My philosophy?
LET the LOCALS DECIDE when to let in and when to let out!!!!
As long as we get it done, right?
"Late start may make school year tight; Districts urged to change policies" by James Vaznis, Globe Staff | August 20, 2009
.... The districts starting late this year, whether under pressure from unions or parents with late summer vacation plans, have repeatedly rebuffed the state’s requests to break from the long-standing tradition of not beginning school until after the holiday....
Oh, well, FOR SHAME on those FAMILIES that wanted to VACATION TOGETHER at the END of SUMMER instead of sitting in a state-indoctrination ceremony in a classroom!
Five years ago, a late Labor Day preceded a particularly brutal winter that forced many districts to cancel school beyond the scheduled five make-up days....
Look at 'em! They gotta go back five years when they could have chosen last year or the year before? Whatever, Glob.
After the onslaught of snow in the 2004-2005 school year.... proposals tend to face resistance from teachers and parents who like tying a final week of summer vacation to Labor Day weekend.
“Calendars tend to be very traditional in the way people think about them,’’ Scott said. “It’s hard to break people’s thinking on it.’’
I guess tradition is okay and not for breaking only if its Judaism, huh, readers?
Certainly the impression I'm getting from absorbing the Glob's daily agenda-pushing.
Kylie Poirier, 13, has been counting since the beginning of August the number of days until school starts. She said she is looking forward to rejoining her friends and enjoying her final year at Newton’s Brown Middle School.
Despite her enthusiasm, Kylie said she didn’t mind the longer wait for school to begin this year, which will happen in Newton on Sept. 8.
Yeah, I could hear the kids' cheering at the beginning of the piece.
“It gives me more time,’’ she said, “to spend with my family.’’
Heck, I'd cut class for them.