It would really spoil the spin of victimization and the agenda-pushing result that is going to re$ult in law$uit$ aplenty!
That is why I am an "obstructionist," folks! The LESS LAWS the BETTER because every time the legislators are bullied into "doing good" crap like this is uncovered.
"Report: Phoebe Prince participated in bullying while in native Ireland" by Globe Staff
Phoebe Prince, the South Hadley teenager who committed suicide after being bullied, acted like a bully herself in her native Ireland before she moved to the United States, according to a published report.
What, this POOR LITTLE GIRL over which the whole state was outraged over and which brought NATIONAL SHAME upon the town of South Hadley?

Prince was among a group of about five girls who made another girl miserable between about March 2008 and the end of school in June that year, Emily Bazelon reported today in the online magazine Slate....
Ever hear of karma?
And look who got the scoop?
Not my Globe, huh?
Well, when you are just sitting around the newsroom drinking coffee and watching NECN, or going outside and watching the cars go by, or heading down to the local mall, it's pretty hard to pick up a phone and do some actual reporting.
Bazelon said the victim's mother had provided her with printouts mocking her daughter on a social networking site. Bazelon said that one she traced to Prince referred to the victim as a "paki whore" -- an apparent reference to the victim's father, who is from a Middle Eastern country.
Ooooh, so the princess practiced HATE SPEECH, too, huh?
But that's okay; as we see with the overinflated mosque flap over here it is okay to hate Muslims in AmeriKa.
Heck, it's even ENCOURAGED by our Zionist-controlled, war-promoting MSM!
It was an eerie echo of the allegation in the South Hadley case that Prince was called an "Irish whore" by those bullying her.
I don't like this whole thing.
Bazelon, who has written a series of articles about the Prince case, said she had been contacted by parents in Ireland whose children attended seventh and eighth grade with Prince. The parents felt that Phoebe didn't get the help she needed from her Irish school, which might have made a difference in South Hadley....
Now she is the victim again!
"I don't intend to comment on every media article focusing on the upcoming court hearings," said prosecutor Elizabeth Dunphy Farris.
Well, you can be sure the defendant's lawyers will be all over this; we shall see about the Boston Globe.
Bazelon had already stirred controversy with a late July article asserting that Prince, who was 15 years old when she died in January, had a history of mental health problems....
Okay, I will look into that below as well.
(Did the Boston Globe look into it is what I mean)
Okay, let's give the Globe a chance by going backward and then forward:
"Report says bullying victim had mental health problems" by Peter Schworm, Globe Staff / July 22, 2010
The district attorney prosecuting five former South Hadley High School students on charges of bullying Phoebe Prince in the months before her suicide defended the criminal charges yesterday in response to a news article asserting that the 15-year-old had a history of mental health problems.
This article is available in our archives:
I guess they wanted to keep this under wraps (I purchased a paper that day and am staring at the clipped article on my desk):
"A previous suicide attempt....
Prince had begun cutting herself in 2008 while she still lived in Ireland, according to the Slate article. The following year she started taking Prozac, an antidepressant.
Oh, now we get the TRUTH!
Yup, the PRESCRIPTION POISON may have had a LOT MORE TO DO WITH IT than the bullying!
Bullying happened for centuries between children with no one killing themselves -- until the kids were PRESCRIBED DRUGS and now they are ALL FUCKED UP!!!!
Thank God I'm an old, broken down coot!
In November, two months before her death, she was hospitalized for a week after swallowing a bottle of Seroquel, an anti-psychotic medication used to treat depression and bipolar disorder.
Yeah, and I hear it is a really great high:
"Seroquel.... another example of how many prescription drugs cross over into the illicit drug market.... sought on the street by former drug addicts or inmates who were first prescribed them.... even some schizophrenics loathe the drug, saying it makes them feel like a zombie"
So WHERE in the WORLD did she get SEROQUEL?
And the authorities are all bunged up about bullying and pot (which, from what I remember, ha-ha, deters things like bullying)!!
Before her death, she had stopped taking antidepressants, the article stated."
Yeah, it couldn't have been the pills that had more to do with her death!
Yup, the KIDS CHARGED in this AGENDA-PUSHING EXAMPLE of "justice" are going to be ACQUITTED!
How about some $***-$cribbling doctor?
And didn't I say something about defense lawyers?
"Defense lawyers seek medical records in Prince case; Say teen’s history a factor in suicide" by John M. Guilfoil, Globe Staff | August 10, 2010
Lawyers for two of the defendants in the Phoebe Prince bullying case are seeking medical and school records they say will portray the 15-year-old as having a long history of mental illness and twice attempting suicide before she hanged herself in January.
Look, I do not want to be jumping on a dead girl's grave; however, when you think of what was done in her name when WE DID NOT GET the WHOLE STORY from the agenda-pushers and their mouthpiece MSM here it does MAKE ONE ANGRY!
That is why NO ONE READS the Boston Globe anymore and why they are going to start CHARGING for access!
Goodbye, Boston Globe.
In documents filed yesterday in the Franklin-Hampshire Juvenile Court, lawyers for Flannery Mullins and Sharon Chanon Velazquez, both 17, asked a judge to order the release of private records from local hospitals and clinics and from South Hadley public schools.
Yeah, that is out my way, folks.
They said evidence of past mental health issues could undercut prosecutors’ assertions that their clients’ bullying led to Prince’s suicide.
And they thought this one was going to be a slam dunk!
Prince was found dead on Jan. 14 at her family’s apartment after being harassed mercilessly throughout the day, even as she walked home, prosecutors say....
