I haven't read it yet and am unlikely to, so I don't know what I'm missing. Did a preview before I went out for it today, and it just doesn't look like it's worth the time, never mind the money.
Obviously, the Trump profile is the first thing I noticed. Not really interested in the campaign right now, as I have not a candidate to support.
The ostensible lead story is the tragedy in Auburn regarding the foster care failure, and the third above-the-fold item means the Obamacare solution to gene map us all isn't the cure-all it was made out to be. Better put the word out Stat -- as if the politicians are going to challenge the pharmaceutical indu$try. Not even Liz Warren does that, letting you know the hierarchy of power over there in Congre$$.
So much for the "Affordable" in the Care Act (but it's working, yup, at least in Maine under the hated LePage). Not so in Massachusetts, and Obummer has already cost the state at least $250 million (and counting) in website problems (about which the state lied). At least his HMOs, I mean, ACOs "saved" us $120 million by denying care, and the hospitals and CEOs are making plenty of money (thus the need for a rate increase).
UPDATE: Rising costs, changing payments driving hospital mergers
No mention of the paychecks or profits as con$olidation $weeps the indu$try, $omething that has always proven bad in my history books.
Enough sermonizing, which is something I find when I flip over the still pristine Sunday paper. I don't even attend Mass, so why would I go to the mosque (with the Jewish War Media, of all people).
(Unfold and Flip)
On page A2 I am told there has been a "break" in the Thailand shrine bombing investigation, while just below it ally Egypt has criminalized the pre$$ and a storm sweeps through the Caribbean on its way to Florida (much like the storm in Boston these days). It's worth crashing through the briefs headline before....
(Flip, flip)
The protests in Malaysia have been noted, and I can't help but think we are looking at another destabilization effort, especially since Malaysia has never been one of those quiet countries regarding the EUSraeli empire builders. Thus the plane problems, among other things.
Right below that article is one regarding the girls of Bangladesh (how are those corporate slave shop inspections coming anyway?). The number you would need to make the call is right next to it. Then you can hop the train in the upper right-hand corner to meet them.
The Pope and Nigeria, link saved for upcoming Sunday Globe Special.
Then it is the hypocrite Obama spewing gas about climate change, and how appropriate is the pile underneath it?
Then it is Trump in Tennessee....
Before the 10th anniversary of Katrina (same theme of puke from what little glance I gave as I copied the link) and a cop being killed in Houston close out my front section (never you mind those two citizens somewhere killed by the cops yesterday, one black, one white).
Above the fold of my Metro B Section is a shooting in Boston (what else is new?) while others were having fun (I generally ignore the columnists, sorry) and two articles that will be linked to a forthcoming piece.
(Flip, flip)
I'm not forgetting the brief link to the plovers, and you and your dog (vaccines!) can follow the trail of links as far as you want as the page comes crashing to an end (before the Chinese meal was delivered for the baseball game later).
(Flip, flip)
A 4-year-old boy drowned while a 10-year-old likes sports and crafts. And that is the history of this day, for this post's deaths and the names have been noted.
Honestly, readers, I've run out of Ideas for this blog and am not even sure what is its business anymore.
Maybe you have some opinions regarding the U.S. and China, riding a bike, the refugee crises, Schilling, Liz Warren, the IRS, or the CIA. I've already registered my view on a number of those topics, and you can go along for the ride if you are so willing.
I will be taking the rest of the day off to work on some leftover Sunday Globe Specials while preparing many, many posts for September -- as well as rereading an unread Globe (blog editor turns away with open-mouthed expression and eyes rolling toward ceiling).