Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Starting in on Russia

Okay, what runs through my head here is initially a good thing. Any cuts in these atrocious weapons is good.

Then my thoughts turn to Israel. Are they going to have to give up their nuclear weapons, because if they don't I don't want to be giving up ours; been blackmailed enough by that usurper of Congress.

All this hullabaloo over Iran when they are not even making a weapon.

And finally, the missile shield will still be erected and Russia have fewer warheads for their only defense -- a wholesale onslaught.

"US, Russia reach pact to cut nuclear arms; Most extensive deal since 1991 Arsenals to be cut by a third" by Mark S. Smith and Robert Burns, Associated Press | March 27, 2010

WASHINGTON — Climaxing months of hard negotiations, President Obama and President Dmitry Medvedev of Russia agreed yesterday to sharp cuts in the nuclear arsenals of both nations in the most comprehensive arms control treaty in two decades.

“We have turned words into action,’’ Obama declared.

The ink is barely dry. No one has done a thing yet.

C'mon, man, can't you be straight with us?

The last guy did enough of this kind of stuff.

Obama said the pact, to be signed April 8 in Prague, was part of his effort to “reset’’ relations with Russia and a step toward “the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons.’’

You know, it is a great thought coming from anybody but the front man for the globalist power structure.

Isn't Prague where the Iraqi intelligence agents met up with the 9/11 terrorists and gave them chemical and biological weapons on unmanned aerovehicles (The Lies and theTruth About the U.S. War on Iraq) that nuked the twin towers while Dick Cheney directed war games that simulated the exact events that occurred on that horrible and hateful day?

The agreement would require both sides to reduce their arsenals of long-range nuclear weapons by about a third, from 2,200 to 1,550 each.

Still seems like a lot.

The pact, replacing and expanding the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty of 1991, which expired in December, was a significant gesture toward improved US-Russian relations that have been badly frayed. The reductions would still leave both sides with immense arsenals — and the ability to easily annihilate each other.

Like I said above..... get rid of 'em.

A Kremlin statement said, “The new treaty stipulates that strategic arms will be based exclusively on the territories of each of the nations.’’

Both sides would have seven years after the treaty’s ratification to carry out the approximately 30 percent reduction in long-range nuclear warheads.

Obama sure talks slowly.

The agreement also calls for cutting by about half the missiles and bombers that carry the weapons to their targets.... Though the agreement must still be ratified by the Senate and both houses of the Russian Parliament before it takes effect, Obama and Medvedev plan to sign it next month in Prague, the city where last April, Obama delivered his signature speech on arms control.

All this photo-op prop for these devils, and I'm tired of it.

Give the tool a glowing pr record and a coincidental poll bounce, watch.

For his administration, a major value of the treaty is in setting the stage for potential further successes.

Yup, it is ALWAYS the AGENDA no matter WHAT!!

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, standing with Defense Secretary Robert Gates alongside Obama, noted that next month’s international meeting of leaders on nuclear proliferation being hosted by the president in Washington, would focus on preventing the spread of nuclear weapons to terrorists and rogue states.

What a pair that is, huh?

And they never did find that missing nuke, did they, Bob?

Well, if an American city goes poof you know where to look.

“We come with more credibility, Russia comes with more credibility, having negotiated this treaty,’’ she said.

Ah, pr slop from her? You almost choke on the fact that Condoleezza Rice comported herself with more grace than Mrs. Clinton ever will.

Ratification in the Senate will require 67 votes, two-thirds of the Senate, meaning Obama will need support from Republicans. Some GOP senators had previously expressed concerns about concessions being made by US negotiators.

Oh, after tucking the health care bill up their butts he wants to turn around and get their help?

Clinton, asked whether approval could be achieved given the recent fierce partisan battles and close votes over health care, said it could.

“National security has always produced large bipartisan majorities, and I see no reason why this should be any different,’’ she said. “I believe that a vast majority of the Senate, at the end of the day, will see that this is in America’s interest. And it goes way beyond politics.’’

I'm not so sure. Of course, it would only take a couple to erase them if they ever blew up a bomb in this nation.


Israeli False Flag Terrorists: Enemies of Britain and America



Speaking in the White House briefing room, Obama said the treaty by the globe’s two largest nuclear powers would “send a clear signal that we intend to lead’’ the rest of the world in reducing the nuclear threat.

Again, I would ask about that certain country in a certain place.

Clinton noted that the United States and Russia still possess more than 90 percent of the world’s nuclear weapons. “We do not need such large arsenals to protect our nation,’’ she said.

Somebody said something about that once.

She emphasized the verification mechanism in the treaty, a key demand of the United States that was resisted by Russia and was one of the sticking points that delayed completion of the deal. It will “reduce the chance for misunderstandings and miscalculations,’’ she told reporters.

So why would they do it?

What pay-off did we promise them?


Also see:
European Vacation: To Russia With Love

European Vacation: Clinton Given Cold Shoulder in Russia

U.S. Seeks New Nukes

Obama Goes Nuclear

The agenda-pushers weigh in

"A START, but not a finish

Though welcome, the new treaty doesn’t go far enough. The 1,550 nuclear warheads left in each country’s arsenal are more than sufficient to annihilate both populations several times over.

Again, I agree. Time to start spending that money on life.

The true value of the START renewal is that it lends momentum to an international campaign to reduce the risk that nuclear weapons will fall into the wrong hands....

Yeah, yeah, we know who you mean, sigh.


The purpose of the April summit will be to deter, detect, and disrupt nuclear terrorism.


Nothing could be more germane to US security. If the accord on US-Russian nuclear arms reductions leads to greater cooperation on loose nukes, and then to a strengthening of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty at a conference in May, the new START will be remembered as a great start.

Iran signed that.

We should be getting rid of all of our weapons (as the treaty says) and be HELPING IRAN with its power plant NOT HURTING THEM!
