Saturday, January 4, 2014

Star Wars Saturday

I'm sorry, dearly beloved readers, but there will be no Slow Saturday Specials today. I have decided to take a bit of a vacation (as if the paucity of posts and lack of enthusiasm I approach this blog with every day wasn't one, and here it is my big blog day of the week) because I am so tired of reading the slop that passes for news in the flagship paper of the region, and I once again would like to give you four reasons why: 

Six Zionist Companies Own 96% of the World's Media
Declassified: Massive Israeli manipulation of US media exposed 
Operation Mockingbird

Why Am I No Longer Reading the Newspaper?

I know I continuously put those up in one form or fashion, but I think it is important for you and me to constantly be reminded of the prism and narrative through which we are seeing the world. 

There is no better reminder than this: 

"Republican senators showing up in Jerusalem to argue Israel’s side" 

Why not, huh? Now you know who the Republican senators are really $erving.

Thus it is that not one front-page story interested me other than a link or something after the turn-in. I might get to posting about those things someday; then again, I might not. Sorry. 

I suppose you can call be a baby and I suppose I'm lucky to have been born, but can the failures of Obummercare be made any clearer? 

"Babies are new quirk for health care site; For now, it can’t do life changes" by Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar |  Associated Press, January 04, 2014

WASHINGTON — There’s another quirk in the Obama administration’s new health insurance system: It lacks a way for consumers to quickly and easily update their coverage for the birth of a baby and other common life changes.

Another quirk after they took so long to write that pos?

With regular private insurance, parents just notify the health plan.

Right now, the website cannot handle such updates.

While insurers will still cover new babies, the administration says, parents will also have to contact the government at some point later on.

It is a reminder that the new coverage for many uninsured Americans comes with a third party in the mix: the federal government. And the system’s wiring for some vital federal functions is not yet fully connected.

Oh, man, and we were told for the last month it's being fixed and is better!

It is not just having a new baby that could create bureaucratic hassles, but other life changes affecting a consumer’s taxpayer-subsidized premiums.

The list includes marriage and divorce, a death in the family, a new job or a change in income, even moving to a different community. 

Of course, tax statements and papers that need filing, the NSA snooping, and everything else is somehow lost to them, blah, blah, f***ing blah. I'm so sick of lame-ass and shit excuses being so prevalent in my paper!

Such changes affect financial assistance available under the law, so the government has to be brought into the loop.

Oh, yeah, the good government of liars and looters must be brought into the loop! Folks, it becomes more evident every day that this is nothing but a ca$h grab by the government. Now you are NOT GOING TO GHET YOUR SUBSIDIES even as a TAX PENALTY is APPLIED!

At least 2 million people have signed up for private health policies through new government markets under President Obama’s overhaul. Coverage started Wednesday, and so far things appear to be running fairly smoothly, although it may take time for problems to bubble up. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius calls it ‘‘a new day in health care’’ for millions of Americans.

Honestly, readers, I can't read this shit swill anymore, and I hope you can understand why.

Insurers say computerized ‘‘change in circumstance’’ updates to deal with family and life developments were supposed to have been part of the federal system from the start.

But that feature got postponed as the government scrambled to fix technical problems that overwhelmed the health care website during its first couple of months.

This whole thing has been an UNMITIGATED DISASTER for Democraps, and it is no Obama's albatross around their necks for 2014! WOW!

‘‘It’s just another example of ‘We’ll fix that later,’ ” said Bob Laszewski, an industry consultant who said he has gotten complaints from several insurer clients. ‘‘This needed to be done well before January. It’s sort of a fly-by-night approach.’’

A ma$$ive and life-altering program for millions and it's fly-by-night! 

Btw, in$urers wrote the bill and are the important people.

‘‘We are currently working with insurers to find ways to make changing coverage easier while we develop an automated way for consumers to update their coverage directly,’’ responded an administration spokesman, Aaron Albright.

A Dec. 31 circular from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services addressed the problem.

In questions and answers for insurers, the government said that the federal insurance marketplace will not be able to add a child until the system’s automated features become ‘‘available later.’’ It does not provide any clue as to when that might take place.

The federal marketplace serves 36 states through and call centers. The Medicare agency, which runs the government’s other major health programs, is also responsible for expanded coverage under Obama’s law.

The question-and-answer circular says parents with a new baby will be told to contact their insurer directly ‘‘to include the child immediately’’ on their existing policy.

After the federal system is ready to process changes, parents will have to contact the government to formally bring their records up to date. Albright said parents will be able to add a new child to their policy for 30 days."

Why? Why is this all on us???

Of course, Obummer just cares about our health (just don't get your tonsils out) even if women don't measure up. 

As for what is going on in Sudan, everyone can see what that is. First the French are in Mali to fight Al-CIA-Duh, then Central Africa, and now strife in the Sudan? This is recolonization of the continent, folks, under the guise of fighting "terrorism." 

Speaking of Al-CIA-Duh, I see that Syria doesn't make appearance in my agenda-pusher today (nor did Iran?). Those "terrorists" look like they are returning to Iraq now that Assad has beaten them back.

Well, Episode I (which has risen in my estimation since that post) is starting now so I'm going to go. I know I've missed some stories here, there, and everywhere, and there are several sections I've noted but not yet read. Maybe I will return to post them, maybe I will not. Sorry, readers, but blogging about the Boston Globe sucks. 

What I am going to do the rest of the day is do a serious sweep of all the unread, half-read, and quarter-read Globes and do an extensive culling in one of the last phases of the Great Boston Globe Throw-Away. Then I will return tomorrow for many Slow Saturday and Sunday Globe Specials with related articles. Or I might not. 

In any event, May the Force be With You!