Related: Stimulus Bill is For Jewish Interests Only
Obama Stimulus Giveaway to Corporations
"As money for teachers flows, some states have other ideas; Duncan threatens retaliation for noncompliance" by Libby Quaid, Associated Press | March 31, 2009
WASHINGTON - President Obama promises his economic stimulus will save hundreds of thousands of teaching jobs, but some states could end up spending the money on playground equipment or wallpaper - and the president might not have the authority to stop them.
I'm NOT HAPPY about the WASTE, but I am AM HAPPY the DICTATOR can't reach in there!
Of course, there would BE NO FEDERAL EDUCATION AID in my world. Ron Paul is right on this one: LOCAL, LOCAL, LOCAL when it comes to SCHOOLS!!!!!!
I mean, EVEN the ED MONEY in this MONSTROSITY is going to be MISUSED!!!!!
Obama has said nearly all the education money, which starts going out to states this week, is designed to retain teachers. Education Secretary Arne Duncan threatened to "come down like a ton of bricks" on anyone who defies the administration's plans to bring relief to states like California, where 26,500 teachers have gotten pink slips.
Is that a THREAT, Arne? In the private world, we call that EXTORTION!!!!!
Across the country, 9 percent of teachers - about 294,000 - face layoff because of budget cuts, according to a University of Washington study.
And yet we have TRILLIONS upon TRILLIONS for WARS and BANKS?
But plans for the money are pulling in other directions, particularly in states with Republican governors: Governor Linda Lingle of Hawaii wants to fill a budget gap, Governor Butch Otter of Idaho wants to hold the money in reserve; and Governor Mark Sanford of South Carolina wants to pay down debt. His request has been turned down by the White House Budget Office.
Yup, the POLITIC NEVER GOES AWAY!!! And you expect ME to stop?!!!!
You know, MAYBE those states DON'T NEED that many teachers!
There are loopholes in the stimulus for both states and school districts.
Here are a couple loopholes Massachusetts teachers already have:
"I'm double dipping and I'm happy to be doing it," said Ralph Olsen, 62, who is finishing up his second year as principal of Durfee High School in Fall River and plans to return next school year. Olsen, who retired as Framingham High School principal in 2004, earns $87,311 a year in pension income and makes $140,000 a year in his new position....
Eugene Thayer... earns $192,000 a year as superintendent of Framingham schools.... His pension is worth an additional $85,000 a year"
This while teachers are being laid off and budgets cut.
Of the $100 billion for education, $40 billion comes as part of a fund to stabilize state and local budgets that has fewer strings attached.
That's it? The BANKS got TRILLIONS and WE DON'T EVEN KNOW where that money went?
As the bill made its way through Congress, lawmakers decided not to prohibit states from using the stabilization money to replace state aid for schools. State lawmakers and governors in Kansas, Rhode Island, and Texas are among those seeking to use their federal stimulus dollars to replace state aid, rather than add to it.
And that truthfully is AS IT SHOULD BE!
The law was written so broadly that most of the stabilization dollars can be spent on just about anything - carpet, wallpaper, playground equipment, even new school construction - which might bother Senate moderates who insisted on dropping a school construction program before they would vote for the bill.
That's because school districts can spend the money as federal impact aid, a relatively small program for poorly funded districts. By contrast, most federal education dollars are supposed to be spent on teacher salaries or academics. "Congress opened a Pandora's Box to allow districts to use the funds for impact aid," said Michael Brustein, a Washington lawyer who represents several state education agencies. "How you enforce against that is anyone's guess."
Duncan said he can come down hard on states that don't comply because he is releasing the money in installments, and because he will award billions of dollars in competitive grants later this year.
So we also have an EMPEROR of EXTORTION over at EDUCATION, huh?
And just to remind you of how much the government loves you and your kid, a reminder from the agenda-pushing MSM:
"Schools to begin getting stimulus cash" By Associated Press | April 2, 2009
WASHINGTON - The Obama administration has released $44 billion, the first round of school dollars from the economic stimulus package.
Education Secretary Arne Duncan made the announcement yesterday at Doswell Brooks Elementary School in the Maryland suburbs, just outside Washington.
What was the carboon footprint on that PR move, Arne?
"It's critical the money go out quickly, but it's even more important this money be spent wisely," Duncan told a group of children, teachers, and state and local leaders in the school library.
The school has a big share of poor and special education children....
That's what is bankrupting taxpayers -- all the special equipment and such that is needed for the "retards!"
President Obama says the stimulus law will save teachers' jobs, although there is no estimate of how many jobs will be rescued. Nationwide, about 294,000 teachers - 9 percent - may face layoffs because of state budget cuts.
Just say 7500. People seem to like that number.
"This is a historic opportunity, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, to lay the groundwork for a generation of education reforms," Duncan said.
The administration made available half of the dollars for federal programs that pay for kindergarten through 12th grade and special education. In addition, Duncan will provide applications for states to get money from a special fund to stabilize state and local budgets.
However, loopholes created by Congress could let states and school districts spend the money on other things, such as playground equipment.You know, the inherent assumption in that sentence from the agenda-pushing press is that PLAY is NOT IMPORTANT!!
For the record, as I have found out this last month or so, is that PLAY and REST are VITALLY IMPORTANT -- and not just for CHILDREN!!
In fact, I'll bet PLAY is even MORE IMPORTANT to KIDS!!!
Think about it:
GRADES and CLASSES foster INDIVIDUALISM and COMPETITION -- sometimes even leading to LIES and CHEATING!!