Yeah, folks, I'm tired of the JEWISH CENSORSHIP!
"Octuplet mom won't reveal ID of children's father
LA HABRA, Calif. --The Southern California woman who gave birth to octuplets apologized in a video posted Saturday to the father of all 14 of her children and promised that she would never reveal his identity.
"I'm sorry for all this mess, and I hope he isn't scared it'll come out because it won't," Nadya Suleman said in the video. "As far as I'm concerned, I'll never disclose who he is."
"Birth certificates reviewed by the Associated Press identify a David Solomon as the father"
Solomon. That's a JEWISH name, isn't it? How come at the BOTTOM of EVERY DIVISIVE, IMMORAL, AGENDA-PUSHING ISSUE you find JEWS?!!!
Suleman said the man is a foreign-born California resident in his 30s, but did not disclose his current address. He was a friend who would make a good father, Suleman said....
I'm done with this item. It's grossing me out.
Boston Globe Covers For Drunk Connecticut Judge
Boston Globe Censors Geithner's CFR Appearance