This finally and incontrovertibly proved it to me:
Porn star to visit Brandeis
Pennsylvania mother drugged girl, 13, to have her impregnated, police say
I got a solution for all the perverts, war-criminals, liars, and thieves:
Related: Jews in the American porn industry
Boston's Best College
I totally understand now; I hope you do.
Doesn't it explain so much of their "news" coverage and "news" selections, omissions, and agenda that are polluting this page and of which I rage about?
No raging today.
Like pornography (yeah, I saw a bit of the disgusting stuff in my day -- before computer porn which I never, ever, ever visit, puke) the MSM newspapers have this strange effect of keeping you watching the same crap while always having so much more available.
After a while, it ALL LOOKS the SAME and you GET TIRED OF IT and DON'T WATCH ANYMORE!!!!!!
I think I reached that point today, although I have said that many times (about the papers, not porn; I'm kind of a prude for someone not wanting to regulate vice).
Maybe the time for purchasing has stopped; however, this blog will then receive less attention and I will devote that amount of time to other pursuits -- neglected blogs and other things that bring joy (of which I am still basking, for my play has been strong for over a week now with the nagging injuries abating somewhat, knock wood)!