In mountains not far from the village of Pirano, Taliban terrorists have camps for child fighters. In this village, Pakistan is trying to give some of the recruits back their childhoods. (Karin Brulliard/Washington Post)
More like kids being wasted in drone missiles strikes!!
Oh, the insulting offenses that pass as news over here in AmeriKa, my dear readers.
"Pakistan school offers fighters a way out; Institution offers look into minds of child soldiers" by Karin Brulliard, Washington Post | April 3, 2010
Again, that is an agenda-pushing promotion piece for the you-know who.
Concealment and cover-ups are their specialty!
PIRANO, Pakistan — In mountains not far from this village, Pakistani authorities say, terrorists are preparing their newest generation of spies, shooters, and suicide bombers.
So how many CIA spooks are in there anyway?
In the village, under razor wire and the watch of soldiers, Pakistan is trying to give some of the recruits back their childhoods.
If I did not know any better I would SCREAM CONCENTRATION CAMP; however, that only happens to the you-know-whose.
At a new school tucked near the fragile peace of the Swat Valley, peach-fuzzed veterans of Taliban camps wear burgundy sweaters to math classes, counseling sessions, and religion lessons, where they hear that Islam favors democracy over suicide. Teachers work in fear of militant attacks and of hardened students — but also in hope of deradicalizing the gangly boys who make up a growing part of Pakistan’s insurgency.
When do we STOP DROPPING the AIR ORDNANCE on them???
Uh, hello?
Analysts say there is an urgent need.
Uh-oh. They JUST LEARNED to WALK, right?
Pakistan is home to the toxic mix of a significant youth population, few job prospects, and a rising Islamist insurgency.
I guess the MSM and WaPo would know all about that.
Military officials say most suicide bombings are now carried out by males younger than 20....
So those 5- and 7-year-olds in the PHOTOGRAPH could, very well could, have a suicide diaper, 'er, vest!!
This is INSANE MADNESS and the WORST in PROPAGANDA, my dear readers. And they CALLED IT "news!"
school director, neuropsychologist Feriha Peracha,
Though child soldiers have toted guns in conflicts worldwide, observers say their indoctrination and reform has been poorly researched.
(Blog editor's shoulder slump with an exasperated sigh)
"The Naval Academy also has been reaching out to students in seventh and eighth grades to emphasize the importance of developing math and science skills to help raise chances of admission."
At least they are defending their homes and lands from vicious assault (if not government-funded and -directed false flags) rather than foreign forces murdering and occupying over a lie.
Organizers of this boarding school — the first of its kind in Pakistan — say it is providing a valuable, if small, window into the backgrounds of Pakistan’s young fighters and the circumstances that vault them into the hands of militants.
But sign right here, Amurkn kid!
All of the students came to the school after being captured by the army, or were brought by their families.
I guess THAT kind of KIDNAPPING is OKAY!!!
Some had been trained by insurgent groups as slaves or thieves, some as bombers.
Can I stop commenting now because as a feeling human being I'm full-up offended by this WaPo pile of..... !
One teen watched children vanish from his camp until a commander directed him, too, to strap on a suicide vest, then relented when he refused. Another named Saddam Hussain — a common name in a region where people admire the former Iraqi leader — was surrendered by his own relatives to the militants, who had controlled Swat until last summer.
Yeah, but they got the spelling wrong!
Now the kid could easily slip on a U.S. jet during holiday time and blow off his own balls!!!
“Three people in our area refused to send their family members, and they were killed,’’ Hussain’s uncle told Peracha during a recent meeting that she allowed a reporter to observe. Insurgents taught his nephew to shoot and “promised him heaven, vehicles, guns, and authority.’’
Hussain a gawky 16-year-old who, like many of the students, was angry and aggressive when the school was launched last fall, cracked his knuckles. “When will we be playing football and cricket?’’ he quietly asked Peracha.
The patterns among the boys have been revealing, Peracha said. Few attended the Islamic schools, or madrassas, often blamed for fueling radicalism in Pakistan.
(Exhaled sigh as blog editor leans forward)
Though all trained in the Swat Valley, they pledged allegiance to different insurgent leaders, indicating the mixing of Pakistan’s many militant groups.
Few had much formal schooling, many are aggressive, and most score poorly on educational aptitude tests.
Sounds like the AMERICAN STUDENTS around here if you really want to know the truth!!
In that regard, Peracha said they seem more like the juvenile delinquents she has counseled in Pakistan and Britain than religious zealots.
Just as long as they are not bullying anyone the way the AmeriKan government bullies people.
“The civil society and the rest of Pakistan, we didn’t really react until it nearly hit Islamabad,’’ Peracha said of the militant movement that last year seized territory located within 60 miles of the capital. “And we still aren’t reacting [in] the education system, which is frozen in time.’’
As long as it isn't indoctrinated and steeped in Zionism like here in AmeriKa you should be all right.
In Swat, where the main Taliban leader rose to prominence through radio sermonizing, children were ill equipped to challenge the notion that Pakistani troops were infidels who deserved death.
Man, the liberal jewsmedia sure hates those conservative radio hosts no matter where they are found.
“They knew extremely little about the world or about Islam,’’ said Mohammed Farooq, a Swat University religious scholar in charge of Islamic education at the school for former militants. “They had just a superficial knowledge that we are Muslims and we have to fight America and their stooges.’’
Well, that's what stereotype he is selling. I have never talked to any so I wouldn't know.
All I have is this rotten MSM to give me my "news."
Related: Taking the AmeriKan MSM to School in Pakistan
Knock 'em down and build 'em again, right?
And who benefit$ from that, huh?