And MK Ultra?
Anyone notice these things have a strange way of ALWAYS HAPPENING in APRIL?!!!!
Related: Bluebird in Binghamton
Bluebird Flies From Binghamton to Pittsburgh Overnight
And always remember, the BIGGER the LIE.....
"Binghamton officials defend response to killings; Police waited to enter center Injuries called too severe" by John Kekis, Associated Press | April 6, 2009
BINGHAMTON, N.Y. - Even if police officers had immediately entered the immigration center where a gunman had just shot down 13 people, the victims' injuries were so severe that none would have survived, a county prosecutor said yesterday.
The shooting at the American Civic Association stopped shortly after the first 911 calls came in at 10:30 a.m. Friday, but police didn't enter the building until nearly 45 minutes later. Survivors reported huddling for hours in a basement, not knowing whether they were still in danger....
As MANY BLOGGERS have pointed out, the POLICE DO NOT PREVENT ANYTHING; however, if an armed citizen was able to carry a weapon, perhaps less than 13 might have died.
When police arrived at the scene, the gunfire had stopped, so they believed there was no "active gunman" in the center and decided to wait for the SWAT team to arrive, police Chief Joseph Zikuski said....
That DOESN'T MAKE SENSE in either case!!
They didn't hear any shooting so they decided NOT TO GO IN?
"I'm not sure why they wouldn't have gone in there if the shooting was already done," said Kent Moyer, president of California-based World Protection Group, which offers protection services for corporate, commercial, industrial, entertainment, residential, and retail clients. "What is happening all across the board in law enforcement is they've switched the tactic. They're not relying on waiting until the SWAT team gets there."
Moyer said many law enforcement agencies conduct rapid-response training where the uniformed patrol officers are taught that "once they have sufficient backup, that they go in prior to the SWAT team getting there."
Zikuski contrasted the scene with the 1999 Columbine High School shooting in Colorado, in which 15 people died, including the two teenage gunmen. There, he said, it would have been better for police to enter the building as quickly as possible because it was obvious the gunmen were still alive and shooting.
Yup, foist the the COLUMBINE LIE upon us, agenda-pushers!!!!!
"At Columbine, there were numerous shots ringing out and law enforcement stood by," he said. "I was, quite frankly, horrified when I knew that."
Pressed on why police didn't go into the building, Zikuski said information they were getting from the receptionist, specifically whether Wong was alive, was uncertain enough to warrant caution. And unlike Columbine, police in Binghamton could be more deliberate because the gunman had stopped firing by the time they arrived.
"He was dead. We didn't know it," Zikuski said. "If there's a bunch of cops laying on the floor shot trying to rescue somebody else, it's not going to help anybody. All I can tell you is that we did what was expected and was the right thing to do under the circumstances. We did the right thing."
The FLAT-OUT LYING amazes me!!!!!!!!!!!
Zikuski said his officers would have gone into the building if shots had still been flying. "If you arrive on the scene - the first two to four guys - and there's an active shooter, they enter," he said. That is standard protocol today.
Wong was "an avid gunman" who had recently visited a firing range weekly, Zikuski said, but authorities still don't know his motive or whether he had a particular target. Zikuski said the choice of targets might have been random....
Yup, it's a mystery we will never know or understand -- now turn over your oiece to the government! Can't take the chance of this happening again.
And just when you thought the lies could not get any more outrageous:
"Fight over dog brought police to ambush" by Associated Press | April 6, 2009
PITTSBURGH - A 911 call that brought two police officers to a home where they were ambushed, and where a third was also later killed during a four-hour siege, was precipitated by a fight between the alleged gunman and his mother over a dog urinating in the house.
The Saturday argument between Margaret and Richard Poplawski escalated to the point that she threatened to kick him out and she called police to do it, according to a 12-page criminal complaint and affidavit filed late Saturday. When officers Paul Sciullo III and Stephen Mayhle arrived, Margaret Poplawski opened the door and told them to come in and take her 23-year-old son, apparently unaware he was standing behind her with a rifle, the affidavit said. Hearing gunshots, she spun around to see her son with the gun and ran to the basement.
"What the hell have you done?" she shouted. The mother told police her son had been stockpiling guns and ammunition "because he believed that as a result of economic collapse, the police were no longer able to protect society," the affidavit said.
Friends have said Richard Poplawski was concerned about his weapons being seized during Barack Obama's presidency, and friends said he owned several handguns and an AK-47 assault rifle. Police have not said, specifically, what weapons were used to kill the officers....
Honestly, I'm tired of the agenda-pushing garbage and staged incidents, folks.
And can that bluebird ever fly!
