Sunday, April 17, 2011

No Need to Worry About Nuclear Radiation

"they do not pose an immediate health risk.... will dissipate and poses no immediate threat"

Before we were being told there was no risk at all, you get more from nature, and it was actually good for you.

"Radioactivity rises in sea near Japan nuclear plant" by Mari Yamaguchi, Associated Press / April 17, 2011

TOKYO — Levels of radioactivity have risen sharply in sea water near a tsunami-crippled nuclear plant in northern Japan, signaling the possibility of new leaks at the facility, the government said yesterday.

The announcement came after a 5.9-magnitude earthquake jolted Japan yesterday morning....

Health officials said they do not pose an immediate health risk.

I want to know when the f***ing lying and covering up is going to end?

The new rise in radioactivity could have been caused by....   

And my grandmother could have been a bicycle if she had wheels.  

What a PoS media we have here in AmeriKa.

Authorities have insisted the radioactivity will dissipate and poses no immediate threat to sea creatures or people who might eat them. Most experts agree.  

These the same experts that lie about damn near everything, and are always cited by the paper?

Regardless, plant workers yesterday began dumping sandbags filled with zeolite, a mineral that absorbs radioactive cesium, into the sea to combat the radiation leaks.  

Translation: they don't have a clue what to do because there really is nothing they can do about it at this point. The only thing that can be done is have the media make it go away.

Meanwhile, the newspaper Asahi Shimbun reported, without citing its sources, that a secret plan to dismantle Tokyo Electric Power Co., which runs the radiation-leaking Fukushima plant, was circulating within the government.  

When governments start talking like that you know they have lost it.  I remember Nixon had a secret plan to end the Vietnam War, too. 

The proposal calls for putting the utility, the world’s largest private electricity company, under close government supervision before putting it into bankruptcy and thoroughly restructuring its assets. Most government offices were closed yesterday, and the report could not be immediately confirmed....

Explosions, fires, and other malfunctions have compounded efforts by Tokyo Electric to repair the plant and stem radiation leaks....

Goshi Hosono, an adviser to the prime minister and member of the nuclear crisis management task force, said that the damaged reactors were much more stable than they had been earlier in the crisis....  

You guys just can't help lying, can you? 

Or is that because all the fuel rods have finally melted down and burned themselves out?


Of course, how could I question government officials and mouthpiece media, huh?

"Shift on radiation data roils Japan; Officials defensive over failure to warn of high levels
April 13, 2011|By Keith Bradsher, Hiroko Tabuchi, and Andrew Pollack, New York Times

TOKYO — Japanese officials struggled through the day yesterday to explain why it had taken them a month to disclose large-scale releases of radioactive material in mid-March at a crippled nuclear power plant....   

Yeah, lies are always difficult to explain to people once they have figured out the truth.

The Japanese media, which have a reputation for passivity but have become more aggressive in response to public unhappiness about the nuclear accident, questioned government leaders through the day about what the government knew about the accident and when it knew it....  

Honestly, I'm sick of the s*** AmeriKan press pot hollering kettle.


Oh, New York Times.  That explains everything. 

"In Japan, aftershocks afflict national psyche; Scores of quakes felt since March" April 14, 2011|By Andrew Pollack and Keith Bradsher, New York Times

TOKYO — As if the threat of radiation from a crippled nuclear power plant were not enough, Tokyo and the region to its northeast have been under a constant barrage of aftershocks since the magnitude 9.0 earthquake that set off a devastating tsunami on March 11....


I'll bet the lies affect the psyche, too.  

They do here:

"Hearing queries N-plant safety; Operators insist that spent fuel poses little risk" April 07, 2011|By Beth Daley, Globe Staff

Operators of nuclear power plants in New England sought to reassure politicians and the public yesterday that the region’s reactors pose little public health and environmental risk....  

These are the $ame guy$ that lied about cancer leaking into the soil and water, right?   

Related: Around New England: No Veracity in Vermont

Around New England: Vermont Votes Yankee Down 

The Boston Globe Can Not Say a Lie   

But they sure can tell 'em!

The Pilgrim plant in Plymouth and the Vermont Yankee plant, near the Massachusetts line in Vernon, have a design similar to the most compromised reactor in Japan, and they have come under increasing scrutiny since the crisis began.  

I'm just downriver, dear readers. 

Because both local plants have nearly 40 years of spent fuel rods on site and want to operate for another 20 years, state officials are worried they could suffer a catastrophic loss of coolant and release radioactive material in a disaster....

The plant owners’ assurances did little to placate about 75 antinuclear activists who rallied on the State House steps before the hearing....   

Maybe if they hadn't lied to us.


Besides, if there is a problem the Globe will take care of you:

When the crisis is radiation

What do you do when the crisis is a s*** press?

Time to worry about more important things:

A distant catastrophe hits home for car buyers

Local auto dealers say they are bracing for a shortage of Japanese-made vehicles and components in coming months as Japan recovers from a deadly March earthquake and tsunami.  

Yup, recovery well underway!