Saturday, January 8, 2011

Slow Saturday Special: Globe Front Page Will Make You Cry

Tearing up a taboo

Rich beyond counting with compassion for the poor

"Democrats mount health plan defense; Sebelius visits Boston, lashing GOP critics" by Mark Arsenault and Robert Weisman, Globe Staff / January 8, 2010

The effort is expected to die in the Democrat-controlled Senate or be vetoed by President Obama if it passes both chambers....  

Then why so much ink?

Democrats are increasingly under pressure to demonstrate that the legislation will fulfill Obama’s promises to bring down health care costs while insuring many more Americans.

Polls taken after the passage of the health reform law showed it has been generally unpopular. Forty-six percent wanted the law reversed, according to a Gallup survey this week, while 40 percent opposed repeal....

Several states have sued to halt implementation, contending the mandate that most people buy insurance by 2014 is unconstitutional.

Democrats said they are open to revisiting the law to improve it, such as dealing with the increasing cost to expand Medicaid coverage, according to Senator Joe Lieberman of Connecticut, an independent who is part of the Democratic caucus.

The individual mandate to obtain insurance, however, must stay in the law, he said in an interview. “You can’t just take that out and expect the rest of the system to hold.’’  

Yup, gotta pay that health tax.
