Global government has failed.
"In Haitian town, aid is but a rumor; Survivors help each other in ruins far from Port-au-Prince" by Brian MacQuarrie, Globe Staff | February 1, 2010

In Leogane, Presnel Regis helped her brother, Dovilus Andre, whose leg was broken during the earthquake. (David L. Ryan/ Globe Staff)
LEOGANE, Haiti - Two tortuous hours west of the battered streets of Port-au-Prince, in a fly-infested encampment at the rural epicenter of the earthquake, 20-year-old Marie Ange Toussaint held her daughter, born a day after the disaster.
“We can’t find anything to give the baby,’’ said Toussaint, sitting in a sweltering hut flung together with corrugated metal, plywood, and flimsy bedsheets. “Some of us haven’t eaten for more than a week,’’ said Elvine Casseus, 48, as she washed clothes nearby.
While tens of thousands of people are fed daily in Haiti’s teeming capital, the mammoth life-saving effort has yet to reach countless places like this fetid patch of makeshift housing, just 18 miles of nearly impassable roads away.
Carmen Joseph - the 82-year-old matriarch of the camp, constructed by 200 people whose homes lay in ruins across the street - said she is not surprised that her village is being over looked....
The problem is that Haiti has no working government, its already hobbled infrastructure obliterated by the earthquake, which destroyed the buildings that housed the corridors of power and scattered the bureaucrats who now are tending to their own shattered families.
It was like that even before the earthquake.
The mayor of Leogane, where at least 3,300 people were killed, has driven past the shantytown without stopping, its residents said. And the Canadian troops who are based here have been patrolling but are not supposed to distribute food directly, said Master Corporal Jacques Bisson of the Canadian army.
“Nobody is coming to see them,’’ said Sam Moly, 31, a US citizen born in Haiti who returned to Leogane from Florida to help his native country. “No one is coming to do anything.’’
Yeah, because this is a New World Order occupation!!
When help was offered, he said, even those efforts disintegrated into chaos because of poor organization. A food line set up by the United Nations just 150 yards from the shantytown, Moly said, was shut down after only a few days because of violence in the pushing, shoving, and hungry crowd that converged here from across the rural west.
"The patience of the waiting refugees was stunning. Standing in line for hours in 90-degree weather, pressed hard against one another’s backs, the Haitians did not push, shove, or complain"
Whatever agenda needs to be pushed, right, MSM?
Now, no outside food is reaching the shantytown, whose residents said they are surviving on fruit from nearby trees and the dwindling supplies they had salvaged from their flattened homes.
Casseus said she and the others are afraid to venture to town, a mile away, where the quake has fashioned an unending tableau of destruction and despair.
Near the center of Leogane, a woman put her head in her hands, sitting near a bowl she had filled with candy and rum bottles that no one had the money or motivation to buy.
“Thousands of people died here in less than a minute,’’ the woman said, as her sick 7-year-old son, languid and doleful, sat behind her.
The frustration in Leogane has prompted a surge of violence among people who are increasingly hungry and desperate.
“People are starting to fight for food,’’ Casseus said. “They are fighting with knives, and they are starting to kill each other.’’
Savages, right?!
Isn't that the impression we are supposed to be getting?
Still, amid the devastation, signs of hope are emerging....
Another hopeful sign was that help is getting nearer: On Friday, just a few miles west of this shantytown, a company of US Marines set up command on a patch of grass they’ve dubbed Camp Kilo. The 150 Marines have begun patrolling, identifying local leaders, and sharing their assessments with relief agencies....
Yes, the U.S. OCCUPATION brings HOPE, can you believe it?
I'm TIRED of seeing those BAD WORDS in my "newspaper reports."
College instructors would have FLUNKED ME for USING SUCH WORDS so many times in ONE PIECE!
"The American government is broke. They cannot adequately take care of their own people. And I will guarantee Haitians one thing. If Americans "take over", it will for the oil, natural gas and mineral rights which, by rights, should belong to the Haitian people. Those funds could be used to create a true reconstruction, and improve the standard of living for Haitians mightily. But of course, under US control, none of this will happen." -- Wake the Flock Up
Never does, no matter where we go.
And as the country lays neglected and in ruins, the agenda-pushers are now pushing the rebuilding angle?
"Couple’s two-front battle aids Haiti; Pair raise funds, do relief work" by James F. Smith, Globe Staff | February 2, 2010
Jim Ansara, a sturdy, 52-year-old former electrician from Boston who built one of the nation’s largest construction companies from scratch, and his wife, who spent years expanding the horizons of Boston fund-raising, have become powerful forces in Haiti’s recovery and rebuilding.
Tell it to Katrina survivors!
Time to be moving on to something else, 'eh, MSM?
The conventional myth has taken root, right?
