Kiki will probably give birth this fall. She is a western lowland gorillas, a species that is critically endangered. (Courtesy of Christina Demetrio)
Yeah, she could use a bit of a makeover, perhaps; however, she's got a great personality!!!!
"Pregnant with her third, Kiki the gorilla awaits her due date" by L. Finch, Globe Correspondent | August 17, 2010
Make way for baby.
A gorilla baby.
Franklin Park Zoo officials announced yesterday that Kiki, one of seven western lowland gorillas on exhibit at the Boston facility, is pregnant with her third baby....
With all the unnecessary (and planned) death in this world I applaud and encourage all life!!
A typical gorilla gestation period is 8 1/2 months....
Also see: Around Africa: Apes and Ancestors
Pretty close, huh?
Almost as if they are OUR BROTHERS of the animal world!
Can't our leaders and the rulers of this planet treat any life form other than their own select and supremacist group with respect, readers?