Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Massachusetts Model: Devil Defends Catholic Health Care

Related: "Cerberus... takes its name from the mythical three-headed dog that guards the gates of hell"

And when you combine that with the priests poking the poopers, well, I've lost the faith.

And look who the hell-monster also bought:

"Cerberus slated to purchase DynCorp in $1.5 billion deal" by Dana Hedgpeth, Washington Post | April 13, 2010

WASHINGTON— Cerberus Capital Management, a New York-based private investment firm, is expected to buy DynCorp International of Falls Church, Va., in a deal worth roughly $1.5 billion.

DynCorp, a publicly traded defense contractor, said in a news release yesterday that its board of directors will recommend that stockholders approve the transaction....

Related: Occupation Iraq: Dy-No-Corp!

Cerberus is financing the deal with equity and debt from Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Citigroup Global Markets, Barclays Bank PLC, and Deutsche Bank Securities.

And where do you think they got the money, taxpayers (keep reading)?

“I believe that under this partnership with Cerberus, DynCorp International will be able to build on our extensive heritage and successful performance to continue to achieve our growth objectives,’’ said William Ballhaus, president and chief executive of DynCorp.

Translation: No end to the wars in sight, America.

Good thing the Devil will be taking care of the Catholic war wounded, 'eh?

DynCorp specializes in police training, security, and logistics work overseas, including in Iraq and Afghanistan. It has roughly 30,000 employees worldwide.

Yeah, great.

Last month, Cerberus struck a deal to purchase Boston-based Caritas Christi Health Care for $830 million and turn the nonprofit hospital chain to a for-profit venture.

Related: Catholic Caritas Makes Deal With the Devil

I think most Catholics would see it that way once they know who and what Cerberus is, no?

Ah, who cares, right, Catholics?

Whether its the devil in the dupa or at the hospital of hell, who cares?

You are getting "care," right?


Also see: Bailout Bill to Pay For Corporate Mergers

Well, at least you know where the devil's guard dog got the money.

Yeah, that is what the BAILOUT was FOR, remember?!

Yeah, it's going to help ya, yup!

"Seeking lower-cost care; Caritas hospitals could carve niche under new owner" by Steven Syre and Robert Gavin, Globe Staff | March 30, 2010

The New York private equity firm that last week struck a deal to buy Caritas Christi Health Care could build the chain of six Catholic community hospitals into a competitive lower-cost provider of medical services in Massachusetts, touting it as a profitable national business model in the age of health care reform, analysts say.

Yeah, but it was done for YOU, American, and you are just going to love it when you see what goodies are in the health bill.

Cerberus Capital Management plans to invest $830 million to acquire Caritas Christi and turn the charity into a for-profit venture. The investment, which includes money to reduce debt and invest in renovations and upgrades, would appear to be a steep price for the Caritas business as it exists today.

That's why our health care system sucks now!

But the hospitals could emerge as an attractive lower-cost alternative to Boston’s big teaching hospitals as health care reform moves forward soon in Massachusetts and later across the country. And, as reforms aimed at controlling costs take effect, an increasing number of health insurance policies may well offer patients a choice: Go to a famous teaching hospital and pay more or go elsewhere and spend less. That could drive additional business to the Caritas network and make it more profitable....

Or not if costs keep rising through the roof.

Ralph de la Torre, Caritas’s chief executive. “A vast majority of our hospitals are on the low end of pay, and we made a profit last year. We are going to lower costs in Massachusetts.’’

You were supposed to be a NON-PROFIT, so WTF?!!

And how did he do that?

"He cut jobs, froze salaries, negotiated higher reimbursement rates from insurers, and recruited specialists to perform more complex — and profitable — procedures"


While he found himself a nice way to make a paycheck, huh?

If the ambitious plan works, it could eventually mean a sizable payoff for Cerberus and its investors, said Howard Anderson, senior lecturer at MIT’s Sloan School of Management. With a successful health care business, Cerberus could cash out by taking the company public and selling stock to investors, or by selling the chain to another for-profit health care firm.

