I'm feeling like I need a drink.
"States consider getting out of the liquor business; Privatization is seen as way to ease deficits" by Rachel La Corte, Associated Press | February 7, 2010
My first thought was WHY are they EVEN IN IT?
SEATTLE - As states scramble to deal with gaping budget deficits, many are looking for any opportunity to increase revenue, and Washington is one of a handful of states weighing whether privatizing liquor sales is the way to get back into the black.
All that tax loot all those years wasted.
Some lawmakers here want to sell the distribution center - bringing the state a one-time boost of about $33 million - and let the private sector step in to sell liquor, which some say will reap long-term cost benefits....
I'd say it is ABOUT TIME!!
“To me this isn’t a core function of government,’’ said Senator Rodney Tom, a Medina Democrat who is a chief budget writer for the Senate. “It’s a retail operation. Private companies can do it as good or better.’’
A part of the potential savings is the loss of about 800 union jobs, which means that the state would save on long-term pension and health costs for those workers.
So WHO is DOUBLE-DIPPING in the state of WASHINGTON and fitting themselves with PHAT PENSIONS, huh?
Tom knows that the union issue is the most controversial aspect of privatization, but he said union jobs are at risk either way. “I would rather cut jobs at the state liquor store than to cut jobs of teachers,’’ he said. “We have a decision to make.’’
I agree with that.