Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Seeing Through the Boston Globe Haze

Page OneDespite law, many still unsure when to sound hazing alarm

I can't see my way clear to keep reading that stuff, sorry. 

What alarm do you sound when a mouthpiece media tells lies to promote wars?


"A global chorus of kvetchers 

I love the self-internalized word choice of a world view, don't you?

THE FEDERAL Reserve’s attempt to stimulate economic growth by purchasing $600 billion worth of long-term Treasury bonds over the coming eight months may not produce the hoped-for spurt in lending and investment. Cash-rich banks and other corporations seem worried more about anemic demand than the cost of money.  

That is where the bailouts went: right into corporate coffers and banker pockets.

But whatever the domestic effects of Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke’s use of monetary policy to ward off deflation, the vehement criticism of the move from other countries is way off base.

China, Germany, and Brazil have led the complainers’ chorus. Tellingly, all three enjoy significant and growing trade surpluses. During the run-up to the G-20 summit in South Korea, they accused the Fed of a stealthy form of currency manipulation.  

It is. Running those printing presses day and night depresses the value of the dollar -- and the Globe knows it!

In the case of China, the pot is calling the kettle black.  

It takes chutzpah for a hypocritical AmeriKan media to throw that rock from their glass porch.

 China’s propping up of the yuan in currency markets has been flagrant....    

Yeah, right, it's all China's fault. China made U.S. corporations and manufacturers move there -- and gave them tax incentives to do it.



Well, we know for whom the Boston Globe is speaking -- the same people for whom your government is working, Americans, and those at the bottom of the debt-inducing and -producing wars.