Sunday, April 12, 2009

Indian Protesters Take to the.... Phones?

Yeah, don't get out in the streets whatever you do!

Interesting how the MSM promotes Indian young people taking politics into their own hands, but shuns such talk or expectations for American youth.

Read the clips and you will see why:

"India's youth activism rises using technology, not rallies; Interest in voting heightened after Nov. terror attack" by Emily Wax, Washington Post | April 12, 2009

MUMBAI, India - .... The same high-tech tools and toys of youth culture that help teenagers engage with one another are being used to expose the misdeeds of political leaders.

Then why is the Globe crying that we won't get any political news or coverage if they are shut down?

Oh, that's in INDIA, not here!!!

In the past, police harassed young people when they massed for street demonstrations, but Indian youths now gather on Facebook or organize over text messaging....

And CUI BONO, huh?

Certainly easier to handle and dismiss than a street protest, isn't it?

Of course, sometimes it leads to getting into the streets:

What is with the CONTRADICTIONS, MSM?

Although older generations allowed their politicians to become aloof, young Indians have embraced the technologies that make it harder for politicians to hide.

I though that's why we needed newspapers! Pfffffttt!!!!!

Some youth organizers, for example, have started text messaging the jail records of lawmakers in a country where nearly one-fourth of the 540 members of Parliament face criminal charges, including rape and murder, according to the Association for Democratic Reforms.

Ultimately, when you get right down to it, that's what politicians do.

In recent weeks, dozens of new and youth-oriented political parties have formed, led by web designers, call-center employees, Bollywood script writers, and musicians. Their platforms include fighting terrorism, stemming job losses, and improving the nation's crumbling public schools and roads.

And they are going to fight it behind a phone? Pfffffttt!

Besides, WHO BELIEVES in the VOTE anymore?

As we have found out in AmeriKa, elections mean nothing -- which is why the MSM spends so much time on such fooleys!!!!


Hey, look, I love the blogs and the information they provide, readers; however, they mean nothing next to an ACTIVE CITIZENRY in the STREETS DEMANDING JUSTICE!!!!

Of course, that's the purpose of this piece of shit MSM article -- to keep you off those streets so the elite agenda-pushers have free reign!