Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Ideal Sunday Globe

It's one I do not read too much. 

The case for total failure; Why flops are good for the movies

So you can dump all over them, Globe? 

And talking about total failures....

Obama = Bush?

Yup, both of 'em.   

Okay, back to the newspaper:

I hate to tell you; Phrases that announces ‘I’m lying‘ 

In the newspaper it is words like but, still, yet, etc.... 

"The decision to keep the players from a game they worked all season to attain sent the right message about how young people should treat each other. Ideally, the Needham debate will raise awareness about bullying. New research shows that today’s young people lack empathy. Talking about the impact of words and actions is one way to encourage it.  

Doesn't seem to work on Israel -- or their lying, agenda-pushing, war-promoting mouthpieces of propaganda we call a paper.


Also seeSlow Saturday Special: Soccer Score

Did the girls torture or kill anyone after telling lies?

The view from Alaska; In her new reality show, it’s obvious Sarah Palin can work the media

Oh, that bimbo is working them, huh?