Of course, this is ALL ABOUT YOU and YOUR HEALTH, dear readers!!

But don’t expect Cerberus to exit quickly, said Anderson. Caritas would provide the classroom for the buyout firm as it learns the health care business, develops a financial model for hospitals, and builds a reputation that would allow the firm to make other acquisitions. That would take time, Anderson said, and require Cerberus to maintain good relations with employees, communities, and political leaders.

Yeah, but once that is done.... Hey, bid on a hospital, bid on a hospital, I have $25 (billion) here. Bid on the hospital, bid on the hospital.... !

“This is not a one-off. They won’t be trying to wring every ounce of profit out of it,’’ Anderson said. “Caritas becomes the template for elsewhere, and if it works, they can expand it.’’


Sigh. I am SO SICK of AGENDA-PUSHING GARBAGE in the Boston Glob.

Massachusetts has a three-year headstart on the nation in expanding health care coverage and appears to be leading the country again in its attempt to tackle rapidly rising costs. Governor Deval Patrick favors a so-called global payment system in which health care providers are paid fixed amounts of money to care for patients rather fees for individual medical services.

It's called RATIONING, readers, and they told you that was what you would NOT be getting.

Yeah, once more, GOVERNMENT LIED!!!!!!

Caritas, which also includes a physicians network, could become a new cost-conscious option for more patients under such a system. “They seem very interested in working with us on what we’re trying to do,’’ Patrick said of Caritas and de la Torre.

Yeah, NO SURPRISE that the STATE is FRIENDLY with the DEVIL DOG!

As health care reform evolves, analysts say, some patients will still spend what it takes to receive care at prestigious Boston teaching hospitals, such as Massachusetts General Hospital and Brigham and Women’s.

That is the WEALTHY and ELITE, readers, that's not you.

But others will choose the more affordable option, said Andrew Dreyfus, an executive vice president at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Massachusetts.

That's you, sad-sack shitters of the public.

Would you really CHOOSE that if you had a CHOICE?

Also see: A Healthy Insult For the American People

The Massachusetts Model: Municipal Health Mess

Yeah, don't you wish you had THAT KIND of CHOICE that YOU PAY FOR and PROVIDE?

“If you go to a big academic medical center, you might pay $1,000, but if you go to a low-cost hospital you pay $100,’’ said Dreyfus. “These kinds of [global payment] products are going to become more common in the market, so health plans can offer employers something that doesn’t look like a 15 percent [annual premium] increase. Caritas will be able to capitalize on that situation.’’

Not the system we wanted, sorry.

We wanted GOOD NATIONAL HEALTH CARE like in France or Norway, not this dung from the Devil.

For many common procedures, such as childbirth, there’s no evidence that Caritas doesn’t do it as well as Massachusetts General, said Jonathan Gruber, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor who specializes in health care economics. “It’s a good bet for the Cerberus guys,’’ Gruber said. “It’s pretty likely people would be willing to pay less, even if it means restricting their choices.’’


And why did Democrats ARGUE the OPPOSITE?!!!

Don't tell me DemocraPs LIED!!!!!!

For investors like Cerberus, Massachusetts is an ideal place to experiment with a health care model that can profit in more cost-conscious times.

Yup, what a GRAND EXPERIMENT your HEALTH CARE is going to be, America!!

Feeling real safe and secure about what the Democrats gave you, huh?

The exceptionally high cost of health care in Massachusetts would also make any lower-cost operation stand out, analysts say.

“They knew what they were doing when they came to Massachusetts,’’ said Marc Bard, a health care specialist at Navigant Consulting.

I'm $ure they did! That i$ the BU$INE$$ that they are in!

“You have some of the highest-cost producers dominating the market, so there’s a real opportunity to capture that second tier of the market. I think they’re using this as a prototype and essentially saying, if it can work here we can certainly make it work in Cleveland or Chattanooga.’’

Yeah, it is all for you and your health, America.
