Maybe an environment or animal one in the past.
"Aussie frog species thought extinct resurfaces" by Associated Press | March 5, 2010

Yellow-spotted bell frogs were rediscovered on rural Australian farmland in New South Wales. (David Hunter via Associated Press)
SYDNEY - The rediscovery of the yellow-spotted bell frog is a reminder of the need to protect natural habitats so “future generations can enjoy the noise and color of our native animals,’’ said Frank Sartor, minister for environment and climate change.
Please stop the deceptions, you fart-misting frauds.
Maybe they were hiding from you, ever think of that, stinkers?
Well, this issue above all others illustrates the why of your absolute demise.
A fisheries conservation officer stumbled across one of the frogs in October 2008....
And we are just being told now?
(One wonders if the frogs croaked "Shit, they found us.")
Dave Hunter, threatened species officer with the Department of Climate Change and Water, said: “To have found this species that hasn’t been seen for 30 years and that professional researchers thought was extinct is great. It gives us a lot of hope that a lot of other species that we thought were extinct aren’t actually extinct - we just haven’t found them.’’
Like I said, they are hiding from you. We all see you guys coming and start heading in the other direction, ribbit.
The find was not made public until now to allow time to establish conservation measures.
Oh, I see. Global governance types drawing up the land preserves and other off-limits areas (except for them) after all us useless eaters are dispatched and disposed.
Speaking of which:
Ready for a World War?
"Chinese influence worries Australia; Nation looks askance at flood of investment" by John Pomfret, Washington Post | March 7, 2010
NEWMAN, Australia - The biggest open-pit iron ore mine in the world - an entire mountain crushed, sold, and shipped to China.
Yeah, that is bound to piss some people off.
The Zionist/Globalists did not design the system for China; they were supposed to be stereotyped dupes because these psycho-nut case string-pullers actually believe their own propaganda.
The Chinese are smart people who have been around for centuries. They have had plenty of experiences with dip shit empires and colonialists. They may keep quiet, but they are far from ignorant.
Oh, good businessmen, too, did I mention that?
Trucks with tires twice the height of a grown man cart thousands of tons of raw ore to a processing plant, where it is separated and poured into the longest and heaviest train in the world - 336 freight cars pulled by six locomotives. It chugs 300 miles to Port Hedland, where it is loaded onto ships bound for the unquenchable steel mills of the People’s Republic.
Ton by ton, China is buying Australia. One of the world’s most staggeringly huge transfers of natural resources has both enriched and alarmed Australia, prompted a determined response from Washington, and illustrated both China’s savvy and ungainliness as it aggressively expands its influence around the world.
Note the agenda-pushing bias. When the U.S. invades and shatters nations with mass-murdering war crimes, it's cool. But when the Chinese cut trade deals, that's aggression.
A surging China has become Australia’s number one trading partner.
As opposed to our military slaughter surges.
It has pumped $40 billion worth of investments into the Australian economy in the past 18 months alone. China’s 70,000 students help bankroll Australia’s education system, and a half-million Chinese tourists a year keep Aussies employed as lifeguards, blackjack dealers, and real estate brokers.
You would think the Aussies would be grateful (see your future, Amurka?).
Chinese trade and investment have insulated Australia from the global financial crisis more than any other developed nation -the national unemployment rate is just 5.5 percent. Australia is even speaking Chinese: Prime Minister Kevin Rudd is the first Western leader to speak fluent Mandarin.
“China is remaking the social and political fabric of this country,’’ said Chen Jie, a senior lecturer in international relations at the University of Western Australia who emigrated from China 20 years ago. “China is intruding into society itself.’’
They going to bite that hand?
But opinion polls over the past five years show Australians are increasingly wary of the behemoth to their north. Rudd, while embracing Chinese trade, has moved to balance relations with Beijing by bolstering military and diplomatic ties with Australia’s longtime superpower ally, the United States.
Yes, the GREAT GAME, as it were.
But NO REASON the CHINESE should feel threatened (and a little hurt) like we do, right, Amurkns?
In April, Rudd’s government announced Australia’s biggest military build-up since World War II, and a report by the Ministry of Defense made it clear that China was the reason.
Glad you have to dough to spare making enemies out of friends, Australia -- for our stinking carcass of a collapsing empire.
“As our trade ties with China grew closer, we believed it was necessary to hedge quietly,’’ said Andrew Shearer, who served as national security adviser under Rudd’s predecessor, John Howard.
That's where the world MSM comes in to help conceal.
He said China’s rise was a key factor in the decision - initiated under Howard but continued under Rudd - to pull even closer to the United States.
Australian ambivalence has largely befuddled the Chinese.
Me, too.
“When Mr. Rudd was elected, there was an expectation that a more intimate relationship between the countries would result, because he knows China so well and speaks Chinese,’’ Zhu Feng, a Chinese analyst, told an Australian newspaper. “But it has remained just at the commercial level.’’
For their part, Chinese investors are bullish on Australia and say they are learning to work the system.
Lai Cunliang is the Chairman Mao-quoting chief of operations for a Chinese coal company that acquired an Australian competitor for $3 billion. “We’ve got capital, we’ve got talent, and now,’’ he said, “we’re coming out. We are driving change.’’
Not good news to globalist ears.
A steel company from China’s Hunan province sank $580 million into Fortescue Metals Group last year, turning the company’s chairman, Andrew “Twiggy’’ Forrest, into Australia’s richest man. Chinese firms also snapped up a uranium mine, gold and coal mines, offshore natural gas fields, real estate, and wineries. An Australian mining company recently announced a $60 billion deal to ship 30 tons of coal a year from a proposed mine in Queensland.
“The numbers are so big it’s deceptive,’’ said Sam Walsh, who runs iron ore operations for
Sort of an arrogant statement as the earth is hollowed out, huh?
And the Australian government trying to ruin it?
All I needed to know about him.
You think you elect change and.... pfffft!
And somehow I don't think the Globe will be sending a reporter to cover this:
Gaza Australian Speaking Tour
Hey, that like, REALLY IS NEWS!!!!