Made it ALL the WAY to WASHINGTON STATE in 24 HOURS!!!!
"Suspect's wife was leaving, police say; His 5 children found fatally shot" by Phuong Le, Associated Press | April 6, 2009
GRAHAM, Wash. - A man who fatally shot his five children and killed himself had just discovered his wife was leaving him for another man, authorities said yesterday.
The bodies of James Harrison's children, ages 7 to 16, were found with multiple gunshot wounds Saturday in the family's home, most of them in their beds. Harrison's body had been found earlier in the day with a self-inflicted gunshot wound, behind the wheel of his idling car.
The night before, the father and his eldest daughter went in search of his wife, Angela Harrison. The daughter used a global positioning system feature in her mother's cellphone and found her with another man at a convenience store in nearby Auburn, said Ed Troyer, spokesman for the Pierce County sheriff.
You sure the spy technology is for the good?
The woman told her husband she was not coming home, and was leaving him for the man with her at the store. The father and the daughter left, distraught, Troyer said. Sometime after the children went to sleep, he shot each of them multiple times. Four died in their beds.
The fifth was found in the bathroom, surrounded by signs of violent struggle. "He wanted the kids dead," Troyer said. "It wasn't like he shot a few rounds. He shot several rounds."
Investigators believe he then returned to the area near the convenience store looking for his wife. His body was found near the store, Troyer said.
"We think he was going to go back to kill the wife," Troyer said. "He probably didn't find her and realized the gravity of what he'd done and shot himself."
Several weapons were found in the home. Authorities have not released the names of the family. Relatives identified the couple, and the children as Maxine, Samantha, Heather, Jamie, and James.
Ryan Peden, Maxine's classmate, had said she told him Friday night that her parents had gotten into a fight and her mother had left. The father followed the mother and tried to get her to return, Peden said. "Maxine texted me at 11 p.m. Friday. She said: 'I'm tired of crying. I'm going to bed,' " he said. His text to her the next day went unanswered.
Candy Johnson, an aunt of the mother, described Harrison as a strict, controlling husband and father who didn't allow his wife to make decisions without asking him first.
"My niece has been so controlled from the time she was young," Johnson said. Ron Vorak, who lives across the street from the family's trailer at the Deer Run mobile home park, said he called 911 about 3:20 p.m. Saturday after one of the family's relatives couldn't get anyone to answer the door.
"He knocked on the door, and knocked on a couple of windows," Vorak said of the relative. "He walked around the side of the house, looked into the window. He could see somebody laying on the bed."
Neighbors left cards and bouquets of flowers at the home. School officials said they were making arrangements to have grief counselors available when teachers and students returned today.
The father worked as a diesel mechanic, said another of Angela Harrison's aunts, Penny Flansburg. Troyer, however, said the father worked as a security guard at a casino.
The paper can' even establish where the guy worked?
And we are supposed to believe them on the rest?
See: The Bipartisan Homeland Security State
The KKK Way of Shutting Down the Internet
Israel's False-Flag Calling Card
Will the FALSE-FLAGS and PROVOCATEURS every go away?
"Mourners pay last respects to slain Pittsburgh officer; Internet website shows supremacist rants by suspect" by Dan Nephin and Ramit Plushnick-Masti, Associated Press | April 7, 2009
PITTSBURGH - Police, friends, and family paid their respects yesterday to one of three officers allegedly killed by a gunman whose postings on a white supremacist website have come under scrutiny....
You know, if people had not been killed over this I would be laughing.
New information emerged about the suspect from his Internet postings. Friends had said he was upset and angry about losing his job a few months ago, feared that President Obama would take away his gun rights, and believed Jews control the news media.
Yeah, so if you SEE the TRUTH you are somehow some sort of unbalanced, angry, violent, blah, blah, blah, blah. I can't do much from behind this keyboard duck-farts!!!! WORDS are my ONLY WEAPONS!!!!!!
Internet rantings found on a white supremacist website,,
(they had a link for it; I removed it. I don't go there, and I don't want you going to some government provocateurs' site)
indicate Poplawski was preoccupied with to the idea that Obama would overturn the Second Amendment and that Jews secretly run the country....
With the WEB it is NOT MUCH of a SECRET anymore!!!!!!!! But you SEE WHAT is going on, right? Anyone who even thinks like this guy, suspect! If you write like I do, suspect!
This site MAY BE COARSE with the LANGUAGE and PROFANE TERMINOLOGY; however, there is ABSOLUTELY ONE THING this blog is NOT and that is RACIST!!!
