“It’s incredibly difficult to prevent one individual from getting in a car”
How about JAIL?
You can let out the mandatory-minimum potheads to make room.
"Driver with an 11-page record held after ninth OUI" by Peter Schworm and John R. Ellement | Globe Staff, January 08, 2013
BROCKTON — William Doten’s license was revoked for life in 1998, according to the Registry of Motor Vehicles, but he has continued to drive....
Michael Verseckes, a spokesman for the state Transportation Department, said Doten has not had a valid license or active registration since 1994, making it impossible to implement restrictions such as an ignition interlock device.
Then I guess you gotta.... give it back to him?
He has had his license revoked for life several times, but to little effect.
“It’s incredibly difficult to prevent one individual from getting in a car,” he said.