Prince’s mother, Anne O’Brien, told the grand jury that Prince was bullied in Ireland and started taking Prozac in May 2009.
Yeah, NOTHING about BEING the BULLY!!!
“Phoebe said she couldn’t take the other girls,’’ O’Brien said. “Phoebe told me that at one point she wanted the pain to stop.’’
In November, two months before her death, O’Brien said that Prince was hospitalized for a week after swallowing a bottle of Seroquel, an antipsychotic medication used to treat depression and bipolar disorder that she had been prescribed....
Yeah, NICE COVER-UP, Globe!!
Yeah, we will see how much coverage the trial gets -- if there is one.
Related: Bullying the Massachusetts Legislature
They also let themselves be bullied by the Boston Globe.
And now LOOK at the HOOPS the OVERBURDENED SCHOOL SYSTEM has to take on now (in addition to all that cultural training the teachers need).
"Mass. offers schools some help to combat bullying" by Peter Schworm, Globe Staff | August 25, 2010
The state Education Department released a model antibullying plan yesterday to help local schools develop their own policies to protect students from being picked on.
And they plan to bring it to Washington D.C. and Tel Aviv, right?
The 14-page plan is meant as a template for local schools, which under the state’s new law against bullying must create bullying prevention plans by year’s end....
The suggested framework also states: “We will not tolerate any unlawful or disruptive behavior, including any form of bullying, cyberbullying, or retaliation.’’
Unless it's lying, war-promoting, agenda-pushing MSM.
State Senator Robert O’Leary, cochairman of the Joint Committee on Education, said in a statement. “This is a great first step in curbing the increase in bullying we are seeing in our schools, and this will lead to increased safety and security for our students.’’
Yup, they always use the "safety and security" line no matter what it is to sell you on s***!
Wait until the LAWSUITS START ROLLING in and BANKRUPT TOWNS are DESTROYED (as the public servant still draws a nice taxpayer-funded pension and health plan)!
All because "educators" are afraid to stand up to the Jewish or gay lobbies.
School leaders across the state have been working on new guidelines over the summer to comply with the state law. Watertown officials recently updated the system’s code of conduct to include cyberbullying, and West Bridgewater schools are creating a tip line that will accept text messages.
The legislation requires school employees to report all instances of bullying — both in person and online — and requires principals to investigate them.
Knock, knock, knock. Gotta subpoena for you.
Parents can report bullying, and reports can be anonymous, although no disciplinary action will be taken against a student based solely on an anonymous report.
“The school or district expects students, parents or guardians, and others who witness or become aware of an instance of bullying or retaliation involving a student to report it to the principal or designee,’’ the state’s plan says.
The legislation defines bullying as repeated acts that cause physical or emotional harm, place students in fear, or create an “unwelcome or hostile’’ school environment for a student.
Once administrators determine bullying has occurred, they must promptly notify the students involved and their parents.
If administrators believe the harassment may warrant criminal charges, they must contact police.
Or lawsuit coming.
You know how schools overreact to the extreme around here.
Related: Perverted Physicians Seek Destruction of American Families
Supreme Court Approves Child Molestation
Yeah, how about worrying more about the PERVERTS and PREDATORS within the walls of the school rather than kids finding their place in the world?
Maybe if we QUIT DOPING the KIDS UP that might help, too!
“We have seen the tragic consequences that bullying, if left unaddressed, can have on many of our children,’’ Attorney General Martha Coakley said in a statement. “We will continue to address the root causes of bullying by bringing schools and communities together to change school climate and proactively prevent bullying in the first place.’’
She is such a failure after losing to Brown no one really listens to her anymore. She's on corporate take, too.
She's always hopping on the bandwagons of other states (except when it comes to, you guessed it, gay marriage).
School employees must receive training each year to identify and respond to bullying, and teachers must discuss bullying in the classroom.
How much is this going to COST BROKE TAXPAYERS, and are they going to mention ISRAEL as a perfect example?
Educators must also help students with disabilities respond to teasing and harassment. Schools must offer education programs to parents.
By doing what, tossing some punches?
That is the ONLY WAY you stop a bully -- or so I was told!!
I mean, the NATION INVADED IRAQ over it!!!
All schools are required to come up with a bullying prevention plan.
Which is less money for teachers, supplies, etc, etc.
Related: South Hadley group completes plan to confront bullying
I feel bad for that town now; had their reputation dragged through the mud with no appropriate correction in the MSM or New England's largest newspaper.
Let's have you stay for detention like a bullies!
"Parents say school official rehired illegally
Three South Hadley parents who have been openly critical of the way the administration handled the bullying and subsequent suicide of a high school freshman argue in a lawsuit that the school committee has illegally renewed the superintendent’s contract. Luke and Lorraine Gelinas and Darby O’Brien say in a suit filed Friday in Hampshire Superior Court that the board broke the state’s open meeting law when it voted in executive session Feb. 24 to extend Gus Sayer’s contract. JoAnn Jordan, committee chairwoman, said Monday that she hadn’t seen the lawsuit and could not comment, but said she believes the committee complied with the law. Phoebe Prince, 15, hanged herself in February following what prosecutors described as relentless bullying by other students. Six have been charged (AP)."
Soon to be dismissed or acquitted.
Related: Shut Down South Hadley High School
That seems to be the ONLY ANSWER, doesn't it?
Also see: Newton school mourns loss of lacrosse player in car crash
Sudbury teen charged after classmate dies in crash
I would rather they worry about that even!