Even though they aren't building one.
Related: Chosen People's Choices
"In his speech, Netanyahu singled out Iran as Israel's biggest threat and.... "the greatest danger to humanity"
Related: Netanyahu To The West–Destroy Iran Before Israel Destroys You
Israel Indicates Next Attack on Iran
"US to join nuclear talks with Tehran; Iran's president says he is wary, but willing" by Farah Stockman, Globe Staff | April 9, 2009
WASHINGTON - Iran insists that it has the legal right to try to master the complex process of uranium enrichment to help create electricity, and has agreed to allow United Nations inspectors to monitor its actions.
Well, IT DOES! It SIGNED the NPT -- unlike US allies Israel, India, and Pakistan (although it looks like Pakistan won't be much longer the way the AmeriKan MSM is beating the war drums).
But the United States and its European and Arab allies insist that Iran lost the right to enrich uranium when it kept its enrichment facility secret and out of view of inspectors for more than a decade, raising suspicions that it is aimed at creating a weapon.
Two words for you, readers: ISRAEL and DIMONA.
Why aren't we hearing any calls from the world community about that, huh?
Also see: How Israel Got the Nuclear Bomb
Iran's industrial-size enrichment program at Natanz was revealed to the world in 2002 by an Iranian exile group. The country's nuclear program has become a matter of national pride in Iran. Even pro-Western politicians support it and risk public scorn if they signal that they might agree to shut it down."
Sort of like 9/11 truthers in the U.S., huh?
Strange how the Zionist MSM never focuses on the Lobby's power here, yet is fully willing to tell us lies about Iran:
"Ganis: Iran far from what US media say
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Sid Ganis at Persepolis, Shiraz, Iran |
Mon, 13 Apr 2009
President of the American Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Sid Ganis says Iran is very different from what the US mainstream portrays.
Ganis visited Iran along with American actresses Annette Bening and Alfre Woodard, Academy Award-winning screenwriter Frank Pierson, producer William Horberg and Phil Alden Robinson in early March.
“Our entire group was somewhat surprised to see how different Iranian life is, the way people live it on a daily basis, from the usual depictions we see in the media, especially the news media,” said Ganis in an interview with Foreign Policy Journal.
Well, we KNOW WHY THAT IS, don't we, readers?
“Iranians are very sophisticated, educated and culturally literate people and they have access to far more western media and technology than any of us had realized.” He said.
“We traveled freely around Tehran, Shiraz and Isfahan and we didn't see any signs of political demonstrations or speech directed against Americans.”
Ganis also referred to the unexpected hospitality of Iranians saying that they “were met with an incredibly warm and hospitable welcome by the filmmakers of Iran, and the people in general.”
I'm not surprised and I'm nearly crying at this point!!!!
The 69-year-old producer described his visit as a great opportunity to learn about Iranian culture and the ancient Persian civilization. “The opportunity to go on this trip has given me an incredible opportunity to study this ancient country and its people.”
“Iran has been so difficult to visit for Americans, and there are so many preconceptions about it, that it's hard to get an accurate picture without actually going there yourself.”
And you CERTAINLY WON'T GET an ACCURATE PICTURE from the AmeriKan jewsmedia!!!!!
The Hollywood delegation attended seminars and workshops on screenwriting, directing, acting, documentary filmmaking, production, and film marketing and distribution. The group also visited Iran's Cinema Museum and attended a press conference at the House of Cinema during their stay in the country.