Had to find it somewhere else:
"California Homes Lack Water Meters During Drought
Sep 6, 2014
By SCOTT SMITH Associated Press
FRESNO -- Although California is locked in a third year of historic drought, many homeowners and businesses still don't have meters telling them just how much water they are using.
That's changing, but some say it's not fast enough. State law requires water meters by 2025, but the State Water Resources Control Board says dozens of water districts, many in the thirsty Central Valley, aren't totally metered.
More than 235,000 homes and businesses in the state are not equipped with meters, according to the most recent figures for 2013 collected by the State Water Board. An Associated Press analysis found that Californians who live in 10 water districts with the highest number of unmetered home or business all used more water each day than the state average.
The number of unmetered homes and businesses represents a small fraction of water services statewide, but officials say every drop counts. Gov. Jerry Brown in January declared a drought emergency, and state officials in July approved fines up to $500 for residents caught wasting water. Some communities have put water cops on patrol.
That is totalitarianism.
Related: Drought Draining California
It's the propaganda pre$$ that has drained me.
The state's unmetered homes and businesses are another example of California's struggle to track water use.
A recent AP story revealed that many state agencies don't know if they are meeting the governor's goal of conserving 20 percent.
Oh, another hypocritical AmeriKan $tate??? Imagine my surprise.
Another found that state regulators do not know how many trillions of gallons have been used by corporations, agricultural concerns and others with senior water rights. And only now is California moving to regulate groundwater pumping.
Guess who is paying for it, though.
Peter Gleick, who studies global water issues as president of the Pacific Institute in Oakland, said he would like every home and business to be fitted with a meter today, rather than waiting more than a decade for the deadline.
Well, I want a lot of things yesterday, so.... !!!!!!!!!!!
"It's inappropriate in the 21st century for us not to be carefully measuring and monitoring our water use," he said. "Especially in California during a drought."
When the 1% are thirsting get back to me.
Residents of cities such as Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Jose have been metered for decades. However, many customers served by about 40 water districts in a 300-mile stretch of the Central Valley continue to pay a flat rate, meaning they can use as much water as they want without seeing their bills rise.
Oh, I $ee what this is now about. Always an agenda being pu$hed in my paper.
All new homes built since 1992 in California were required to have water meters, and in 2004, a state law called for retrofitting the rest by 2025, except those in the smallest water districts.
It took state and federal legislation to force change in communities such as Fresno and Sacramento, where the city charters said no homes would be metered.
In Sacramento, attitudes about water date back many decades and spring from its abundance in a city located at the confluence of two major rivers, said Tom Gohring, executive director of the Water Forum, a coalition with the mission providing a reliable water supply.
Throughout the Central Valley, people believed for years that runoff from landscaping and agriculture ended up in streams or seeped into underground basins where it could be reused, Gohring said. "It was a political vestige of another era. I think that day is gone."
Time to bag up your water.