EACH and EVERY LIVING ENTITY is DESERVING of RESPECT -- save globalist war-looters and NaZionist psychopaths. They deserve SCORN, SHAME and a PERMANENT RESERVATION at a place like GITMO!!!!!!
If that includes the NO-CHANGE SLICKER, well, if the SHOE FITS, Cindy-rella!!!!!!!!
In January 2007 Poplawski wrote he was considering getting tattoos of life runes - a common white supremacist symbol also popular with neo-Nazis. It is unclear whether he got the tattoos.
At this point I had to add the Prop tag.
Oh, and about those tattoos:
Do you know WHY tattooing is PROMOTED by the Zionist-controlled PAPER, readers?
"The most obvious lesson here to be learned is that - quite apart from any other reasons (of which there are many) - Jews seek to set about promoting multicultural societies where people are encouraged to dress and adorn themselves absurdly and buy into bodily self-mutilation in the form of piercings and hideous tattoos, so as to form a loud and chaotic backdrop behind which the Jew is less readily ."
Seriously, is their one thing the Jews aren't at the bottom of?
See: The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews
Jewish Involvement in Black Slave Trade to the Americas
And THEY are going to LECTURE ME about RACISM?
Excuse me as I GET a LITTLE SELF-RIGHTEOUS and HAUGHTY this morning, readers!!!
Oh, I NEVER!!!! And WAIT until you get a LOAD of THIS!!!!
His friends, who had been to a bar with him three days before the shootings, said he was not acting unusual. But some said he was upset about being laid off from a job at a glass factory and preoccupied by what he feared would be new restrictions on gun ownership. One of his friends, Aaron Vire, who is black, said he did not believe Poplawski was racist.
--more--"Actually NOW I will LAUGH!!!!!!!!!!
I'm sorry people are dead, but I DID NOT KILL THEM or TELL FABULOUS LIES about IT!!!!!!!
Yeah, I'm really going to believe the agenda-pushers now!!!!
"In rambling letter, N.Y. killer reportedly forecast attack" by Carolyn Thompson, Associated Press | April 7, 2009
I hate to say it, but you see what they have on their heads, right?

The funeral for Roberta King, one of 13 victims of Friday's rampage in Binghamton, N.Y.. (mike groll/associated press)
Who new all those immigrants killed where jews, huh? Or was there only one jew killed and that is the photo the jewspaper chose to run? Either way, you get my point, right?
Let's see what SURPISES are in store for us in this one.
BINGHAMTON, N.Y. - The man who opened fire in an immigrant center, killing 13 people before taking his own life, felt he was persecuted by police, couldn't accept his "poor life," and was intent on killing himself and at least two other people, according to a letter mailed to a television station the day of the massacre.
I'm already not liking it, folks.
The letter's authenticity could not immediately be verified yesterday. It was mailed to News 10 Now in Syracuse and postmarked Friday, the day Wong went into the American Civic Association community center and started shooting. Part of the letter reads: "I am Jiverly Wong shooting the people."
The letter was dated March 18, more than two weeks before the shooting, which occurred in a neighborhood of homes and small businesses. It included photos of Wong smiling with two guns, a gun permit, and his driver's license.
????? They didn't find a passport, did they?
The letter ends with him saying he can't "accept my poor life," that he is taking on the job of a judge, and will "cut my poor life." He writes "at least two people with me go to return to the dust of the earth."
Police speculated Wong, who was ethnically Chinese but was from Vietnam, was angry over losing a job and frustrated about his poor English skills. The letter reads, "I am sorry I know a little English."
It indicates a delusional man obsessed with unidentified police who he says taunted him and tortured him, even going into his room, watching him sleep, and touching him while he slept.
(Blog editor shaking his head at these fantastic tales; I'd want 'em to ask the perp, you know, but he's dead, No antidepressants or is that another thing being kept from us?)
The letter says police stole money from his wallet and stopped their cars in front of him 32 times in efforts to make him crash into them. "I never hit the car," the letter states.
In a statement, the city of Binghamton, which is about 140 miles northwest of New York City, said it was reviewing the letter as evidence in the investigation. Police Chief Joseph Zikuski told the TV station police would be asking mental health professionals to analyze the letter. He said behavioral experts from the FBI had suggested some communication from the killer might occur.
Oh, the FBI KNEW!!!!!!
Like they KNEW the MOVEMENTS of the PATSIES, 'er, "hijackers" of 9/11?
"It's not a complete surprise to us whatsoever," he said.
'cause the Va. Tech guy was Asian? WTF?
In staccato bursts, the letter writer strings together a tale of police harassment following him from California to New York.... The letter, neatly written in capital letters, ends with: "And you have a nice day."
HAVE a NICE DAY, readers!!!