So if it is not an avalanche, secret banking, or this sicko I get nothing else about Switzerland?
Talk about building a stereotype in the mind of a reader.
"Swiss will wait for US ruling before extraditing Polanski" by Associated Press | February 13, 2010
GENEVA - In a new twist in Roman Polanski’s long legal saga, the Swiss Justice Ministry’s deputy director said it would make “no sense’’ to remove him from house arrest at his Alpine chalet while he seeks to resolve his US case in absentia for having sex in 1977 with a 13-year-old girl....
Yeah, why the Jewish guys are treated with more leniency when it comes to the sex crimes is beyond me. The priest I had never grabbed me when I was a boy.
I'm not downplaying the issue; however, we sure seem to come in for a flogging in the Zionist AmeriKan MSM compared to others.
Rudolf Wyss spoke the same day that Polanski’s latest film, “The Ghost Writer,’’ was to debut at the annual Berlin film festival.
Who gives a crap about the sicko's newest movie?
His films generally suck anyway.
You want to see a good movie these days, go see "Avatar."
The director won’t be on hand for the premiere, or a press conference featuring the thriller’s stars Ewan McGregor and Pierce Brosnan, because he is under house arrest at his chalet in the luxury Swiss resort of Gstaad....
Oh, Obi-Wan!!!!
Bad judgment with the force! You've turned to the dark side!
Make like the Saudis, Swiss, and save us the trouble: