Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Change in My Morning Routine

I won't be going out this morning as I usually do because I've already previewed the Globe and the hunk of s*** simply isn't worth it.  Maybe you think it is:

Page one

Witness testifies of payments to DiMasi
Salvatore F. DiMasi’s past law associate testified yesterday that he gave the former House speaker thousands of dollars he had received from the software company Cognos, establishing for the first time a direct financial connection between DiMasi and the Burlington-based firm he allegedly helped to win state contracts. (By Milton J. Valencia, Globe Staff)

Centuries of interruption and a history rejoined
Come May 26, the bond between Tiffany Smalley and her ancestors will come full circle. She will become the first Wampanoag to graduate from Harvard College since Caleb received his degree in 1665. (By Brian McGrory, Globe Columnist)

Romney to offer health proposal
Mitt Romney, whose emerging candidacy for president has been clouded by GOP doubts over his health care plan in Massachusetts, is planning a bit of political jujitsu tomorrow: taking the biggest perceived negative of his campaign and attempting to turn it into a positive. (By Matt Viser, Globe Staff)

Prison staff may be tied to threats
State Police and Hampden County authorities are investigating whether state prison employees made anonymous phone calls, threatening to kill an escaped inmate being held at a Springfield hospital, possibly as part of a scheme to generate more overtime opportunities, officials said yesterday. (By Maria Cramer and David Abel, Globe Staff)

Poll finds support for soda tax
Sixty-nine percent of Massachusetts voters would support a soda tax, if the money raised were used to support local schools or programs to reduce obesity in children, according to a new poll. (By Chelsea Conaboy, Globe Staff) 

That one caused a belch of incredulity. Good thing I take agenda-pushing Globe polls with a grain of salt these days.



Related: Wasting Time With Congress 

One reason among many I'm not interested in U.S. politics right now; Obama's attempted diversion above is another.


I might take a look at a few of those, but who knows?  When I don't buy a paper I'm less likely to visit the website and lift stories for link and post. 

Editorial and opinion

That's right about where I totally lose interest.  

What never seems to make the cut anymore:

I'm tired of getting the businesss from the Boston Globe. 

Looks like I will be making my own coffee this morning.