Sunday, April 17, 2011

Boston's Soda Ban

And here I was looking for something to drink before the game.  

"complaints were coming in from those who love their sodas and do not like being told what to do or to drink 

Yeah, I'm with that SECOND GROUP! 

I'll tell you what, why don't you BAN BOOZE and LIQUOR STORES next!!! 

"Menino expands sugary drink ban; Some beverages won’t be allowed on city properties" by Meghan E. Irons, Globe Staff / April 8, 2011

Mayor Thomas M. Menino said yesterday that he is expanding his ban on sugar-sweetened drinks in schools to include all city properties and functions, a sweeping restriction that means that calorie-laden soft drinks, juices with added sugar, and sports drinks like Gatorade will no longer be offered in vending machines, concession stands, and city-run meetings, programs and events.  

These guys can't really do anything about the looting banks and the economy so they spend their time on silly s*** like this -- and get paid by taxpayers to do it.

“It’s going to be bad for morale around here,’’ said Jim Hardy, who runs Station 10 Cafe at police headquarters, where officers get daily doses of soda, fruit juices, and sugary iced tea, along with their sandwiches.  

Not good for the citizens of Boston if the cops are grumpy.

The mayor, who has battled weight issues, said that too many Bostonians are overweight or obese and that he wants to make healthy choices easy for them.  

First of all, why bring your problems down on the rest of us?  

Secondly, what is with the supremely fascist mentality? Mayor knows best?

And lastly, most of the overweight and obese seem to be heading into the state house and government offices.  You gonna start with them?

“I haven’t had a glass of soda in two years,’’ Menino said during a press conference at City Hall announcing the measure.

Well bully for you!

The move follows other anti-obesity initiatives across the country, including the fight against childhood obesity by Michelle Obama at the White House, as communities grapple with a problem deemed a national epidemic....   


"Researchers calculated the body mass index - a standard measurement of size.... There is growing debate about the accuracy of the standard method of calculating whether someone is overweight.... the system would put nearly half of NBA players in the overweight category"  


Michelle Obama's Appetite

How much hypocrisy can you eat?

So far, the ban is getting a cool reaction from some independent contractors who serve city employees. John Moreira, who manages the Coffee Stop Cafe on the first floor of City Hall, spent a part of the afternoon turning around bottles to scan the nutrition labels, trying to guess which drinks would no longer be allowed. He said that he will conform to the new policy, but that he has reservations.

At police headquarters, Hardy said the new plan could curb 20 percent of his business if officers and civilian employees begin bringing in their own sodas and eventually sandwiches, instead of buying them from him.

Just what the economy that never recovered needs.

Yesterday, he said, complaints were coming in from those who love their sodas and do not like being told what to do or to drink....


 Also see: Soda loses its fizz

I rarely drink the stuff because it gives me the hiccups.