Whatever it is it is not the war spending that is murdering the women behind those veils.
"Judge bars woman from wearing veil in court; Muslim is witness in Australia case" by Associated Press | August 20, 2010

Some Muslim women wear a burqa as a sign of modesty. (K.M. Chaudary/Associated Press)
The bane of all your ills right there.
PERTH, Australia — An Australian Muslim woman who sought permission to keep her face and head covered while she gives evidence at an upcoming trial was told by a judge yesterday that she would have to remove her veil.
But lying CIA torturers can testify behind walls.
The case is the first time in Australia that a court has had to consider whether a witness should be allowed to keep her face hidden behind the type of veils some Muslim women wear as a mark of modesty. The case has drawn considerable interest nationally, drawing comparisons to France and Belgium, where efforts have been made to ban the wearing of Islamic face veils.
Yeah, that is what is behind all your troubles.
Related: Europe Under an Iron Veil
Spain Slips Out From Behind the Curtain
Syria Slips Under the Iron Veil
Dutch Draw Down Iron Veil on Islam
How long until one is dropped over you, America?
Also see: Going under cover: the Jewish women who are taking the veil
Not as much of an issue in the Zionist-controlled, Muslim-hating, war-promoting AmeriKan MSM is it?
Western Australia state District Court Judge Shauna Deane ruled yesterday that it would be inappropriate for the woman, identified in court only as Tasneem, to be completely veiled while giving evidence because the jury should not be impeded in its ability to assess her demeanor.
I don't know; some liars are as cool as cucumbers while some truth-tellers are just nervous.
She is a prosecution witness in a case against the director of a company that ran a Muslim women’s college in Perth. The director, Anwar Sayed, is accused of inflating the number of students at the school in 2006 and 2007 to claim hundreds of thousands of dollars in state and federal grants.
At least he was not stealing from God.
Tasneem’s lawyers had sought a ruling on whether she could wear the niqab — garb that covers the face and head, and leaves only the eyes exposed. It has been referred to in the case in Australia as a burqa, the all-encompassing garment that many women in Afghanistan and Pakistan wear in public. The lawyers argued that the woman’s discomfort without the garment could affect her testimony.
Hey, WHO CARES how she FEELS, huh?
Deane said that Tasneem had a “right to religious expression’’ and noted that removing the niqab would put her in “an unusual position of vulnerability,’’ but she was denying the request to be fair to everyone involved in the trial.
She said Tasneem’s decision to wear the niqab was for “reasons of modesty’’ and a “personal preference’’ in her interpretation of Islam, rather than a requirement of her religion.
No, no, no, my agenda-pushing, Muslim-hating newspaper says you are being oppressed so we must wage war on your mode of dress to liberate you.
But Deane said defense and prosecution lawyers should discuss how Tasneem could give evidence while minimizing her discomfort, possibly by using a video link-up.
The woman is an Islamic studies teacher. She is 36, has lived in Australia for seven years, and has gone veiled outside the home since she was 17.
Prosecutor Mark Ritter told the court Tasneem generally only reveals her face to her family, though the court was told she also unveils her face when she visits the doctor, for customs inspections, and when she has her driver’s license photograph taken.
So she is just being difficult, huh?
You damn Muslims are ruining our world!
“This is my personal choice and rather than oppressing me, it liberates me,’’ Tasneem said in a statement after yesterday’s ruling.
Yeah, it keeps sex-crazed perverts from ogling them.
“I regret that this case has ignited the debate as to whether the burqa should be banned in Australia,’’ she said in the statement. “This would be a step backward for Australia and would only further widen the division between Muslim and non-Muslim Australians.’’
Thanks, MSM.
Deane stressed that her decision applied only to this case and wasn’t setting a precedent for other courts.
The case has drawn national interest in Australia, where many Muslim women wear head scarves, but full face coverings are rare.
Another mountain out of a molehill.
Earlier this month, opposition leader Tony Abbott — who hopes to become prime minister at national elections tomorrow — said he found the all-covering garments such as burqas “confronting’’ and wished fewer Australians wore them.
Oh, so NOW the Muslim women are being KICKED AROUND like a POLITICAL football!
The first jury in the trial in which Tasneem will testify was discharged earlier this month after the trial time ballooned from the original estimate of 10 days to five weeks.
Okay, about that vote:
"Australia heads to polls amid discord" by Meraiah Foley, International Herald Tribune | August 20, 2010
SYDNEY — In Australia, a healthy economy is not enough to keep voters happy.
The governing Labor Party, led by the country’s first female prime minister, Julia Gillard, is facing one of the tightest election races in recent memory against a conservative opposition that has capitalized on rising anger over immigration, spending, and party politics.
Related: Australia's New Ma'am
As we see here in AmeriKa, elections really don't matter in Australia.
Just before the national election tomorrow, Gillard holds a tenuous three-point lead over her rival, Tony Abbott, leader of the center-right Liberal Party, according to polls. Some analysts have raised the prospect of a hung Parliament, an event not seen in Australia since 1940.
Dissatisfaction runs deep, though Australia, which has not had a recession in nearly 20 years, is one of the few industrialized countries to emerge unscathed from the global downturn.
Israel was the other.
Its economy has been riding the wave of China’s insatiable demand for raw materials. Gross domestic product grew by 2.7 percent last year, and unemployment was an enviable 5.3 percent in July.
Also see: Around Asia: In a Land Down Under
Still, support for Labor has declined sharply because of a number of policy bungles and back flips. It has been a stunning reversal from the adoration once heaped on Kevin Rudd, the prime minister who found himself ousted in June by his Labor colleagues in a bid to arrest the party’s declining approval ratings.
Yeah, Israel took him out because he was upset about the stolen passports used to cover Mossad assassins.
Is there ANY Western government that Israel does NOT control?
Many traditional Labor voters are irritated by the government’s decision to shelve its cap-and-trade energy plan until 2013.
Pfffft! After the public demanded it!
See: Australians shiver through coldest winter morning in 30 years
Yeah, I'm sure the Aussie voters are all hot and bothered about global warming.
The government’s multibillion dollar stimulus package — which some economists credit with keeping the country out of recession — has also been a sore spot; it has been beset by claims of corruption and mismanagement.
Yes, THAT is more likely the reason for the drop, not the fart-mister's fraud!