Saturday, January 15, 2011

Slow Saturday Special: 9/11 Claims Another Life

All part of the cover-up:

"Roy Chelsen, 51; saved the lives of New York City firefighters on Sept. 11" by Al Baker, New York Times / January 15, 2011

NEW YORK — “All of a sudden, we heard this huge explosion, and that’s when the tower started coming down.’’

It is a story that was not well known while he was alive....   

Because he was threatened with loss of job and pension (as were all the NYC firefighters if they ever talked about what they heard and saw that day).

Mr. Chelsen died in his living room on Sunday evening, at 5:45, and “the date was 1/9/11 — which is just like Roy to do something like that.’’  

As if he planned it that way!

Mr. Chelsen, 51, first got sick about five years ago. He died after a five-year battle with multiple myeloma, a cancer that the New York Fire Department, his relatives, and others consider linked to his service on 9/11 and his work in the ensuing weeks searching the rubble for lost colleagues....


Related: Why did the EPA lie to New Yorkers and Ground Zero Workers after 9/11?

And if the government lied to the heroes of 9/11 what makes you think they are telling you the truth, American?