He let a woman take the wheel!
"Maine governor shies away from" by David Sharp | Associated Press September 13, 2014
PORTLAND, Maine — Governor Paul LePage declined Friday to address a forum that was supposed to mark the first time all three candidates for governor spoke at the same event, deciding not to share the stage with two political opponents hoping to unseat him in November.
LePage, a Republican who is seeking reelection, pulled out of the event hosted by the Environmental & Energy Technology Council of Maine. He declined to get out of his state-owned vehicle, and his campaign issued a statement accusing organizers of changing the format.
For a time, independent candidate Eliot Cutler was the only one at a table that had placards for him, LePage, and US Representative Mike Michaud, a Democrat.
The E2 Tech event at the University of Southern Maine was supposed to focus on the candidates’ views on energy, but it was nearly overshadowed by the political kerfuffle that left the audience of several hundred business executives, nonprofit leaders, and educators scratching their heads.
Jeff Marks, the organization’s executive director, said the terms were clearly spelled out to all the candidates.
Didn't that Ray Rice thing happen in a casino?
Whale caught in fishing gear freed in Maine
Two hospitals team up to aid domestic violence victims