Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Fed's April Fools Joke

“It’s a huge cultural shock for the Fed to have to make disclosures about its lending,’’ said Mark Williams, a former Fed bank examiner who teaches at Boston University. “The Fed needed to step into the 21st century.’’  

More like they need to be dissolved. 

Something that isn't funny at all:

"Many Fed officials said the economy was likely within five or six years to return to longer-run rates of expansion, unemployment, and inflation, though some said they expect more time will be required.  

I'm sure waiting that long for that never-to-appear job will be no problem.

“There’s an acknowledgment that the world’s becoming a better place,’’ said Ward McCarthy, chief financial economist at Jefferies & Co. in New York....

If you are a Wall Street banker or corporate CEO, yeah.