"10 found taking Haitian children could face US courts; Baptists knew their act ‘was wrong,’ prime minister says" by Ben Fox, Associated Press | February 2, 2010
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti - The government and aid groups are still struggling to get food, water, shelter and basic health care to hundreds of thousands of survivors....
In a separate development yesterday, many schools in Haiti’s outlying provinces reopened for the first time since the earthquake, though it may take a month or more to open classrooms in the quake-crushed capital.
Yup, Haitians on their way back. Starving and sick, but on their way back.
Many schools were fuller than before because some 300,000 people, including many schoolchildren, fled Port-au-Prince after the Jan. 12 earthquake.
But it could be a month or longer before students in the quake zone resume their studies, said Marie-Laurence Jocelin Lassegue, minister of culture and communications.
Most schools are damaged or destroyed. Many teachers are dead.
But you still gotta feel good about it! School's in!!
"Flow of aid in Haiti slowed by bottlenecks; Scattered violence includes attack on food convoy" by Paisley Dodds, Associated Press | February 3, 2010
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti - A generous world has flooded Haiti with donations, but anger and desperation are mounting as the aid stacks up inside this broken country.
Bottlenecks at key transportation points and scattered violence, including an armed group’s attack on a food convoy, have slowed the distribution of food and medicine from the port, airport, and a warehouse in the Cite-Soleil slum.
US air traffic controllers have lined up 2,550 incoming flights through March 1, but some 25 flights a day aren’t taking their slots. Communication breakdowns between Haitians and their foreign counterparts are also endemic.
“Aid is bottlenecking at the Port-au-Prince airport. It’s not getting into the field,’’ said Mike O’Keefe, who runs Bayan Air Service in Fort Lauderdale.
Foreign aid workers and Haitians are fed up with waiting for help.
And WHO CAN BLAME THEM! I'll bet if it were Israel that suffered this quake there would be no problems.
One Haitian father paid a group of men more than $200 yesterday to retrieve his daughter’s body from his collapsed house, rather than wait for demolition crews.
“No one is in charge,’’ said Dr. Rob Maddox of Start, La., tending to dozens of patients in the capital’s sprawling general hospital. “There’s no top-down leadership. The Swiss don’t want to cooperate with us. And since the Haitian government took control of our supplies, we have to wait for things even though they’re stacked up in the warehouse. The situation is just madness.’’
Donors say the key logistical challenges are dealing with a backlog of supply flights at the airport, repairing and increasing the capacity of the city’s piers, and dealing with clogged overland routes from outlying airports and Dominican Republic. Most roads are just two lanes with many potholes.
If the world cared so much about Haiti before -- as Bill Clinton claims -- then why was it such a s*** hole even before the quake?
Some are also worried that isolated routes are vulnerable to ambush. Haiti is plagued with crime, violence, and gangs....
Mobs have stolen food and looted goods from their neighbors in the camps, prompting many to band together or stay awake at night to prevent raids.
Yeah, HOW LITTLE we are told of Haitians WORKING TOGETHER!
Yeah, if you didn't have bands of violent looters roaming around WHO would need a U.S. occupation force, cui bono?
Small groups of state employees and lawyers held protests across the city yesterday, denouncing President Rene Preval’s leadership.
You HAVE to LOVE the Haitian people!! To PROTEST under such PRIVATION!!
Prime Minister Max Bellerive defended the government’s performance before a quorum of 20 Haitian senators.
“Even the most advanced countries could not respond to this crisis,’’ he said.
Bellerive’s speech drew an angry response from senators.
“The government has not been able to even prove symbolically that it exists,’’ said Senator Endrisse Riche, noting that he heard about yesterday’s meeting from a friend and hadn’t been contacted by anyone in government since the quake.They have every right to be angry!
Also see: U.S. Military No Where to be Found in Port-au-Prince
Why not dump on the poor Haitians some more, huh?
"Court ruling returns $4.6m to Haitian ex-dictator’s kin" by Eliane Engeler, Associated Press | February 4, 2010
GENEVA - In an embarrassment to Switzerland’s government, the country’s top court said yesterday that at least $4.6 million in Swiss bank accounts previously awarded to charities must be returned to the family of Haiti’s former dictator Jean-Claude “Baby Doc’’ Duvalier.
A guy the CIA helped put in and backed -- like all of Haiti's leaders except Aristide.
Had to kick him out twice, did we.
The decision was reached on Jan. 12, just hours before the devastating earthquake that struck Haiti, killing at least 150,000 people. The ruling is unrelated to the disaster, but the amount of money contested could feed more than a million Haitians for two weeks.
Maybe letting them KEEP the $1 MILLION DOLLAR a WEEK INTEREST PAYMENTS might have helped!
"Given all these hardships, the Haiti government is still obligated to use what little money it has to pay off the debt to international financial institutions, much of it accrued by past dictators. This is money that the government would otherwise likely put toward healthcare and education. Even with the crises of food price inflation, hurricane recovery, and this tragedy, the government of Haiti continues to pay nearly $1 million per week....
