Didn't watch it, didn't see her, didn't watch Fox, not interested.
Related: Slow Saturday Special: Palin's Party
"Palin to seek presidency if it’s right for US, family
Sarah Palin said yesterday that it would be “absurd’’ for her not to consider running for president in 2012....
Yup, Auntie Sarah WANTS YOU (to fight wars for Israel)!

Sarah Palin, shown at a political rally in Texas yesterday, says she won’t rule out a run for the presidency in 2012. At the “tea party’’ coalition’s first national convention in Nashville Saturday, she said America is ripe for another revolution. (Pat Sullivan/Associated Press)
Palin was asked on “Fox News Sunday’’ whether she knows more today about domestic and foreign affairs than she did two years ago. “Well, I would hope so,’’ she said.
You "hope so?"
We can't let her get out of the primary, Repugs.
Palin, who is a paid contributor to Fox News, said her focus has widened since she was governor of Alaska.
Yeah, now she has a TV set in her living room.
Sort of like a reality TV show, huh?
With the promiscuous kids it should be a lot of fun.
Palin says she gets daily briefings by e-mail on domestic and foreign policy issues from advisers in Washington.
Translation: She's talking to unknown insiders (Kissinger) as her candidacy is being groomed.
Update: "America is ready for another revolution"
Not that kind!!!