Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Bitten By the Boston Globe

I should really stop scratching. 

"Scientists fighting dengue fever with mutant mosquitoes; But critics fear potential impact on environment" by Maria Cheng, Associated Press / November 12, 2010

LONDON — Scientists have released genetically modified mosquitoes in an experiment to fight dengue fever in the Cayman Islands, British specialists said yesterday.

It is the first time genetically altered mosquitoes have been set loose in the wild, after years of laboratory experiments and hypothetical calculations. But while scientists believe the trial could lead to a breakthrough in stopping the disease, critics argue that the mutant mosquitoes might wreak havoc on the environment....  

It could be an environmental nightmare....

Yeya Toure, who leads the World Health Organization’s team on Innovative Vector Control Interventions, called the Cayman Islands trial promising and said it’s worth continuing the genetic-modification experiments....  

All the more reason to shut it down.


RelatedDogged by doubts in bedbug-detection business

Pet project

I don't like to play favorites.  

"It was gross when the toilets weren't working. What can you do? There were a lot of people getting smashed off warm beer" 

Yeah, that is how I feel after flipping through a Globe.