Friday, February 27, 2009

Biden's Bid For Energy Inspectors

Knock, knock, knock.

We are from the government and we are here to help.

"Biden reiterates speedy dispersal of stimulus funds

WASHINGTON - Vice President Joe Biden.... said an installment of the stimulus money, $10 billion, was being sent out yesterday through the Department of Housing and Urban Development to help states make homes more energy-efficient and to put money into programs to check for dangerous lead paint in housing....

I'm not against energy-efficiency, but what business is it of the state to come into your home and monitor for energy? They are truly like vampires. Any excuse to get in that door.

Biden.... turning to Earl Devaney, the new chairman of the stimulus plan accountability board, Biden said: "This is the guy to don't mess with," patting the former Interior Department inspector general on the back. Devaney disclosed a sex and drugs scandal in the department during the Bush administration.

Yeah, strange how THAT never really gained any traction with the MSM -- nor is it worthy of follow-up or explanation by the MSM.
