Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Profiles in Patrick's Pusillanimity

Please see and then consider him cutting and whacking our budgets and services to smithereens before he opines about courage.

Governor Guts State Services

Pigs at the State Trough

C'mon, guv, SHOW SOME COURAGE and GET SOME of that TAXPAYER $$$$ BACK (especially from IBM who didn't even want it) and STAND UP to the BANKS!!!!!!

"Patrick concurs with Holder comment

Governor Deval Patrick concurred with comments made by Attorney General Eric Holder at a Black History Month event that the failure to address race in everyday life has made the United States a "nation of cowards." Patrick, speaking on CNN yesterday, said that although the country has made remarkable progress in race relations over the past 50 years, there is still a lot of work to be done to address lingering racial divides.

It's class, not race, guv, and we know which side of the divide you are on, sir.

Patrick - Massachusetts' first black governor - said that while not every judgment people make about each other is based on race, race continues to be a factor in many personal decisions, from where a person lives to which church they attend. He said that was the point he thought Holder was trying to make (AP)."

Please don't speak for me, governor.

: Holder's Hypocrisy

And how come you gotta pick up an AP wire on that, Globe?

I really shouldn't scold anyone else on this site anymore since my own state government is such an embarrassment.

Man, you look it that mirror and aaaaaaahhhh!!!!