Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sunday Globe Special: Turkish Treats

Hey, it's the holiday season!

"Turkish opposition rejects plan to loosen head-scarf ban; Change would affect university students only" by Suzan Fraser, Associated Press / October 21, 2010

ANKARA, Turkey — A divisive issue in a country with secular laws and a Muslim population....  


The conflict over the scarves reflects a struggle over Turkey’s direction on the politically explosive issue of the head scarf.



When I read stuff like that I pretty much come to tears.

Yeah, those women with the funny clothes(?) are responsible for all the world's ills. 

Never you mind the looting banksters or war-mongering profiteers that prowl the halls and pay off the parasitic politicians that do their bidding. 

And don't you worry! 

The AmeriKan government is flattening houses in those "terrorist" villages way up in the mountains of Pakistan and Afghanistan and taking out that Iron Veil threat that is responsible for all your woes, citizen of the western world!

"Suicide bomber injures 32 in Istanbul" by Associated Press / November 1, 2010

ISTANBUL —The attack in Taksim Square, which was followed by police gunfire and sent hundreds of panicked people racing for cover, coincided with the possible end of a unilateral cease-fire by Kurdish rebels, but there was no immediate claim of responsibility.  

Yeah, I can't even imagine who would want to harm Turkey, can you?

Turkey, a NATO ally that has deployed troops in a noncombat role in Afghanistan, is also home to cells of radical leftists and Islamic militants.  

Anybody but you-know-who there. 

Yup, that's part of the deceitful agenda: POINT THAT WAY and AWAY from the TRUE CULPRITS!

The attack occurred as Istanbul was preparing to hold Republic Day parades to mark the 1923 founding of Turkey.  

Yeah, Kurds spoiled the party!

The celebrations were originally planned for Friday, but were delayed due to heavy rain.

It would be snow now.


Also see: House vote on genocide resolution could create rift with Turkey

The lame-duck Democrats remind me of a drunk who is out of it about 4 a.m. at the Christmas Party.