Sunday, March 2, 2014

Slow Saturday Special: I'm a Little Rusty With This Post

"Connecticut bill requires study of road treatments" by Susan Haigh |  Associated Press,  March 01, 2014

HARTFORD — Connecticut Transportation Commissioner James Redeker said Friday that he is willing to review whether it makes sense to add rust inhibitors to chemical road treatments used to clear ice and snow on state roads and highways, as his agency faces complaints from motorists, truckers, and local fire officials about corroded vehicles. 

Can you imagine what it's doing to the environment when it melts and runs off?

Redeker said that currently there is no evidence to suggest that rust inhibitors help combat the corrosive effects of road treatments. But the Department of Transportation is open to investigating any possible benefits as well as any potential harmful environmental effects, he said.

‘‘If there’s a product that solves both issues, we’d be happy to use it,’’ the commissioner said.

Redeker’s comments came as members of the General Assembly’s Transportation Committee heard testimony Friday on a bill that would require the department to analyze the corrosive effects of chemical road treatments on vehicles and highway infrastructure, including bridges.

Say again?

In testimony submitted to the committee, the Auto Body Association of Connecticut said it has noticed an increase in rusted-out brake and fuel lines over the past four years, as well as abnormal rust on vehicle frames.

Hey, who cares? You have to pay for the repairs! 

‘‘Premature rusting of fuel lines and brake lines in particular poses a significant safety threat to the motoring public,’’ wrote Anthony Ferraiolo, the association’s president. ‘‘The corrosive effects of chemical road treatments appear to be damaging our vehicles and potentially threatening our safety.’’

Aaaah! We need them roads clear!

Prior to 2006, when the DOT began its de-icing program, the state used salt and sand on accumulated snow.

But the use of those materials resulted in substantial snow pack and the use of large quantities of salt, the department said.

Since 2006, the DOT has been treating the roads before a storm with a sodium chloride brine, which the department said has significantly reduced accidents on major river crossings, helped keep snow and ice from bonding to the pavement, provided plow drivers more time at the onset of a storm, reduced salt use, and ensured there is bare pavement soon after a storm.

Besides the pretreatment, the state uses a mixture of salt and magnesium chloride to prevent snow from bonding to the road. Redeker said Connecticut uses far less of such material than other states. DOT determined that neighboring Massachusetts uses three times the amount of salt that Connecticut uses.

No wonder our infrastructure and and cars are falling apart up here!

Redeker acknowledged, however, that all materials used in highway clearing are corrosive.

‘‘The fact is, our vehicles, as well as others, have seen corrosion,’’ he said. ‘‘But there’s been a real balance between keeping our roads safe and that corrosive material.’’


RelatedStates hunt for right mix of extra road salt ingredients

Obviously, Connecticut doesn't have it.

Ice melt hard to find as another storm arrives

Also see: Boston Globe Stirs Up a $torm

It's the hot $pew that is doing it.