Hey, you make of it what you will regarding the "help" the globalists want to bring to Haiti.
WHERE WERE THEY BEFORE, other than collecting a cool mil every week from starving people?
But they are HEAR TO HELP NOW! Yeah, sure!!
The court’s decision was published only yesterday, prompting the Swiss government to issue an emergency decree to keep the money frozen in a Swiss bank until a new law can be passed allowing it to be donated to aid groups working in Haiti.
It's called DAMAGE CONTROL with the hope of slipping it under the MSM radar!
“This is a public relations disaster for Switzerland,’’ said Mark Pieth, a Swiss professor with a long résumé in international corruption cases such as the UN oil-for-food scandal....
Yeah, that scandal, where the U.S. overlooked Iraq oil sales to allies like Turkey and U.S. oil company corruption in the effort, but complained about Husein's deviousness.
It's the standard DOUBLE-BLUFF BS we get ALL the TIME over here!
Many Haitians accuse Duvalier and his entourage of robbing millions from public funds before he was ousted in 1986.Yeah, then HIS KID was INSTALLED for another 8 years or so before Aristide came along and won a TRULY DEMOCRATIC ELECTION with 67% of the vote (at least; I think it was 80).
Oh, yeah, MEANWHILE, at the BACK END of this piece:
"Villagers assert they sent their children with Baptists; Americans vowed no adoptions, but better life, they say" by Frank Bajak, Associated Press | February 4, 2010
CALLEBAS, Haiti - Meanwhile, hunger led to anger in Haiti’s capital yesterday as hundreds of protesters marched through the streets, accusing local officials of demanding bribes for donated food.
Aid workers say that food and other supplies are now flowing into the country three weeks after the quake, but that red tape, fear of ambush, transportation bottlenecks, and corruption are keeping it from many people who need it.
Hungry protesters jogged along a broad avenue in the Port-au-Prince suburb of Petionville waving branches and chanting, “They stole the rice!’’Yeah, awright, we get the picture you are trying to portray of the Haitians and why we need to be there.
Yup, coverage is now on page A4 inside and I expect will slowly fade as the U.S. occupation deepens and Haiti is not really helped at all (deja vu?).
"214-foot ship packed to the gunwales with aid for Haiti; Supplies find way from around N.E." by David Abel, Globe Staff | February 4, 2010
The engines on the 214-foot vessel owned by Sub Sea Research Co. were chuffing last night as the crew prepared to ferry more than 250 pallets of supplies to Haiti. The company, which has spent years in Haiti doing its work searching for shipwrecks, began organizing the relief mission last month from its offices in Portland, Maine.
Within days of making its plans public, the company received 80,000 bottles of water from Poland Spring and Hannaford Supermarkets, a 25-foot medical truck, 33 hospital beds, and thousands of pounds of diapers, baby food, and much more....
Not that the Haitians don't deserve all these supplies because they do; however, where is the effort for GAZA, Palestine?
Or any of the OTHER MAN-MADE DISASTERS (and if you are like me, you heard a HAARP on this one, dammit) that NEED ATTENDING TO with DESTITUTE PEOPLE?
Or an effort for AMERICANS who have suffered JOB LOSSES and FORECLOSURES with NO HELP and NO HEALTH INSURANCE?
Sad to say it, but IF IT IS in the PAPER, then there is AN AGENDA being PUSHED no matter WHAT the ISSUE or ARTICLE!
It is NOT THERE for YOU, ME, or the GREATER GOOD, readers, and never was (sob)!
“People drove down from Northern Maine to bring supplies,’’ said Stephanie Ferrante, one of 11 employees who volunteered to make the trip to Haiti. “People have huge hearts. It’s an amazing thing to watch how giving people can be.’’
They were planning to stop briefly in Boston before setting sail for the weeklong trip.
But their stay at the marina beside Logan Airport was extended for two days, as word of their mission spread and more people came to pile supplies on the docks. They had to make room on their deck for another 125 pallets, more than they ever expected to take.
“It is truly unbelievable the amount of supplies that are being donated,’’ Greg Brooks, general manager of Sub Sea Research, wrote on the company’s website yesterday....
And to think it will never get to where it supposed to go.
Ya' got HOODWINKED over HAITI, AmeriKa!!!!
Gary Esper, the ship’s captain, said the company has made special arrangements to offload supplies in Haiti, where ports were wrecked by the 7.0-magnitude quake on Jan.12. He said the crew plans to anchor off the coast and use the ship’s crane to load supplies on Haitian boats usually used to ferry coal. He said the company is spending about $100,000 on the trip.
“We lost a lot of friends down there,’’ Esper said. “We felt like we had to do something to help.’’
Yeah, okay, thank you. Just sorry it had to take an earthquake to do it, but....