Rare, huh, MSM?!!
And mercury-tainted vaccines haven't increased autism, either.
And believe it or not, the article was to be found in the health section, not the news section. The racist AmeriKan papers really don't care about Africans at all, do they?
"Outbreaks in Nigeria set back polio fight; Disease spreads to other nations" by Reuters | April 3, 2009

Polio sufferers used wooden blocks to propel themselves through the dusty streets of Kano, Nigeria. (Sunday Alamba/Associated Press/File)
I say that photograph and it broke me down. I speechless in the face of it. Trillions for wars and banks and.... Oh, God!!!
WASHINGTON - Polio has spread out of Nigeria to reinfect neighboring countries that had eliminated the disease, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported yesterday.
I thought the U.N. was supposed to take care of and treat that. Oh, yeah, I guess they kinda are. More than likely, that august globalist body is behind this, what with its sterilization plans and its tainted population-control vaccines.
The new Nigerian outbreaks set back a bid to wipe out the water-borne disease globally, the CDC said in its weekly report on death and disease. Polio attacks the nervous system and can cause paralysis, breathing problems, and sometimes death....
"During the second half of 2008, (polio) originating from northern Nigeria spread to eight neighboring African countries, including six that had been polio-free since having cases during 2003-2005."
The World Health Organization and several private groups, including Rotary International and the non-profit Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, have been working to eradicate polio through a global vaccination effort.
You know what I'm thinking: Gates' EndGame
It has been successful except in a few areas, mostly those experiencing conflicts, that have provided a hiding place and breeding ground for the virus.
They always have the cover-up excuses at the ready, don't they?
Wild polio - as opposed to a rare infection caused by one of the vaccines - has been wiped out everywhere but in four countries: Afghanistan, India, Nigeria, and Pakistan.
Now I am REALLY STARTING to WONDER about WHERE the polio comes from!
Nigeria reported 801 polio cases in 2008, but the virus has also spread into Angola, Chad, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Niger, and southern Sudan, the CDC said.
Interesting, no?
Haven't heard about the CONGO for the LONGEST TIME, and with Sudan in the U.N.'s cross-hairs lately.... ??????
As for Angola: Pope's Pilgrimmage
And yet the article is a ONE-DAY WONDER because the NEXT DAY the AGENDA-PUSHING NEWS SECTION tells me what is REALLY IMPORTANT about NIGERIA!
O-I-L, people!
ABUJA, Nigeria - The head of a new Nigerian ministry charged with calming the restive petroleum region of Africa's biggest crude oil producer said yesterday that the global economic meltdown may paradoxically be contributing to peace efforts.
Even as the oil region's main militant group rejected the government's offer of amnesty to fighters who lay down arms, Ufot Ekaette, the newly installed minister for Niger Delta affairs, said in an interview that the global slump in demand for crude oil had changed the dynamic on the ground....
Ekaette, 70, also said the global crisis that has driven down overseas demand for Nigeria's crude oil - the country's economic mainstay and main export product - had also given new incentive to wean Nigeria off its dependence on oil exports....
Ekaette said the new economic climate and falling oil prices he calls "double jeopardy," might finally force the country to diversify its economy, particularly in the lush southern oil region that could accommodate massive industrial farms. And that would mean jobs for young men who too frequently take up arms instead....
The minister plans to improve government spending on development projects, including a major thoroughfare through the swampy region, which will show the region's disaffected youth that their famously corrupt government will finally work for them....
I wonder when AmeriKa's is finally going to work for hers.
After the revolution?
Also see: When Was the Last Time You Heard About.... Nigeria?