Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Boston Globe's Sunday European Stroll

Working my way from bottom up into new this morning before moving on too some really pressing matters, readers.

Enjoy my Sunday fare (I really did not):

‘Auntie Mame’ turns 55, becomes Italy’s hot book

Okay. E.U. is coming part at the seems, but this is my Sunday treat.

Who reads books anymore, anyway?

France mourns the twilight of the nation’s traditional cheeses

Yeah, well somebody is cutting something all right, and I don't think its wafting across the Atlantic from French gastrointestinal difficulty, 'kay?

Seems to be coming from my

Norway finds mixed results from law on women in boardrooms

Maybe they have a point; however, I'm tired of agenda-pushing divisions on all sorts of characteristics.

When we are all together on things like ending wars and single-payer health care and we don't get from MSM or government, it's forget them and their agenda-pushing garbage.
It's never really FOR YOU or anyone else they claim to be representing. Haven' we all learned that by now?

That is the end result of
AmeriKan newspapers lying -- and CONTINUING to LIE -- to the AmeriKan people on a MASSIVE SCALE.

Teenage matador kills six bulls in day

That's the TOP STORY from Spain buried in a brief, huh?

Quiet a contrast to what I got yesterday (and what has disappeared down that MSM memory hole):

Also see