)?
"French official fined for remarks" by Associated Press | June 5, 2010
PARIS — France’s top law enforcement official was convicted yesterday of making racist comments and ordered to pay compensation in a controversy that prompted calls for his resignation — calls ignored by his longtime friend and boss, President Nicolas Sarkozy.
Look, the guy MAY BE an ASSHOLE, but he HAS a RIGHT to SAY whatever he wants -- but not in "free" France!
And how about the second rectum Sarkozy, huh?
Someone put a veil over him.
Interior Minister Brice Hortefeux was caught on camera making what sounded like anti-Arab remarks....
Oh, that's okay then. I'm sure the ADL will be out front with the criticism.
A video circulating on the Internet showed Hortefeux at an event last September in southwest France for the governing UMP party, having his picture taken with a young party member of North African origin.
Papers can find that Internet when they want, 'eh?
A woman’s voice is heard saying “it’s our little Arab,’’ and Hortefeux is heard saying: “We always need one. When there’s one, that’s all right. It’s when there are a lot of them that there are problems.’’
I guess that's why the West's war machines are serving Israel with the slaughter of millions of innocent Muslims (if not Arabs).
Hortefeux’s office said later the remark was a reference to the many photos taken at the event.
WHY must they LIE about EVERYTHING?
"French official convicted over racist remarks" By Int. Herald Tribune | June 7, 2010
PARIS — A Cabinet minister and close friend of President Nicolas Sarkozy faced fresh calls for his resignation Friday after a Paris court found him guilty of making racist comments and ordered him to pay compensation.
Interior Minister Brice Hortefeux was given a $900 fine and asked to pay an antiracism group about $2,400 in damages for what the judge called “private insults of a racial nature.’’
Hortefeux will appeal immediately, his lawyer, Nicolas Benoit, said.
The verdict was rendered nine months after Hortefeux was recorded on camera at an event in southwestern France on Sept. 5 making what to many sounded like anti-Arab remarks.
The video, which was first posted on the website of Le Monde, shows the minister posing for a photo with a young party member of Arab origin.
A woman in the crowd is heard saying, “He’s our little Arab.’’
Hortefeux replies: “When there’s one, it’s OK. It’s when there are a lot of them that there are problems.’’
So let's kill 'em all over unholy lies, right?
At the time of the comment, opposition parties were quick to call for Hortefeux’s resignation, and on Friday the Socialist Party was quick to repeat the demand.
“The exemplariness claimed by the president of the republic has to apply to all,’’ said Benoit Hamon, a spokesman for the Socialists. “If Nicolas Sarkozy keeps him, it would mean behaving more like a clan leader than a president.’’
I don't know; did you see any of the campaign?
Related: European Vacation: Sarkozy's Sacre Bleu
Seems like EVERY PARTY WHIPPED on the Muslims/Arabs, lefty hypocrite.
Mouloud Aounit, secretary general of the antiracism group Mrap, which had brought the case against the minister, also demanded that he step down.
Sarkozy’s office declined to comment, but an official close to the president said Hortefeux had his “full confidence.’’
Hortefeux has been a vocal advocate of clamping down on illegal immigration and deporting those without papers.Yeah, but that is okay as long as you are not in AmeriKa.
Then you are a racist fer sure!!!
Of course, I DO HAVE TO SHOW ID as a CITIZEN to.... well.... get just about anything.
Also see: Paintings stolen from Paris museum