Monday, September 22, 2014

Monday Stay at the Marriott

I'm checking out early:

"Marriott to urge guests to leave tips for housekeepers" by Abha Bhattarai | Washington Post   September 15, 2014

WASHINGTON — Marriott International wants to give its housekeepers a raise — and it is hoping customers will chip in.

Beginning this week, a number of the company’s hotels will begin providing envelopes in guest rooms to encourage visitors to tip workers. The initiative, called ‘‘The Envelope Please,’’ is a partnership with A Woman’s Nation, a nonprofit organization founded by journalist and former California first lady Maria Shriver. 

It is a paper of and for elites. Wow.

‘‘In conversation with Maria, she said it had struck her that too often women are in positions that we forget to acknowledge,’’ Arne Sorenson, the chief executive of Bethesda, Md.-based Marriott, said in an interview.

‘‘In a hotel, obviously we tip the bellman or wait staff. But often we don’t see our housekeepers,’’ he said. ‘‘We don’t have that personal interaction, so we just don’t think about it.’’ 

I can't afford tips. Probably explains why I never go anywhere or do anything anymore.

The American Hotel and Lodging Association, a trade association, suggests tipping housekeepers between $1 and $5 per night.

The association recommends leaving the money daily rather than at the end of a stay to ensure that the person cleaning the room each day is the beneficiary.


Shriver said she got the idea for leaving envelopes in guest rooms after talking to housekeepers — and hotel guests — around the country.

She approached Marriott executives with the concept about a year ago.

‘‘I was talking to room attendants, who were overwhelmingly women, and they would tell me that people were pretty sophisticated about tipping the bellman or concierge, but they hadn’t been educated that they could leave a tip for a room attendant,’’ Shriver said in an interview.  

I'm tired of the damn condescension about us rabble not being ejerkaydid.

‘‘There didn’t seem to be a general awareness that you could, or should, tip a room attendant.’’

What do you elites think, we are all made of money out here!?


Mitt Romney not a good tipper?

Not a place where you would want to take a date.

Look who I asked the very next day:

Marriott tipping plan draws attention to housekeepers’ needs

First review, then renovate: Hotels relying on Web forums

They left the paper in the room, but why read something not written for me (or you)?