Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Sebelius Tax Stub Kept Silent by MSM

Aaaah, the RANK CORRUPTION of the Obama Cabinet!!!

"Kennedy pushes Sebelius nomination; Health post pick backs public insurance option" by Globe Staff And Associated Press | April 1, 2009

WASHINGTON - .... Kathleen Sebelius, [nominee for] health and human services secretary.... alerted senators in a letter yesterday that she has corrected three years worth of tax returns after finding "unintentional errors" involving charitable contributions, the sale of a home, and business expenses....

Sebelius's background on healthcare includes blocking an insurance company merger in Kansas while insurance commissioner in 2001. She has faced opposition from conservatives over her support for abortion rights, but senators didn't raise that issue yesterday.

The health committee won't actually vote on sending Sebelius's nomination to the full Senate. That job falls to the Senate Finance Committee, which will hold her confirmation hearing tomorrow.

WTF? Then WHY is the MSM and CONGRESS WASTING OUR TIME with this "testimony?"
