Thursday, November 25, 2010

Globe Gives Thanks

Enough to give you an upset stomach.

"On Thanksgiving, blessings amid the broader tumult" by

It may be hard to remember that there are some reasons to give thanks, starting with the fact that aggressive counterterrorism measures have thwarted a large number of plots aimed at inflicting harm on the United States and other countries; with all the gratitude of the season to those working to prevent terrorism, their good work can and must continue.

Yeah, be thankful that the CIA and Mossad haven't carried out another false flag attack against you while you are being sexually abused at the airport!  

Be thankful that the patsy plots and FBI frame-ups never succeeded -- and I am.  

The past year also saw a major benchmark in the Iraq war, the removal of US combat troops. Though the war won’t completely end until non-combat troops leave, and Iraq’s own factions are able to live peaceably among each other, the withdrawal of combat troops was a significant step.

Which they were doing before we got there.  

From semantics to the surreal:

Most notable was the fact that it passed with little discord among the many Americans of differing viewpoints who, just a few years earlier, were flinging accusations at each other. A war that threatened to tear at the social fabric of the United States, like Vietnam did in a different generation, now appears to be passing with thankfully less damage to national purpose and unity. 

Yeah, NOW WE OPPOSE ALL the WARS and ATTEMPTS to START NEW ONES -- and for that I am thankful!  

Yeah, THANKS for the LIES that led to MASS-MURDERING WAR CRIMES, Globe!

And thanks for the insult:

In Massachusetts, at least, signs of a more durable recovery are visible. 

If you believe the Glob and it's business page bulls***.

The state unemployment rate dropped by a full point over the past year, to a still-high 8.1 percent. But there is a sense of optimism that’s less evident elsewhere. In a gubernatorial election conducted at a high level, voters chose to stay the course, in a belief that high hopes for the future will, in the end, prevail.

It’s a sentiment worth rooting for, and remembering, at this special time of year.  


Thanks for nothing, Globe.


Full up of the Globe today. 

Time to undue the belt bucket and head for the al Qaeda.